From the Left



For Release Wednesday, July 17, 2024

From the Left / Amy Goodman /

The Republican National Convention here in Milwaukee seems very far away from Ripon, Wisconsin, the birthplace of the Republican Party. As one approaches the RNC, inside the heavily guarded, temporary steel wall erected around Milwaukee's downtown as part of this so-called National Special Security Event, one encounters a side street next to ...Read more

For Release Wednesday, July 10, 2024

From the Left / Amy Goodman /

Israel struck just outside a school in Gaza on Tuesday, killing at least 29 people sheltering there and injuring dozens more. The moment the bomb exploded was captured on video by someone recording a youth soccer game in the Al-Awda school courtyard. The soccer ball was midair when the bomb exploded. The New York Times, using Reuters footage, ...Read more



Al Goodwyn Andy Marlette Kirk Walters Bill Day Adam Zyglis Joel Pett