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Trump-Biden debate launched 30 days of dizzying, rapid-fire events that changed history

DALLAS — There they stood. Two men perched at podiums in an audience-free television studio looking to win the first of two presidential debates. They ...Read More

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Real estate Q&A: After 12 years, can I be fined for a code violation?

Q: About 12 years ago, I put in a pool surrounded by a chain-link fence after obtaining the appropriate permits. I put mesh slats in the fence to increase privacy. I recently received a violation notice from the city stating that I violated ...Read More

Fashion Daily

How not to become a tasty treat for mosquitoes, ticks and other pests

As the temperature heats up, so does insect activity. But don’t let buzzing pests put a damper on your outdoor fun. With a few smart tactics, you can minimize bug bites and enjoy a more comfortable summer.

Here’s how to prevent, treat and ...Read More


Hacks for Efficiently Organizing Digital Music and Entertainment

In the age of digital music and streaming services, organizing your digital music library and entertainment options can be a game-changer. With the right hacks, you can easily find and enjoy your favorite tunes, movies, and TV shows. Here are ...Read More



Ask The Vet: To Prevent Bites, Teach Children to Respect Dogs

Q: We recently adopted Tucker, a young, neutered, mixed-breed dog. We don't know how he behaves around children, because our kids are adults and we've remained distanced from our neighbors.

As soon as the pandemic is over, our grandchildren will ...Read More