From the Right



The President Is Not a King or Queen: Down-Ballot Races Matter

Americans and the media are preoccupied with the 2024 presidential race. Down-ballot contests are treated like stepchildren. Why? Most voters believe the White House is the giant oak and all other offices tiny acorns in the presidential forest. But they are all wrong! Even Toscanini needed a supporting orchestra to create electrifying music.

...Read more

Race: The Currency of Power

Racism and sexism endure. Think of the "Unite the Right" white supremacist, neo-Nazi rally in Charlottesville, Virginia. But sometimes unexpected voices fan the flames.

As the civil rights movement gathered steam, colorblindness was the end game. Ballots could not identify candidates by race. Employers could not ask for the racial identities ...Read more

Echoes of a Day That Shook Israel's Soul

It has been a full year, one full year, since the tragic events of Oct. 7, 2023, took place in Israel. On that fateful day, over a thousand Israelis, as well as people from countries like the Philippines, United States and Canada, were killed or taken hostage. Since then, a bloody struggle has consumed the region, with Israel firing missile ...Read more

The Cost of a Workforce That Doesn't Want to Work

Like millions of Americans each year, you order a package, food or valuables. Delivery day arrives. You open the door. You discover the product was damaged. Or it was stolen. Or it is missing.

Why are the mishaps growing by leaps and bounds?

Food delivery apps such as DoorDash, Uber Eats and Grubhub, and mail carriers such as the U.S. Postal...Read more

The Media

The role of the media, once hailed as the "Fourth Estate" of democracy, is increasingly suspected of partisanship. Fewer and fewer believe journalism is trustworthy as opposed to a neutral platform for competing truths. Many outlets today are seen as proxies for candidates or political parties, and even cheerlead at political fundraising ...Read more

How Falsehoods About Haitian Immigrants Consumed America

We've seen this xenophobic rodeo before. The blood libel accused Jews of using the blood of Christians in religious rituals, especially in the preparation of Passover bread.

On Aug. 27, approximately one hour and 10 minutes into a City Commission meeting in Springfield, Ohio, local resident Anthony Harris, a self-proclaimed "social media ...Read more

Who Holds the Future of America -- Harris or Trump?

Is Vice President Kamala Harris the future of the Democratic Party? Her ascendancy has been meteoric, fueled by Democrats eager to retain control of the White House. The youthful Harris was the answer to President Joe Biden's old blood. At a glance, she was younger and more spirited. Harris embodied the diversity exalted by Democratic voters. ...Read more

Costly Missteps in Striking the Right Balance on Juvenile Justice

Since the 2022 passage of the Juvenile Justice Reform Act by the members of the Maryland General Assembly, the level of juvenile crime has ballooned in such a fashion that it would make even the most cynical of advocates shake their heads in disbelief.

According to statistics given to us by the Baltimore City State's Attorney's Office, ...Read more

'What Did You Learn in School Today?'

It is an undeniable reality that children are the custodians of our future, destined to shape the world we leave behind. Children indisputably hold the responsibility of safeguarding our future and have the inherent potential to influence the world we will ultimately pass on. It is an obvious fact that our children will become our leaders in the...Read more

All Theater, No Class at National Conventions

The 2024 Democratic National Convention is a theatrical political gathering that spans four days and attracts the highest-ranking elected officials from across the nation. These include President Joe Biden, Vice President and presidential candidate Kamala Harris, as well as just about every major political personality you can think of.

When I ...Read more

Donald Trump Needs a Course Correction

It's been a slog for the Trump campaign the past few weeks. Let's face it: President Joe Biden was former President Donald Trump's clearest path to victory. And the gift that kept on giving has laid its last golden egg. Biden is gone. It's incredible how poor a candidate he was. And it took his exit to fully realize just how bad off the ...Read more

Does Life Begin at Conception? Science Has a Voice

I was convinced beyond a moral doubt: Life begins at conception. But my conviction was more instinctual than cerebral. Then I began to think. I could be wrong. There are simple answers to most complex questions about life, but they are often wrong. Moreover, who crowned me with authority to decide for others when life begins? Complications and...Read more

Joe Biden, an American Hero in His Own Way

President Joe Biden is an American hero in his own way.

To be sure, he is no George Washington, Thomas Jefferson or Abraham Lincoln. But as late Republican Sen. Roman Hruska observed about the U.S. Supreme Court justices, "We can't have all Brandeises and Frankfurters and Cardozos."

Biden withdrew his reelection bid on July 20 not because he...Read more


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