From the Right



Losing (Con)Troll

From the Right / Erick Erickson /

In 2020, Joe Biden chose Kamala Harris to be his running mate, despite her evisceration of him on a debate stage where she attacked him as perpetuating and collaborating with racists. Biden, at the time, explicitly said he would choose a nonwhite female running mate and had originally flirted with the idea of failed Georgia candidate Stacey ...Read more

Never Confuse Incompetence for Malice

From the Right / Erick Erickson /

A man can sleep better at night thinking evil men in charge have a plan than realizing incompetent idiots with no plan are in charge. Many Americans have resorted to conspiracy theories because they will not process that idiots are in charge in a confluence of random events who make matters worse through their gross incompetence.

During COVID...Read more

Your Sins Will Find You Out

From the Right / Erick Erickson /

Years ago, a dear friend who worked for former Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld invited me to join the two of them at a photography exhibit. The Secretary needed some assistance, having had shoulder surgery. He was loathe to have a lady carry his briefcase. It became my job. We walked through the exhibit of photographs and he had stories ...Read more

The Plot to Oust Joe Biden

From the Right / Erick Erickson /

Senior Democrats have concluded two things. First, Joe Biden must step aside in favor of Kamala Harris. Second, Joe Biden will not, so they will attempt to have George Stephanopoulos euthanize Joe Biden's campaign later this week.

In addition to Biden's family and closest friends insisting he stay in the race, Democrats have another problem. ...Read more

A Festering Evil in the Shadows

From the Right / Erick Erickson /

"The Terrorism Warning Lights Are Blinking Red Again," read the headline of a column penned by Graham Allison and Michael J. Morell in Foreign Affairs. Allison is a Harvard professor. Morell was the deputy director of the Central Intelligence Agency. A series of news stories after their article paint a troubling picture. Something is festering...Read more

Help Me, Bob Iger. You're My Only Hope.

From the Right / Erick Erickson /

On Oct. 30, 2012, Disney acquired Lucasfilm for $4.05 billion and, with it, "Star Wars." Since then, Disney's stewardship of a property George Lucas himself often failed to steward wisely has descended into farce.

There is an old joke that the proof time travel is not real is because George Lucas did not die after the release of "Return of ...Read more

The American Troubles

From the Right / Erick Erickson /

The left in the United States has incredible clout to push their narratives nearly frictionlessly through cultural institutions. CNN has now multiple times had on Justice Sam Alito's former neighbor, who is revealed to be a partisan progressive and, by virtue of a Supreme Court Justice and his wife unwilling to perpetuate the story, the ...Read more

Discredited and Clueless

From the Right / Erick Erickson /

This week, an important revelation happened in Hunter Biden's criminal trial. After 51 supposed intelligence experts declared his laptop and the information thereon to be a Russian disinformation campaign, it turns out the laptop and its contents are real.

In 2020, media outlets ganged up on the New York Post, encouraging the former ...Read more

Someone Needs to Go to Jail

From the Right / Erick Erickson /

The "Australian Ballot" is the ballot Americans know and trust. First used in Australia in 1856, the ballot is what we know as the secret ballot. Americans trust that they can go to the polls and privately vote and no one will find out who they voted for. States even prohibit people taking pictures of their ballots to discourage voter ...Read more

Joy Cometh in the Morning

From the Right / Erick Erickson /

Last Friday, 3,943 miles south of the North Pole, here in Macon, Georgia, the Northern Lights were visible with the naked eye. They twirled and danced across the sky. They left pink and purple hues and colored the moon. I drove my family out into farm country away from city lights and we beheld the spectacle. The next day, I posted on Substack...Read more

Biden's Impeachable Moment

From the Right / Erick Erickson /

On Dec. 18, 2019, House Democrats impeached Donald Trump. They found he had withheld congressionally approved arms and aid to Ukraine in order to influence Ukraine's decision on an investigation of Joe Biden. On May 8, 2024, Joe Biden announced he would withhold congressionally approved arms and aid to Israel in order to influence Israel's ...Read more

A Lack of Imagination

From the Right / Erick Erickson /

Some House Republicans have decided they will oust Speaker Mike Johnson. Reps. Lauren Boebert of Colorado and Marjorie Taylor Greene of Georgia, among others, argue that the Democrats are already in control of the House by proxy, so make it reality. A sizable segment of the Republican base feels the same way. They lack the imagination to think...Read more



Darrin Bell Randy Enos Kevin Siers David M. Hitch Tim Campbell Christopher Weyant