From the Right
Lara Trump's Fox News Show Upsets the Liberal Scolds!
The Poynter Institute for Media Studies is a left-wing hive of activists badly disguised as journalists. They run the very biased "fact checker" PolitiFact, and one of their executives, Kelly McBride, moonlights as the baldly boosterish "public editor" making excuses for National Public Radio.
Tom Jones -- not the hip-swaying Welsh pop singer -...Read more
Team Stelter's Hopelessly Devoted to Ruining Trump!
Brian Stelter is back in his CNN comfort zone, penning those punchy sentences about "Trump's history of bullying media companies." It's as if he cannot conceive of the opposing view, as in "the legacy media's history of bullying Donald Trump." They've played rough -- seeking to destroy his political career, bankrupt his businesses and even put ...Read more
Trump 'Derangement' Will Keep Damaging Trust in Media!
From the inception of Donald Trump's political career, journalists have found it necessary to police each other, to insist that any notion of objectivity or balance with Trump was a grievous sin, a corrupt attempt to "normalize" an abnormally dangerous candidate.
Now that Trump is in his second term, a few rare voices have floated the novel ...Read more
CNN Anchor Can't Handle the Truth of Trump's New Polling High!
CNN data expert Harry Enten delivers poll results on air to his colleagues, whether they want to hear it or not. On the first Friday of President Donald Trump's second term, he brought bad news to CNN morning anchor Kate Bolduan that a new Reuters/Ipsos poll found Trump had a net approval rating of plus-6.
This term is starting much differently...Read more
Convicted Defamers at CNN Lecture About 'Deepfakes' Under Trump!
In CNN's buildup to the Trump inauguration on Monday, anchor Jake Tapper uncorked a lecture about how five Big Tech executives in attendance "control so much of the information that we receive."
Was that a warning? Or an expression of jealousy? The leftist media hate that the American people have gone around them for information, and they can't...Read more
NPR Slaps Black Republican With Lame 'No Evidence' Card!
Even on Inauguration Day, you can count on taxpayer-funded National Public Radio to act like a hive of Democrats. It's not surprising. As longtime NPR editor Uri Berliner reported last year, he investigated D.C. voting records and found "87 registered Democrats working in editorial positions and zero Republicans."
On "Morning Edition" before ...Read more
Servile Network 'News' Democrats Repeat Biden's Farewell Spin
In 1989, Ronald Reagan gave his farewell speech in the Oval Office. After the live coverage on ABC, then-White House reporter Sam Donaldson offered a Democratic rebuttal of sorts on the Reagan legacy. Later, on NBC, David Letterman asked Donaldson if presidents are required to talk to reporters.
Donaldson said no, but "it doesn't do anyone ...Read more
Trump's Right About Seth Meyers Tilting 'Comedy' Left for Democrats!
If you're a late-night host with an affinity for Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and Bernie Sanders, you're probably going to love being the target of a Donald Trump Truth Social tirade, uncorked in the middle of the night.
Seth Meyers is a millionaire socialist who preaches on TV about how Trump won with a "fake woke boogeyman," so "anyone suggesting...Read more
Carter's Kindest Media Eulogists Were Rough on Reagan!
In all the somber coverage of Jimmy Carter's death, the audience could and should expect the tone of kindness that wafts over wakes and funerals. Each president served as leader of our nation, shouldering a great burden over a large country with an ever-enlarging government.
But sometimes the tributes grow a little too treacly. CBS reporter ...Read more
The Fall of the Censorship Wall at Facebook
Since Donald Trump won reelection, the fiercest Trump-bashers in the press have raged against any sign of media titans softening their approaches before the second term begins. Visits to Mar-a-Lago? Outrageous! Donating to Trump's inauguration? Unconscionable!
Then Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg announced his Meta sites would be abandoning ...Read more
Never Mind Biden and Big Tech, Fear 'Trump's Censorship Arsenal'
Point and laugh at The Hollywood Reporter. After four years of Team Biden pressuring Big Tech to crush dissent on social media, not to mention Team Biden pressuring the news media to crush any word of President Joe Biden's mental decline, they're going to warn the world about Donald Trump and censorship.
The silly headline on this silly ...Read more
Biden's Partisan US Attorney in DC Was Never 'Newsworthy!'
He held an important position -- U.S. Attorney for the District of Columbia -- but Matthew Graves has been nearly invisible in the national media over the last four years as a Biden appointee. They didn't seriously cover what he's done, and what he's failed to do.
What he's done is hyperactively prosecute Jan. 6 protesters -- whether violent or...Read more
Biden the Invisible President Lies Without Consequence!
Joe Biden may still hold the office of President of the United States, but the media are treating him like he's anything but a newsmaker. For much of Biden's presidency, reporters were much more energized to cover the apparent menace of Donald Trump than agitate the officials that were always hiding Biden. Now he seems invisible.
On Dec. 15, ...Read more
Who Can Trust White House Reporters Who Hid Biden's Infirmity?
Even after The Wall Street Journal published a four-byline bombshell detailing how President Joe Biden's staff energetically hid his ongoing cognitive decline from the public, there wasn't a single question at the White House briefing. No reporters demanded answers about how they were misled, or complained they were pressured into silence.
They...Read more
Shocker! PolitiFact Tags Trump For 'Lie of the Year' For the 7th Time!
Don't call PolitiFact an "independent fact-checker." When they assemble to select their "Lie of the Year," they have singled out Donald Trump in 2015, 2016, 2017, 2019, 2020 and 2021. No Democrat has been tagged with this dishonor since Trump arrived on the scene.
It was Trump again this year, as PolitiFact tweeted: "A lie marked a town and its...Read more
ABC's Payment to Trump Creates 'Chilling Effect'
After ABC News settled with Donald Trump for $16 million over George Stephanopoulos incessantly lying about Trump being held "liable for rape," the hot concept in media panic was the "chilling effect."
MSNBC commentator Barbara McQuade lamented "the chilling effect it might have on people who otherwise would be critical of Donald Trump." Is ...Read more
Journalists Deserve All the Angst That Trump's Win Brings!
The reelection of Donald Trump has created overwhelming angst among the press. With Trump, they have been like the opposite of the Humpty Dumpty rhyme. The media are all the king's horses and all the king's men -- and they couldn't tear Humpty Dumpty apart. All their screeching about his menace only makes him successful.
Longtime CBS News ...Read more
Pretending There's No Cost in Biden's Mass Importation
The Trump-loathing media hates the notion of mass deportations. They are upset that voters support it. After the election, a CBS News poll found 57% of Americans are ready to put the brakes on illegal immigration.
On Dec. 8, ABC "This Week" moderator Martha Raddatz pressed conservative Rep. Byron Donalds (R-Fla.) on the cost: "A recent analysis...Read more
Let's Curb the Kangaroo Court of Anonymous Sources!
The anti-Trump media have already congratulated themselves for destroying the Matt Gaetz nomination for attorney general and are now attempting to destroy the Pete Hegseth nomination for secretary of defense.
Vetting the records of cabinet nominees is a legitimate journalistic function. It is not a legitimate journalistic function to kill a ...Read more
The Press Still Pretends the Justice Department Is Pristine
No one should be surprised that President Joe Biden lied when he said he would not pardon his corrupt son Hunter before wandering out of office. As much as journalists want to pretend this is just a Dear Old Dad rescue scenario, Hunter Biden enriched most of the Biden clan in his foreign influence-peddling projects, including Joe and Jill.
No ...Read more