


Is it wrong to claim to be righteous?

Religion / Billy Graham /

From the writings of the Rev. Billy Graham

Q: I learned in catechism that it is wrong to claim to be righteous, but in a Bible study I am attending, the materials often give Bible verses about being righteous. This is troubling me. How can this be explained? – L.R.

A: Some people confuse living righteously with being self-righteous. To be ...Read more

How can I stop worrying so much?

Religion / Billy Graham /

From the writings of the Rev. Billy Graham

Q: The Bible says we shouldn’t worry, but as hard as I try, I am surely the chief of worriers. How can I overcome this habit? – C.W.

A: Almost no emotion is as common as worry – and it’s useless. Why? Because most of our worries either concern things that will never happen, or else things we ...Read more

Are we dismissing the most important part of the Gospel message?

Religion / Billy Graham /

From the writings of the Rev. Billy Graham

Q: Is it true that we only feel God’s strength when we admit our weakness? That really isn’t taught in church anymore, and I wonder if it’s because we as Christians have become more educated, or are we dismissing the most important part of the Gospel message – acknowledging our sin and asking ...Read more

Does the Bible speak of a fountain?

Religion / Billy Graham /

From the writings of the Rev. Billy Graham

Q: My family spent a week out in the California desert and saw the Fountain of Life in Cathedral City. There was a small group there and the leader said he brings his patients to this place in search of peace and clarity to life. I’m not sure a fountain has that kind of power. The people there looked...Read more

Why is the Bible not considered one of the great literary works that society is so proud of?

Religion / Billy Graham /

From the writings of the Rev. Billy Graham

Q: As a literature teacher, it is stunning to read the great literary works that society is so proud of, yet the Bible – the bestselling book of all time – is set aside as archaic and culturally outdated. While the Bible contains a great deal of tragedy, it also contains beautiful poetry, amazing ...Read more

Why do evangelists emphasize God’s love, seldom speaking of the sinful nature of mankind?

Religion / Billy Graham /

From the writings of the Rev. Billy Graham

Q: Why do evangelists emphasize God’s love, seldom speaking of the sinful nature of mankind? My grandfather was a circuit-riding preacher. As a young boy I can remember the fear he put into the hearts of those listening to his sermons, but I can also remember the altar being filled at the end of the ...Read more

What can I do or say to relieve my dying mother's suffering?

Religion / Billy Graham /

From the writings of the Rev. Billy Graham

Q: I’m sitting with my dying mother day after day, having no idea how much time she has left. I wish there was something I could do or say to relieve her suffering. – S.S.

A: A dear lady wrote about her invalid mother who was suffering on a hospital bed in the last stages of cancer. She did not ...Read more

Which of us should stay home for our kids?

Religion / Billy Graham /

From the writings of the Rev. Billy Graham

Q: My husband and I are struggling with the question of leaving our children in the hands of after-school programs as we pursue our careers that allow us to provide for them. We look around and see the instability of families these days and wonder if we should consider another kind of stability – for...Read more

What’s the real story on angelic appearances?

Religion / Billy Graham /

From the writings of the Rev. Billy Graham

Q: Our Bible study group has been reading about the appearances of angels in the Bible and comparing them to the entertainment world’s depiction of angels as in the latest movie Ordinary Angels. Pop culture does seem to have a fascination with angels, but we think they’ve missed the mark ...Read more

Will liberals ever understand about freedom of choice?

Religion / Billy Graham /

From the writings of the Rev. Billy Graham

Q: Liberals and conservatives continue bickering about freedom of choice. It’s an endless and unwinnable controversy; something for the talking heads to debate and a tiring subject that has no purposeful outcome. History shows that people are going to do what they want, so we might as well learn to ...Read more

What government will be upon His shoulder?

Religion / Billy Graham /

From the writings of the Rev. Billy Graham

Q: I dread election years because I’m faced with which candidate is “less godless.” That’s what it’s come down to. In seeking direction from the Lord through the Bible, I came across this reference, which I’ve heard all my life, but have never understood: “The government will be upon His ...Read more

How in the world could I ever serve Christ?

Religion / Billy Graham /

From the writings of the Rev. Billy Graham

Q: How in the world could I ever serve Christ? I live alone and am disabled. My church is by way of television and my closest neighbor is two miles away. I barely have enough money to survive. I do have a heart for other people and desire to do something, but what hope could I ever have of reaching out...Read more

How do I to live up to the commandments that we should love our neighbors more than ourselves?

Religion / Billy Graham /

From the writings of the Rev. Billy Graham

Q: It’s difficult to live up to the commandments that we should love our neighbors more than ourselves. I confess that it takes a lot of time to do this; I have enough problems of my own and no one offers to help me. But I’m a Christian and I do have the Lord, but I still struggle with making ...Read more

It is a certainty that wherever the Word of God is hidden or ignored, there will eventually be destruction?

Religion / Billy Graham /

From the writings of the Rev. Billy Graham

Q: My wife and I work hard providing for our family and trying to raise them right and give them a secure home and loving environment. We’ve had hardships in trying to make ends meet, living a simple lifestyle while paying some enormous medical bills. We can’t quite understand why so many couples ...Read more

Have we made a wrong decision?

Religion / Billy Graham /

From the writings of the Rev. Billy Graham

Q: Our neighbors learned that we were giving a yard party for a church group and offered the use of their grill. In turn, we invited them to join us, though they were against our particular belief system. They came and we were so proud of how our church friends treated them and showed interest in them....Read more

Why has our children’s public education become one of indoctrination of hostility, mocking the foundation of our nation’s history and spiritual beliefs, while celebrating godless behavior?

Religion / Billy Graham /

From the writings of the Rev. Billy Graham

Q: My children were shown a film about the Puritans being the “killjoys of history.” It’s disturbing to me that our children’s public education has become one of indoctrination of hostility, mocking the foundation of our nation’s history and spiritual beliefs, while celebrating godless ...Read more

Is gentleness something people can learn, or is it simply imparted by God to some and not others?

Religion / Billy Graham /

From the writings of the Rev. Billy Graham

Q: There’s so much hostility today. I’ve been a Christian a long time but admit that I fail greatly in having a meek and gentle spirit, particularly in response to so much hatefulness and contempt. My aunt was a strong but gentle woman. When debates got heated and stirred people up, her presence ...Read more

If those who are saved cannot be judged for their sins at the end of time, why do we have to appear before the judgment seat of Christ?

Religion / Billy Graham /

From the writings of the Rev. Billy Graham

Q: There are a lot of judgments in the Bible and it is very confusing. If those who are saved cannot be judged for their sins at the end of time, why do we have to appear before the judgment seat of Christ? – C.J.

A: Christians are admonished throughout Scripture to be faithful in their walk [...Read more

What are the 'works of the flesh?'

Religion / Billy Graham /

From the writings of the Rev. Billy Graham

Q: Preachers talk a lot about the “works of the flesh.” Is that really in the Bible, and if so, what exactly is that? – W.F.

A: The Bible speaks of “works of the flesh” meaning human nature in all of its weaknesses. The flesh is the lower side of people’s nature. It is all that we are ...Read more

Can God restore our freedom as we chase after more power, more materialism, and more selfishness?

Religion / Billy Graham /

From the writings of the Rev. Billy Graham

Q: Our nation is in serious trouble and doesn’t know why. There is moral debasement as never seen before in my lifetime, and we as a people are losing our freedom as we chase after more power, more materialism, and more selfishness. Can we recover? – F.T.

A: People are seeking various kinds of ...Read more



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