From the Right



Will Blacks and Hispanics Vote Their Pocketbooks? Trump Should Hope So!

From the Right / Stephen Moore /

In the one debate between Donald Trump and Kamala Harris, the vice president attacked Trump for having a racist record, citing his statements in response to the protests In Charlottesville back in 2017.

My intention here is not to defend Trump on some of the things he says about race -- which can be interpreted by some as offensive.

I'm here ...Read more

Kamala Harris Wants America to Have the World's Highest Death Tax!

From the Right / Stephen Moore /

Here is something no one in the media is reporting as Vice President Kamala Harris continues to duck and weave like Muhammad Ali in the ring to avoid any questions about her economic plan.

The American Business Defense Foundation reports that under the Harris tax plan, the number of Americans subject to the hated death tax would double or ...Read more

Don't Nuke the Senate Filibuster!

From the Right / Stephen Moore /

Why is it that the politicians keep referring to America as a "democracy"? How many times have we heard that former President Donald Trump is "threat to democracy"?

Well, yes, we are a democracy. We vote in and out of office our politicians.

But more importantly, we are a republic. This is basic civics: Our forefathers set up myriad checks and...Read more

Can We All Get Along? Yes, By Letting the States Decide!

From the Right / Stephen Moore /

At the time of this writing, the outcome of the presidential race is pretty close to being a coin flip. So what I write is not in any way influenced by who will win in November, since that is unknowable.

What is a virtual certainty is that on Nov. 6 roughly half the country will be full of joy, and the other half will be in a deep depression ...Read more

Is Washington Distorting the Numbers?

From the Right / Stephen Moore /

We all know that math scores have been scandalously trending downward for many years, but the folks in the government should at least be able to count.

We're finding more and more evidence that the statistics the government is releasing to the public are increasingly suspect and unreliable. It seems like the errors are not random but perhaps ...Read more

When It Comes to Tech Policy, Biden and Harris Put America Last

From the Right / Stephen Moore /

The Wall Street Journal noted last week that American shareholders will lose tens of billions of dollars in investment income from their stock holdings in Silicon Valley companies like Google and Apple if several European Union sham lawsuits prevail.

These are generally suits alleging that America's dominant tech companies are acting like ...Read more

Hey Kamala! Where Are Your Spending Cuts?

From the Right / Stephen Moore /

In 1982 the federal budget deficit rose above $100 billion for the first time (those were the good old days!), and then-President Ronald Reagan agreed to an infamous budget deal with then-House Speaker Tip O'Neill. Democrats would agree to $3 of spending cuts for every $1 of tax increases. Reagan foolishly agreed to the deal. The taxes went up. ...Read more

Hey, Washington: Keep Your Hands Off the Internet!

From the Right / Stephen Moore /

Everyone these days -- on both sides of the political spectrum -- seems to want the feds to regulate internet access, prices and online content. They want the Federal Communications Commission to be the referee in terms of who gets connected to the internet and what can and can't be said.

But three recent events highlight why this is a ...Read more

RFK Jr. Hasn't Left the Democratic Party So Much As It's Left Him!

From the Right / Stephen Moore /

Robert F. Kennedy Jr.'s exit from the Democratic Party (or was he booted out?) is only the latest sign that there are no more JFK Democrats left in positions of power in the Democratic Party.

President John F. Kennedy was a staunch anti-communist who fought against union and government corruption. He was a pro-life Catholic. He was laser-...Read more

Biden-Harris Have a Sixth Sense the Economy Is in Trouble -- They're Probably Right

From the Right / Stephen Moore /

Democrats and the media are in a quandary to explain why Americans so underappreciate all that President Joe Biden and Vice President Kamala Harris have done for the economy. Or, should I say, TO the economy.

They act as if these are the salad days for American families, with inflation falling and jobs aplenty. For now.

So why are Americans so...Read more

Natural Gas Is Now Cheaper Than Water!

From the Right / Stephen Moore /

Among the great mythologies of recent years, one stands out above the rest, is that the world is in a "great energy transition." Actually, the world IS in a dramatic energy transition. But it isn't the one the Left wants it to be.

Despite hundreds of billions of taxpayer dollars thrown at wind and solar power, we still get less than 10% of our ...Read more

Just Who Is the Real Middle-Class President?

From the Right / Stephen Moore /

President Joe Biden talked incessantly about his "from the middle class out" economic strategy. Given his record, it would have been more accurate to call it the "middle class down and out" plan. Inflation has eroded away any income gains under Biden's presidency.

Now Vice President Kamala Harris has her own riff on this theme. Her campaign ...Read more

Biden's Rent Control Schemes Will Backfire on Renters -- They Always Do!

From the Right / Stephen Moore /

It's clear why President Joe Biden desperately wants to bring down housing prices and rent. With mortgage interest rates double what they were when former President Donald Trump took office, mortgage payments have roughly doubled since 2020, and rents are up in many cities by more than 30%.

So much for the dream of homeownership. And just ...Read more


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