From the Right
Rubio Has It Right
On the day that President Donald Trump was inaugurated to his second term, Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer did two remarkable things. He spoke in favor of a proposition Trump had made -- and voted for it.
It was the nomination of Sen. Marco Rubio to be secretary of state.
"Sen. Rubio is an example of a qualified nominee we think should ...Read more
Catholic Elementary Schools Lead Public Schools 61-0 in Reading and Math
The National Center for Education Statistics last week released the results for the National Assessment of Educational Progress tests taken last year by students in the fourth and eighth grades.
They showed that Catholic schools have continued their winning streak over public schools.
In reading, Catholic-school fourth graders earned an ...Read more
Democrats Desert Aborting-Surviving Babies
The day after President Donald Trump was inaugurated to his second term, Senate Democratic leaders went to the floor to attack a bill that congressional Republicans hoped they could send to Trump to sign into law.
It was the Born-Alive Abortion Survivors Protection Act.
"Look, it is Donald Trump's first week as president, and Republicans are...Read more
Trump Stands With the Founders on Trade
When President Donald Trump gave his inaugural address in the U.S. Capitol on Monday, he included an explanation of his trade policy.
"I will immediately begin the overhaul of our trade system to protect American workers and their families," he said.
How will he do this? By imposing tariffs on imports.
"Instead of taxing our citizens to ...Read more
The Dam That Keeps San Francisco From Running Dry
It was 5:12 a.m. on a Wednesday and the sun had not yet risen over the East Bay hills when a 7.9 earthquake struck -- its epicenter just 2 miles west of San Francisco's Ocean Beach.
This was April 18, 1906.
The next day, three San Francisco newspapers -- the Call, the Chronicle and the Examiner -- published a joint edition. Its front page ...Read more
Carter's Greatest Conflicts vs. Reagan's
When President Jimmy Carter ran for reelection in 1980, he had to compete against former California Gov. Ronald Reagan.
It was no contest. Reagan took 44 of the 50 states and won the popular vote by more than 8 million.
Why was Carter's reelection effort so disastrous?
Perhaps the most significant reason -- but not the only reason -- was ...Read more
Prime Time for the American Game
Many millions of Americans will be united over the next three weeks while engaging in a profoundly American experience: watching the college football playoffs.
Yet an even more profoundly American experience is not watching football -- but playing it.
This fall, the National Federation of State High School Associations released the results ...Read more
The Debt This Congress Leaves Behind
When Republican Rep. Mike Johnson of Louisiana was serving his first term in 2018, he warned his colleagues and the American people about something he perceived to be "immoral" and "unsustainable."
"For years, Congress has spent irresponsibly and with what seems to be little or no thought for how it might affect future generations," Johnson ...Read more
Christmas Together
During the Christmas season when I was a boy, my mother used to take my brothers and sisters and me down to one of the roughest neighborhoods in San Francisco -- to visit some animals that were gathered there.
This was the Tenderloin District, which attracted drug dealers, drug users and a sad number of homeless people.
Our destination was ...Read more
Who Will Protect Syrian Christians?
It started with a suicide bomber.
On Sept. 4, 2013, a terrorist group launched an attack on a profoundly symbolic Syrian village.
"The dawn assault on the predominantly Christian village of Maaloula," reported the Associated Press, "was carried out by rebels from the al-Qaida-linked Jabhat al-Nusra group, according to a Syrian government ...Read more
ISIS-K and Biden's Border
When President George W. Bush stood in front of the U.S. Capitol on Jan. 20, 2005, and gave his second inaugural address, as this column has noted before, he argued that maintaining freedom in the United States would require spreading freedom all around the world.
"We are led, by events and common sense, to one conclusion," Bush declared. "...Read more
Congress Asked Americans To Give Thanks for the Constitution
When the first Congress met at Federal Hall in New York City in 1789, there were three days in September that saw a telling sequence of events.
On Thursday, Sept. 24, the House of Representatives finalized the language for what the states would later ratify as the First Amendment to the Constitution.
The first part of this amendment declared...Read more
Biden Met 3 Times With Leader of Genocidal Regime
President Joe Biden met last week for the third time with Chinese President Xi Jinping -- the leader of a regime Biden's own administration has repeatedly declared is engaging in genocide.
No White House statement about any of these three meetings has indicated that Biden specifically made this genocide an issue with Xi.
The day before Biden...Read more