


Amaury Falt-Brown/Getty Images of North America/TNS

Lara Williams: Once our primary forests are gone, they're gone forever

Politics / Op Eds /

At the 2021 United Nations Climate Conference in Glasgow, 145 nations made a pledge to halt and reverse deforestation and land degradation by 2030. Almost three years later, the call for transformative action is ringing hollow.

Globally, 6.37 million hectares of forest were lost in 2023, and targets to reduce deforestation were missed in almost...Read more

Michael M. Santiago/Getty Images North America/TNS

David Mills: Democracy requires understanding how someone can vote for Trump

Politics / Op Eds /

It was a simple social media post, critical of one of Donald Trump's supporters, who justified his support with a bizarre misreading of the man and his motivations. But to be fair to the people on that side, I had to say that with our binary system, I could understand how someone could reasonably believe that he was a better choice than the ...Read more

Jeff Swensen/Getty Images North America/TNS

Leonard Greene: Don't blame Obama for admonishing Black men over not voting for Kamala Harris

Politics / Op Eds /

Instead of being angry at former President Barack Obama for calling out Black men still on the fence about Kamala Harris, we should be embracing anyone so forcefully determined to keep Donald Trump out of the White House again.

After polls suggested that Harris’ support is waning among Black men, Obama, the nation’s first Black president, ...Read more


Commentary: The health of preterm infants is being threatened

Politics / Op Eds /

As neonatologists, we care for the most fragile newborns, some no larger than the size of their parent’s hand. These preterm newborns face many medical challenges. Their lungs and other organs are not fully developed, including their digestive system. Their skin can be paper thin, more vulnerable to injury and less protective against infection...Read more

K.M. Cannon/Las Vegas Review-Journal/TNS

Editorial: Why California tech millionaires keep moving to Nevada

Politics / Op Eds /

James Carville once famously said, “It’s the economy, stupid.” Something similar sums up why many successful California business leaders have abandoned the state for Nevada. It’s the business climate, stupid.

As the Review-Journal’s Patrick Blennerhassett recently reported, successful business executives keep moving to Nevada from ...Read more

Erin Hooley/New York Daily News/TNS

Lisa Jarvis: Zombie abortion pill lawsuit undermines Trump's backpedaling

Politics / Op Eds /

A renewed attack on medication abortion is threatening nationwide access to mifepristone, one of two drugs used to terminate a pregnancy. The new legal filing, from state attorneys general in Idaho, Kansas and Missouri, poses a direct threat to mail-order delivery of the drug. It’s a last-minute reminder of what’s at stake for women’s ...Read more


Commentary: Have presidents become too busy to handle their fundamental duties?

Politics / Op Eds /

It’s amazing, if not incredible, to witness how much we’ve vested U.S. presidents with power to manage the minutiae of the average American’s life. To some degree, it seems, we buy into the expression that this single individual — the one tasked with overseeing parts of a government — “runs the country.”

No wonder it’s so hard, ...Read more

Mandel Ngan/AFP/Getty Images North America/TNS

Commentary: US must complete lead-pipe removal

Politics / Op Eds /

President Joe Biden’s recent announcement of new regulations on lead in drinking water is the final act of an impressive four-year effort to rid the nation of toxic lead pipes. It is perhaps one of the greatest legacies he will leave behind.

Ten years ago, the nation was shocked by the crisis in Flint, Mich., where majority-Black residents ...Read more

Brian Cassella/Chicago Tribune/TNS

Allison Schrager: Populism is bad for economic growth

Politics / Op Eds /

The degrowth movement, which had a moment a few years ago, is over — and not a moment too soon. As nations in Europe and North America face mounting debt and aging populations, politicians are again talking about how to increase economic growth. It is their only hope.

There’s only one problem: No one is advocating policies that will ...Read more

Hulton Archive/Getty Images North America/TNS

Commentary: Trump's critics could learn from Joe Welch, who confronted Joseph McCarthy

Politics / Op Eds /

“Have you no sense of decency, sir, at long last? Have you left no sense of decency?”

That vivid imprecation, one of the most telling in American history, was uttered by a crusty Boston lawyer named Joe Welch to Joseph McCarthy, the inflammatory Republican senator from Wisconsin. Many observers credit the denunciation with ending the ...Read more

Getty Images/Getty Images Europe/TNS

Commentary: Trump says criminal activity is genetic. Nazis showed where such talk can lead

Politics / Op Eds /

In a recent interview, Donald Trump claimed that 13,000 “murderers” have been admitted to the United States through an “open border.” He continued that for murderers, “it’s in their genes. And we’ve got a lot of bad genes in our country right now.”

