


Santa Saves Cannabis

Health / Cannabis Daily /

As marijuana become legal across North America – the North Pole got caught in fight.

Canada and a big chunk of the United States have legalized cannabis. The results have been improved medical options, a decrease in alcohol consumption, a reduction of youth use and some more chill people. But the journey to this point has been tough. ...Read more

4 Differences Between A Mind Vs. Body High

Health / Cannabis Daily /

Sometimes you need marijuana to have a focused effect, especially around medical issues

With cannabis legal, more people are consuming. But the surprise it isn’t always about getting high and chilling out, a surprising number are using it for medical reasons. Gen Z, who is struggling with anxiety, use it to relax and also as an alternative...Read more

Consumer Use Sets Records On Cannabis

Health / Cannabis Daily /

The speed of cannabis mainstreaming is setting records. Since the first state went legal in 2016, consumers have moved to legal marijuana. Now, with over 50% of the country having access to it, things are starting to change.  And consumer use sets records on cannabis as all ages are starting to consume and consume more.  States who have full ...Read more

Consumer Use Sets Records On Cannabis!

Health / Cannabis Daily /

The speed of cannabis mainstreaming is setting records. Since the first state went legal in 2016, consumers have moved to legal marijuana. Now, with over 50% of the country having access to it, things are starting to change.  And consumer use sets records on cannabis as all ages are starting to consume and consume more.  States who have full ...Read more

Tips For Guys To Get A Dating App Response

Health / Cannabis Daily /

Finding a good partner can be a challenge…here are some tips to help with online dating.

Dating can be tough, and not everyone is an expert. While Gen Z is drifting away from apps, most of the rest of the population is still strong. In fact, 349 million people worldwide using dating apps. The vast majority of matchmaking is done on mobile ...Read more

Tips For Guys To Get A Dating App Response

Health / Cannabis Daily /

Anxiety is a struggle for many – and Gen Z especially. But this fun habit can make a difference.

Dating can be tough, and not everyone is an expert. While Gen Z is drifting away from apps, most of the rest of the population is still strong. In fact, 349 million people worldwide using dating apps. The vast majority of matchmaking is done on...Read more

Boomer And Gen Z Consume Marijuana For Similar Reasons

Health / Cannabis Daily /

Cannabis has become popular for every adult age group- but the surprise is Gen Z and Boomers are using it for similar reasons.

Cannabis is fully legal to over 50% of the population and all groups are embracing its use. Proven healthier than alcohol, it has become much more common in all sets.  Even Florida looks like it is going to vote for ...Read more

Key Information About Joint Pain And Medical Marijuana

Health / Cannabis Daily /

Roughly 19% of the people suffer from joint pain – a daily struggle…but here is how medical marijuana can help.

Roughly 19% suffer from joint pain or some part of arthritis. Not only is it painful, it is disruptive in daily life. Some pain can be short term, like from sprains, an injury, tendinitis, or tendon inflammation, an infection ...Read more

Should You Add Hemp Beverages To Your Tailgating

Health / Cannabis Daily /

Fall is football season which means it is time for tailgate parties!  Maybe you should add hemp to the buffet!

Football season is here – and whether college or professional, tailgating is a thing. It takes place around sporting events, festivals and concerts. There is usually food, drinks, music and a good time. But, should you add hemp ...Read more

Will California Let Marijuana Be Sold At Farmers Markets

Health / Cannabis Daily /

A staple of neighborhoods for meats, fresh vegetables and more – will California add in marijuana?

About 12% of people browse and potentially shop a Farmer’s Market on a regular basis.  Usually they are pop-ups in a neighborhood with everything from local meat and fresh vegetables to vintage clothing and handcrafted products. Now the ...Read more

Vaping Could Have This Effect On Men

Health / Cannabis Daily /

While it is popular, easy to use and seen everywhere, vaping could have this effect on men.

It is seen everywhere and is viewed as a much easier option than smoking. Indulging in cigarettes, cigars and joints in general public spaces have been banned since the early 2000s. Prior to the ban it was a Wild West. Up until the late 80s smoking was...Read more

The Best Marijuana Strains For Cuffing Season

Health / Cannabis Daily /

Fall is in the air and cuffing season is right around the season. Here are some great cannabis strains to help you relax and enjoy the hunt!

Autumn is arriving along with pumpkin spice, harvest festivals, daylight saving times and cuffing season. Not familiar with cuffing season, it is the annual ritual where people find a partner to settle ...Read more

Will DeSantis Let Floridians Vote On Marijuana

Health / Cannabis Daily /

In his quest as a foe of legal cannabis and for running a nanny state, will DeSantis allow Floridians to vote for marijuana? 

DeSantis is recovering from his failed presidential bid and is working to shore up his reputation in Florida. He is known for being tough, driven and getting things his way. His historic fight with Disney has drawn ...Read more

Key Tips For Consuming Marijuana At The Local Fair

Health / Cannabis Daily /

Fall is the time county fairs, carnivals, and more come to time…while engaging in the fun, there are few tip to know if you are going to consuming marijuana

September is a highlight for country fairs followed by October for the Halloween carnivals. Elephant ears, Ferris wheels and midways all appeal to our childlike delight for fun, ...Read more

5 Weed Friendly Last Of Summer Activities

Health / Cannabis Daily /

Most figure summer ends with Labor Day, but good weather lingers – and here are some ways to make the most of it.

Summer is winding down.  A mindset seems to change after Labor Day things are more fall than summer. But the sun is still shining, the temperatures are still up, the water still warm and life is still good.  So why not take a ...Read more

Presidential Elections Are All Over The Board For Marijuana

Health / Cannabis Daily /

It is an odd, odd one – this year election is all over the board, especially for marijuana

This presidential election is turning out to be one for the history books. With Biden dropping out, a Kennedy becoming a major player, AI, and a nation on edge, it is becoming a year which is flustering the public. Few expect a clear outcome the night ...Read more

Can CBD Oil Take Massages To The Next Level

Health / Cannabis Daily /

Whether for medical or relaxation – massages are a treat. But can CBD oil take it to the next level?

Since ancient times, massages have been used for relaxation and wellness. A way to help the body and relax the mind, it has been a benefit for hundreds of millions across history.  Currently, it is a $22+ billion industry, filled with mom ...Read more

Tips For Consuming Marijuana At Football Games

Health / Cannabis Daily /

Football season is upon us and people are heading to games…although it is legal, you might want to follow this tip to consume

Between professional and amateur football, over 50 million will attend in person and possible even tailgate. The crowds jam in to passionately watch their favorite teams. Michigan Stadium, known as “The Big House”...Read more

Did Game Of Thrones Stars Help This Weed Trend

Health / Cannabis Daily /

The stars of Game Thrones had people really chill with this trend.

While HBO’s Game of Thrones is currently over, the spin offs continue. The next Game of Thrones (GoT) spin-off isn’t until  2025. George RR Martin has confirmed A Knight of Seven Kingdoms will continue the story.  Aside from the merch and memes, it has also spun on “...Read more

Which Legal Industry Is Bigger Marijuana Or Sports Betting

Health / Cannabis Daily /

They are considered vice industries – but the mainstream public love them. But which is bigger? 

Vice industries have always made lots of money. Alcohol, porn, gambling, marijuana and tobacco. Alcohol is a fully legal and is an over $300 billion industry in the US and Canada. Pornhub, the top site in the category, always ranks high in ...Read more


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