Health Advice



Periodic Phlebotomies Required For Hemochromatosis Patient

Health Advice / Keith Roach /

DEAR DR. ROACH: When I was diagnosed with hemochromatosis, my doctor explained that a ferritin level of 380 ng/mL was too high. I am a male and would like to know if I need to continue getting phlebotomies. After several phlebotomies in three to four months, my level was 122 ng/mL.

Currently, I have a score of 97 ng/mL. I prefer to accept ...Read more

AI-Assisted Device Produces After-Visit Summaries Full Of Errors

Health Advice / Keith Roach /

DEAR DR. ROACH: My primary care physician has been using an AI-assisted device during our office visits that transcribes and records our visits. I receive an after-visit summary a few days later that contains minor errors at the least, but they're often blatant errors. For example, one problem was listed as "vasomotor symptoms due to surgical ...Read more

Couple Wonders Which Vaccinations Are Necessary For Their Trip

Health Advice / Keith Roach /

DEAR DR. ROACH: My husband and I booked a cruise for March with stops in Singapore; Vietnam; Hong Kong; Taipei, Taiwan; and Japan. We are healthy 67 year-old Nevada residents with no medical problems. I've checked with my personal physician, our travel agent, and several websites, including the Centers for Disease Control and local health care...Read more

Rapid Heart Rate Persists For Over A Decade Without Evaluation

Health Advice / Keith Roach /

DEAR DR. ROACH: I'm a 75-year-old woman who, for at least 10 years now, has been experiencing a rapid heart rate. My blood pressure, however, remains normal. In fact, doctors are usually surprised at how good my blood pressure is since I am borderline obese and slightly diabetic.

During this past physical, my doctor did mention my rapid heart...Read more

Understanding The Dangers Of Untreated Sleep Apnea

Health Advice / Keith Roach /

DEAR DR. ROACH: Would you please address the dangers of untreated sleep apnea? Also, what do people do when they are unable to tolerate a CPAP (continuous positive airway pressure) machine? I know that surgery is an option, but most times, it can be unsuccessful. -- Anon.

ANSWER: Obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) is very common (15% to 30% of men...Read more

Double-Check For Drug Interactions When Taking New Medicines

Health Advice / Keith Roach /

DEAR DR. ROACH: My wife was recently discharged after a lengthy hospital stay with multiple diagnoses. Most of her issues were treated medically and resulted in six new medications from four different medical disciplines, in addition to three other medications that were prescribed pre-hospitalization.

Finding drug interactions was fairly ...Read more

A Case Of Muscle Spasms Solely Occurs On The Weekends

Health Advice / Keith Roach /

DEAR DR. ROACH: I've had muscle spasms and cramping in my lower legs and feet for quite some time. It almost always happens when I'm laying in bed and in the early morning hours. If I stand up and walk around, it stops, but if I lay back down, it usually starts up again.

I am 65 and exercise daily, usually 40-50 minutes on an arc trainer and ...Read more

Woman Wonders What Is The Best Way To Treat A Hiatal Hernia

Health Advice / Keith Roach /

DEAR DR. ROACH: I am a 74-year-old woman who is active and healthy. I recently had an endoscopy, and the findings were a hiatal hernia of about 5 centimeters with some inflammation. I have been having almost daily acid reflux episodes.

The gastroenterologist put me on a regimen of 40 mg of omeprazole for six weeks. It worked perfectly for me,...Read more

Long-Term Use Of High-Dose Gabapentin Causes Great Concern

Health Advice / Keith Roach /

DEAR DR. ROACH: Am I a doomed man? When I was 25, I survived a battle with testicular cancer. The good news is that 45 years later, after two kids and three grandkids, I'm in good health. The only medicine I take is gabapentin for peripheral neuropathy that was caused by the chemotherapy drugs I received during the cancer treatment. One or ...Read more

Blood Pressure Level Fluctuates After Getting Off All Medications

Health Advice / Keith Roach /

DEAR DR. ROACH: I am 89 and in good health. For six months, my systolic blood pressure was 113 mm Hg. Then, 10 days ago, it dropped to 88 mm Hg for a week. For today and the past week, it's been 187/93 mm Hg. I was on a blood pressure medication, but my doctor took me off of it when my blood pressure was low. I am currently off of all ...Read more

Patient Feels Ignored When It Comes To Anesthesia Concerns

Health Advice / Keith Roach /

DEAR DR. ROACH: Next month, I am scheduled for cataract surgery. The procedure has been approved by my cardiologist and my primary doctor. I am pretty healthy, feel like I'm doing OK, and have been told so by my medical providers.

My problem is that no one seems to be listening to me. I have repeatedly said that I have a problem with ...Read more

Stress Tests And Calcium Score Tests Are Complementary

Health Advice / Keith Roach /

DEAR DR. ROACH: I am an 81-year-old man (5 feet, 2 inches tall at 122 pounds) in good health, except that I have Type 2 diabetes. My A1C level has been in the range of 6.3% to 6.8% for the past five years with the help of metformin. Five times a week, I walk on a treadmill for 15 minutes (about a mile) with 25 minutes of stretching exercises, ...Read more

Low Iron Stores Due To Thalassemia Call For An Evaluation

Health Advice / Keith Roach /

DEAR DR. ROACH: I am Greek and have thalassemia minor. In general, my red blood cells are much smaller than typical ones, and my iron content is significantly low. Every time I see a different doctor who prescribes a blood test, they always emphasize that my iron content is low and that I should take iron supplements.

I am not sure this is ...Read more

Elderly Man Weighs 84 Pounds Decades After Stomach Removal

Health Advice / Keith Roach /

DEAR DR. ROACH: Is 18 years a record for living without a stomach? A family member had stomach cancer when he was 70 and had his stomach removed. He consulted with a dietician and has been able to eat small but frequent meals and take enzymes, vitamins, and other things. But slowly, he lost weight.

Now, at 88, he is down to 84 pounds. His ...Read more


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