That criminal activity is rooted in an offender’s genetic makeup is an old, ...Read more

Anna Shalamova/Dreamstime/TNS

Editorial: Time to pass a federal shield law

Politics / Op Eds /

Forty-nine states, including Nevada, have enacted some version of a “shield law,” preventing the government from forcing reporters to reveal their notes or sources. It’s well past time that the folks inside the Beltway followed suit.

Shield law protections give life to the First Amendment. If the government can compel reporters, editors ...Read more

Yong Kim and Tyger Williams/The Philadelphia Inquirer/TNS

Commentary: For voters, what Harris or Trump say may matter less than how they say it

Politics / Op Eds /

Imagine someone needs to convince you of a surprising fact — say, that your partner is cheating on you. Your best friend might be direct: “They’re cheating on you!” They might even exaggerate a little to get you extra worked up: “It’s been going on for ages! They’re parading around all over town!” But a stranger would need to be ...Read more

Joe Cavaretta/Sun Sentinel/TNS

Michael Hiltzik: Inside the abortion case that prompted a federal judge to call Florida officials 'stupid'

Politics / Op Eds /

"To keep it simple for the State of Florida: it's the First Amendment, stupid."

This warning from federal Judge Mark Walker of Tallahassee, Florida, to Gov. Ron DeSantis and his quack state surgeon general, Joseph Ladapo, may not be the most scathing denunciation of a litigant by a judge in judicial history, but it will do for now as a ...Read more

JIM WATSON/AFP/Getty Images North America/TNS

LZ Granderson: Sorry, Trump. Americans know how a 'real man' should act

Politics / Op Eds /

The saddest part about Donald Trump talking about the size of Arnold Palmer's penis during a recent campaign stop is that it's not even the first time the 78-year-old has gone below the belt looking for votes.

Remember back in 2016, Sen. Marco Rubio, R-Fla., mocked Trump by saying "you know what they say about men with small hands … you can't...Read more

Alexander Kazakov/TASS via ZUMA Press/TNS

Commentary: Russia's shadow war against the West is more dangerous than you think

Politics / Op Eds /

In June, an arson attack on a Prague bus was foiled, and a man in a hotel near Paris’ Charles de Gaulle airport accidentally blew himself up with a homemade bomb. Antisemitic graffiti was spread across walls in Paris this summer, and at least two plots to disrupt the Olympic Games were foiled.

In May, a large shopping center in Warsaw, Poland...Read more


Trudy Rubin: Trump wants to undermine America's free and fair elections -- and the world is watching

Politics / Op Eds /

Here's the most depressing aspect of this election: Half the country is ready to vote for a man who opposes the basic principle on which this nation was founded — the right to a free and fair vote.

Donald Trump has not only sold his MAGA followers on the Big Lie that he won the 2020 presidential race, but he has convinced them that the only ...Read more

Mark Wilson/Getty Images North America/TNS

Robin Abcarian: Hello, my name is Robin, and I have presidential election poll derangement syndrome

Politics / Op Eds /

Ah, autumn: the season of pumpkin-spice everything, falling leaves and poll derangement syndrome.

These days, I wake up, log in and immediately look at the "Latest Polls" pages on Real Clear Politics and 538. My anxiety level on any given morning depends on the distance between the blue and red lines. Invariably, they are maddeningly close.

I ...Read more

Carl Juste/Miami Herald/TNS

Steve Bousquet: DeSantis plays dirty on abortion rights

Politics / Op Eds /

We’re all eyewitnesses to history being made — the wrong kind of history.

Gov. Ron DeSantis is engaged in an all-out effort, unprecedented in its scope in Florida history, to defeat two ballot initiatives on abortion and recreational marijuana. What he’s doing is unethical, unconstitutional and possibly illegal.

Voters will vote yes or ...Read more

Tom Gralish/The Philadelphia Inquirer/TNS

Jackie Calmes: Top 10 reasons not to vote for Trump

Politics / Op Eds /

The only challenge here was limiting myself to 10 arguments against Donald Trump (and one good reason to vote for Kamala Harris). So, drum roll, working toward No. 1:

10: As president, he violated his oath to "preserve, protect and defend the Constitution."

Ask Mike Pence, who forfeited his place as Trump's ticket mate to Ohio Sen. JD Vance ...Read more


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