From the Left



The Oklahoma Supreme Court Just Rejected the Nation's First Religious Public Charter School

From the Left / ACLU /

In a win for the separation of church and state, the Oklahoma Supreme Court ruled that Oklahoma's approval of the nation's first religious public charter school violates the state constitution and charter school statute, as well as the U.S. Constitution. The decision affirms what we already knew: A religious school can't be a public school, ...Read more

What Voters Really Want for Immigration and Public Safety Reform

From the Left / ACLU /

When it comes to immigration and public safety, Republican and Democratic platforms have become virtually indistinguishable. Both sides are espousing a narrative that calls for harsher policies, more enforcement and increased incarceration. Candidates have bought into the idea that to win votes, they must lean into "toughness."

So how did we ...Read more

Supreme Court Grants Trump, Future Presidents a Loaded Weapon To Break the Law

From the Left / ACLU /

The Supreme Court's decision to grant presidents immunity from prosecution for criminal acts committed while in office not only gives Donald Trump a free pass for his past crimes but sets a dangerous precedent for all future presidents.

Before Trump, no one had even argued that presidents are absolutely immune from criminal liability after ...Read more

The Supreme Court Just Declined To Protect Emergency Abortion Care for Pregnant Patients. Here's What To Know.

From the Left / ACLU /

The Supreme Court declined to issue a ruling in Idaho and Moyle, et al. v. United States. Instead, it sent the case back down to the lower courts where anti-abortion extremists will continue to fight to strip pregnant people of the basic right to emergency care, including when their life is at risk.

While the court's decision temporarily ...Read more

The Supreme Court Rejected an Attack on Medication Abortion, But the Fight Is Far From Over

From the Left / ACLU /

The Supreme Court refused to consider a request by anti-abortion groups to impose nationwide restrictions on mifepristone, a safe medication used in most U.S. abortions and for miscarriage care. Without addressing whether mifepristone should be further restricted, the court found that these anti-abortion plaintiffs lack "legal standing" -- ...Read more

Trump on LGBTQ Rights: Rolling Back Protections and Criminalizing Gender Nonconformity

From the Left / ACLU /

Donald Trump's administration initiated a sustained, years-long effort to erase protections for LGBTQ people. This included an effort to "define 'transgender' out of existence," erode protections for transgender students and workers and weaken access to gender-affirming health care that most transgender people already struggled to access.

...Read more

Trump on Immigration: Tearing Apart Immigrant Families, Communities and the Fabric of Our Nation

From the Left / ACLU /

On the campaign trail, Donald Trump has promised to pursue even more extreme anti-immigrant policies if he wins a second term. These policies would disregard fundamental principles of democracy and the rule of law to devastate immigrant communities and erode freedoms for all Americans.

The ACLU is prepared to hold our executive branch to ...Read more

The Long History of Discrimination in Job Hiring Assessments

From the Left / ACLU /

Applying for jobs can be a difficult and frustrating experience: You're putting forward your qualifications to be judged by a prospective employer. We all want to be treated fairly. We want our qualifications to speak for themselves. But for job seekers who have been historically excluded or discriminated against because of their race, gender ...Read more

5 Things To Know About the Supreme Court Case Threatening Doctors Providing Emergency Abortion Care

From the Left / ACLU /

The Supreme Court recently heard oral arguments in Idaho v. United States and Moyle v. United States, which will determine whether politicians can put doctors in jail for treating pregnant patients experiencing medical emergencies. The ultimate decision in the case -- which is expected by the summer -- could have severe consequences on the ...Read more

States Dust Off Obscure Anti-Mask Laws To Target Pro-Palestine Protesters

From the Left / ACLU /

Arcane laws banning people from wearing masks in public are now being used to target people who wear face coverings while peacefully protesting Israel's war in Gaza. That's a big problem.

In the 1940s and '50s, many U.S. states passed anti-mask laws as a response to the Ku Klux Klan, whose members often hid their identities as they terrorized...Read more

The Painful Reality of Being an Incarcerated Mother

From the Left / ACLU /

Many of us celebrated Mother's Day over the weekend by remembering or being present with women who raised us, or with our families. But for the more than 190,000 women incarcerated in the United States this weekend, there was no celebration.

Close to 60% of these women serving prison sentences were the primary caregiver of their minor ...Read more

In Kansas, the ACLU Is Challenging Anti-Trans Laws in Court and by Building Community

From the Left / ACLU /

In 2023, Kansas enacted a law attempting to define "transgender" out of existence by restricting the definition of a "woman" to the biological function of producing ova. Not only does this definition negate the experiences of trans women and girls, but it also excludes entire categories of women who are not transgender, such as post-menopausal...Read more

How Is One of America's Biggest Spy Agencies Using AI? The ACLU Is Suing To Find Out.

From the Left / ACLU /

AI is nearly impossible for us to escape these days. Social media companies, schools, workplaces and even dating apps are all trying to harness AI to remake their services and platforms, and AI can impact our lives in ways large and small. While many of these efforts are just getting underway -- and often raise significant civil rights issues ...Read more

The Government Denies People Access to Asylum Because of Language Barriers

From the Left / ACLU /

Every year, thousands of asylum seekers from diverse corners of the world seek refuge in the United States. Many -- such as Indigenous people from Latin America and Africa -- are fleeing persecution based on the languages they speak and their cultural, ethnic and racial backgrounds. Their ability to access the asylum system has life-or-death ...Read more

The CIA's Long and Dangerous History of Refusing To Answer Absurdly Obvious Questions

From the Left / ACLU /

The CIA is so known for its unabashed secrecy that, when it joined Twitter in 2014, its first tweet was: "We can neither confirm nor deny that this is our first tweet." This nonresponse response is known as a "Glomar," and while the intelligence community likes to poke fun at how often they invoke it, this inane phrase has allowed the CIA to ...Read more

Supreme Court Signals That Institutions Can Keep Designing Programs To Foster Diversity, After Affirmative Action Ruling

From the Left / ACLU /

Since the Supreme Court struck down longstanding affirmative action admissions policies this past summer in SFFA v. Harvard/UNC, institutions from a variety of sectors have grappled with how to stay true to their commitments to equal opportunity in light of the court's ruling. But this year, the Supreme Court did something noteworthy: It ...Read more

Breaking the Mold: Gender Discrimination in the Airline Industry

From the Left / ACLU /

As a child in New Jersey, I grew up hearing stories of my mother's flight attendant days in South Korea. A few stuck out to me even at a young age -- such as hearing she needed to maintain a certain weight to get into the flight attendant program and that she had to quit her job once she got married. I couldn't understand why my mother had to ...Read more



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