From the Right





Why Christians Should Vote For Trump

From the Right / Victor Joecks /

A church shouldn't select Donald Trump to be its pastor, but Christians should support Trump for president.

Polls continue to show that the race between Trump and Vice President Kamala Harris is extremely close. George Barna with the Cultural Research Center at Arizona Christian University recently projected that more than 100 million people ...Read more

Unseen Middle-Class Black Voters Move Right

From the Right / Salena Zito /

Barbara Clark is the perfect example of a voter, whether Black, white, Hispanic or from any other ethnic group, who defies stereotypes. This defiance often leads to voters such as her being overlooked as people who could change not just the presidential election but also the majority in the Senate.

Clark is a Black female who has been a ...Read more

Religion Allows Us to Know the Difference Between Men and Women and Between Good and Evil!

From the Right / Dennis Prager /

I have never accepted irrational religious beliefs. If something in my -- or any -- religion doesn't make sense, I don't accept it. That's why my five-volume commentary on the Torah (the first five books of the Bible) is titled "The Rational Bible."

This strikes more than a few religious people as problematic, since many religious people thrive...Read more

Cal Thomas: Harris appeals for the anti-Catholic vote

From the Right / Cal Thomas /

A political rule of thumb is that candidates should never offend a large group of voters, especially close to an election.

Harris ignored that rule, not once, but twice last week.

First, she disrespected the annual Al Smith dinner in New York, which raises money for Catholic charities and has been attended by every modern presidential ...Read more

Will Blacks and Hispanics Vote Their Pocketbooks? Trump Should Hope So!

From the Right / Stephen Moore /

In the one debate between Donald Trump and Kamala Harris, the vice president attacked Trump for having a racist record, citing his statements in response to the protests In Charlottesville back in 2017.

My intention here is not to defend Trump on some of the things he says about race -- which can be interpreted by some as offensive.

I'm here ...Read more

TRUMPZILLA: Here Is the New 'Art of the Deal' for President Trump to Announce Immediately to End the Open Border Disaster, Stop the Steal, and Save Our Country!

From the Right / Wayne Allyn Root /

Democrats and the deep state can't stop him. They tried to impeach him multiple times. They tried to bankrupt him and take his assets away. They tried to imprison him. They tried to assassinate him twice. Both times, the assassins had him dead to rights, but miraculously failed. Their media lapdogs tried to slander, humiliate and demonize him. ...Read more

Don't Interrupt Kamala Harris With Questions

From the Right / Debra Saunders /

WASHINGTON -- In the middle of Kamala Harris' Fox News interview Wednesday night, anchor Bret Baier brought up the vice president's failure to articulate how she would govern differently from President Joe Biden during previous appearances on "The View" and "The Late Show with Stephen Colbert." Both times, Harris was asked how she would ...Read more

The Collapse of Kamala Harris

From the Right / Josh Hammer /

On July 26, in the aftermath of the Democratic Party's ruthless midsummer coup of their own democratically elected presidential nominee, this column predicted that the elevation of dimwitted cackler-in-chief Kamala Harris to the party's presidential slot would "spectacularly backfire." More specifically, I wrote: "Practically, the path to ...Read more

Kamala Must Answer a Simple Question!

From the Right / David Harsanyi /

A few months into Kamala Harris's 2024 presidential run, her handlers faced a dilemma. Should they continue cocooning the candidate or unleash her on the public? Both options came with serious political risks.

Sure, Democrats could keep pretending Harris was a generational talent, but her refusal to sit down for an interview, much less give a ...Read more

Fox's Bret Baier Pressed Harris, And the Powder-Puff Press Hated It!

From the Right / Tim Graham /

It shouldn't be considered incredibly brave for Vice President Kamala Harris to consent to an interview with Bret Baier on Fox News. J.D. Vance has been doing hostile Sunday shows for months while Harris resorted to the basement strategy.

Then, once Team Kamala booked a "media blitz," they bizarrely went on offense. Mediaite posted this ...Read more

Are Minorities Voting Increasingly Like Normies?

From the Right / Michael Barone /

Not everything significant politically is happening just in the target states.

"Never seen anything like this in thirty years," said California Republican consultant Mike Madrid in an X post, referencing the sharp increase in Republican registration among California's minority voters, including the state's numerous Latinos, growing numbers of ...Read more

Harris Has No Credibility On Immigration

From the Right / Rich Lowry /

Kamala Harris isn't great at answering questions, but is perhaps at her very worst in addressing the border.

This isn't because she can't string sentences together (she can, although the results are always mixed), or that she doesn't know what she's saying (she's quite deliberate in sticking to her talking points). No, she can't answer for ...Read more

Harris Tries To Woo Black Male Voters, Who Are Still Playing Hard To Get

SAN DIEGO -- A "man bites dog" story always gets the media's attention. When the unexpected happens, good journalists will be curious about why it happened and wonder what happens next.

That's why many of my colleagues in the Fourth Estate can't look away from a train wreck that a lot of Democrats would like to ignore: Kamala Harris' trouble ...Read more

Who Cares What the Government Thinks?

In 1791, when Congressman James Madison was drafting the first 10 amendments to the Constitution -- which would become known as the Bill of Rights -- he insisted that the most prominent amendment among them restrain the government from interfering with the freedom of speech. After various versions of the First Amendment had been drafted and ...Read more

Race: The Currency of Power

Racism and sexism endure. Think of the "Unite the Right" white supremacist, neo-Nazi rally in Charlottesville, Virginia. But sometimes unexpected voices fan the flames.

As the civil rights movement gathered steam, colorblindness was the end game. Ballots could not identify candidates by race. Employers could not ask for the racial identities ...Read more

We Can't 'Leave Social Security Alone,' But We Can Protect People Who Need It

The United States is at a crossroads. You may have heard that Social Security is politically impossible to reform. But that belief will be hard to sustain. In a few years, the Social Security Trust Fund will be exhausted. When that happens, Social Security benefits will be cut across the board by 21% -- that is, unless Congress changes the law...Read more

Regime Change in Iran is the Only Option

From the Right / Cal Thomas /

Three years ago, Donald Trump’s national security adviser, John Bolton, said this: “I don't think we're going to have real peace and security in the Middle East until the regime of the ayatollahs is replaced, not just because of ...Read more

Why I'm Voting for Donald Trump

From the Right / Debra Saunders /

WASHINGTON -- Joe Biden is a much better person than Donald Trump. But that didn't keep Biden's poll numbers from tanking -- and ultimately driving him off the 2024 campaign trail.

Kamala Harris' performance as vice president? I don't recall ever hearing that Harris was a great U.S. senator or great California attorney general or great San ...Read more

S.E. Cupp: Trump hoodwinks women with false and empty pledges

From the Right / S.E. Cupp /

“You just ban it. The president bans it. You just don’t let it happen.”

That line from former President Donald Trump at a Fox News town hall this week was met with an ...Read more

Why, In Our Free Country, Do We Lack Education Freedom?

From the Right / Star Parker /

What issue could be more important to a nation's future than education?

A country is about people. How Americans act, work, think, choose -- live -- reflects their values.

K-12 education, of course, is about learning to read and do math. This is what we measure in test scores.

But education is a lot more than acquisition of technical skills...Read more


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