Politics, Moderate



Reflecting on MLK's Legacy and Lessons

"Now unto him that is able to keep you from falling, and to present you faultless before the presence of his glory with exceeding joy." -- Jude 24

Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. used the beginning of this scripture in his "Strength to Love" chapter, "Our God Is Able." This message is undoubtedly needed as encouragement for those who have already ...Read more

Be Gracious to Those in Need

The U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development recently released its 2024 Annual Homelessness Assessment Report, which found that over 770,000 people were unhoused in January of last year. This accounts for a disturbing 23% increase for those without permanent residence since 2023. Migration and natural disasters were cited as main ...Read more

Beginning 2025 on a Firm Foundation

Just before New Year's Eve, a Gallup poll survey headline accurately captured the feelings of many people in our nation: "Americans Predict Challenges in 2025, With a Few Bright Spots." The top concerns were unsurprising, including anxiousness about the economy and a growing budget deficit, intensified partisan conflict and more global disputes....Read more

'Mufasa: The Lion King' Offers Resonant Story of Jealousy and Betrayal

In anticipation of the December release of "Mufasa: The Lion King," I eagerly watched every trailer posted on YouTube. I was excited to finally examine Disney's revelation of Mufasa and Scar's backstory, and I was not disappointed. The computer animation in "Mufasa" is much better than the photorealistic depiction of the animals in the 2019 "...Read more

In the Wake of Tragedy, Lean on Faith

As the Madison, Wisconsin, community reels from the deadly shooting at Abundant Life Christian School, pictures of grief and mourning despondently tell the story of this tragedy's aftermath. I viewed the recent online collage of photos on CNN's website that showed students and parents holding candles at an evening vigil, a distraught police ...Read more

Churches Must Unite Across Racial Lines

One of the most encouraging stories of racial reconciliation among Southern Christian congregations is taking place in Mobile, Alabama, a port city that is still heavily segregated. The Black and White ministers who have come together to root out longstanding prejudice and simple fear of racial and cultural differences were featured in a ...Read more

Give Ohio State Football Coach Ryan Day His Due

The traditional rivalry week of the college football season unfortunately concluded with some ugly visuals. Brawls broke out at the end of the Ohio State-Michigan game along with fights after wins by Arizona State, Florida and North Carolina State. Attempts by the victorious road teams to plant school flags on their opponents' fields triggered...Read more

Don't Allow Fear to Paralyze You

Chapman University released its 10th consecutive study on fear in America toward the end of October, and the findings this year point to heightened anxiety and worry within the country. With 1,008 participants surveyed, Chapman researchers questioned them "about more than 90 fears and related behaviors." The top five responses were corrupt ...Read more

Reject Narcissism and Selfishness -- Embrace the Golden Rule

I recently read an informative article by NPR's Amy Held that provides advice for talking to children who may be stressed about the presidential election results. Held features an interview with a 37-year-old father who voted for President-elect Donald Trump, but his two older children, 11 and 13, had apprehensive feelings about Trump's victory....Read more

Divine Guidance Is Needed for Our Democracy

On the day after the presidential election, I saw several headlines proclaiming the result of former President Donald Trump's victory as a day of mourning, especially for Black Americans and Black women. On social media, the reactions posted from friends and others equated to being emotionally and physically drained and, in some cases, extremely...Read more

As Election Day Approaches, Trust in the Lord

With Election Day approaching, I was looking at photos on ABC News' website of early voters and people who have attended the closing rallies of Vice President Kamala Harris and former President Donald Trump. The images of individuals actually depict a sense of joyfulness in the midst of what has been one of the most polarizing presidential races...Read more

Will Artificial Intelligence Lead to Alternate Reality?

When Geoffrey Hinton, popularly known as the "Godfather of AI," won the Nobel Prize in Physics earlier this month, he accepted this premier award in his field with cautious hesitation and probably some regret. Hinton received the Nobel with artificial intelligence researcher John J. Hopfield. Both men's work has provided the blueprint for the AI...Read more


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