Senior Living
Social Security and You: LBJ and Social Security
Poor Lyndon Baines Johnson. When it comes to Social Security, he gets blamed for something he never did. Our 36th president is often accused of being the first chief executive to tamper with Social Security financing. Well, he did tamper with it. But not in the way conventional wisdom would have you believe.
I was reminded of this when I got ...Read more
Social Security and You: Why Some People Don't Pay Into Social Security
In some columns I wrote earlier this month about the repeal of laws that affect people who spent a large portion of their careers working at jobs that were not covered by Social Security, it became very clear to me that many people wondered why that is. Even many people who work at such noncovered jobs were confused. So why are some jobs not ...Read more
Social Security and You: Answering Questions From Widows
Answering Questions From Widows
I hope there is nothing in the air that is causing old goats like me to keel over. For some reason, I've been getting a lot of questions from widows lately. Here are some of them.
Q: I am 90 years old and getting widow's benefits from my first husband who died a long time ago. I also have my own Social Security,...Read more
Social Security and You: Less for Others but More for Me
I had originally planned to use this space to write a follow-up column to one I wrote several weeks ago about the misnamed "Social Security Fairness Act." But I've decided it's not worth it.
For decades, government retirees who worked at jobs not covered by Social Security, but who did pay into the program at jobs before or after their ...Read more
Social Security and You: Turning Full Retirement Age in 2025? Consider Filing for Benefits This Month
I write a column like this one every January. But I don't mind plagiarizing myself, because it contains a very important message for people planning to retire in 2025.
January is a critical month for the hundreds of thousands of potential Social Security beneficiaries who are reaching their full retirement age in 2025. The important message: ...Read more
Social Security and You: Social Security Update for 2025
It has been my custom for most of the past 27 years to write a year-end column that summarizes the Social Security updates scheduled to take place the following year. I already discussed some of these updates in a column back in October when they were first announced, but it doesn't hurt to repeat them here. (They all grow out of the annual cost...Read more
Social Security and You: The Social Security Fairness Act is a $200 Billion Boondoggle
Congress just passed a law that will give me (and millions of people like me) extra Social Security benefits that we simply do not deserve and haven't earned.
To understand what is going on, here is a quick history lesson: The original Social Security Act included unintentional and overly generous benefits for government employees. These were ...Read more
Social Security and You: The History of the Social Security Number
I have a granddaughter who is a junior in high school. Recently, she needed to write a report for her history class on any subject related to a federal government program. Because she knew that her grandpa worked for the Social Security Administration for 32 years, she initially thought she'd write about the history of Social Security. I told ...Read more
Social Security and You: 6 Questions and 6 Answers
My columns are usually focused on one theme or topic. But every once in a while, I like to just dig into my email inbox and pull out random questions. Here are six for today.
Q: I was married to my ex for 23 years. Of course, I worked all of those years. But I also worked and paid into Social Security for about 10 years before we were married. ...Read more
Social Security and You: You Say Tomato, I Say Tomahto!
Every once in a while, I will use a word or phrase -- with the most innocent of intentions -- that nevertheless ends up driving some people nuts. Well, if not "nuts," it at least makes them irate enough to send me an email voicing their anger with my language choices. I've saved some up, and here they are today.
Q: It really gets my goat when ...Read more
Social Security and You: Social Security - A Global View
I have always been amazed by the number of people who think Social Security is unique to the United States. Or if not truly unique, they figure that maybe a couple of those "socialist" countries such as Sweden and Denmark might have social insurance programs in place, but surely not too many other places. As someone once said to me following a ...Read more
Social Security and You: Give Thanks for Social Security
I'm dusting off an old Thanksgiving-themed column I ran many years ago. I thought that now would be a good time to remind people what Social Security is all about.
I'm going to suggest that we Americans give thanks for the Social Security program. I know lots of people like to think that the "good old days" (before Social Security) were, well, ...Read more
Social Security and You: How Other Government Benefits Interact With Social Security
I have been saving up some emails from readers who want to know how other government benefits might affect their eligibility for Social Security, or vice versa. In other words, they wonder if their Social Security benefits impact whatever other government benefits they might be due.
I can always deal with that first issue. In other words, I can...Read more