


Sean Gallup/Getty Images North America/TNS

Editorial: How the US and allies can convince more citizens to serve

Politics / Op Eds /

After witnessing the carnage in Ukraine, the U.S. and its partners are racing to rearm — beefing up defense budgets, securing supply chains and expanding arms production. To deter the likes of Russia or China, though, they will have to devote the same energy to another task: finding troops to man those weapons.

For years now, many advanced ...Read more

Saul Loeb/Getty Images of North America/TNS

Commentary: How does Biden's foreign policy record stack up?

Politics / Op Eds /

President Joe Biden’s decision to pull out of the race on Sunday afternoon shocked the country. A day earlier, the president was talking as if his campaign was full steam ahead. His change of heart left even some of his closest advisers in the White House bewildered.

Much will be written in the next several days about why Biden bowed out. But...Read more


Commentary: Juvenile crime is out of control in too many cities

Politics / Op Eds /

The summer heat isn’t the only thing intensifying. Too many cities around the country are experiencing a rash of crimes committed by juvenile offenders.

The kids creating chaos understand the message that many of their local elected leaders have sent them: There won’t be consequences for their actions. It’s a free-for-all.

Unfortunately,...Read more

Genaro Molina/Los Angeles Times/TNS

Gustavo Arellano: The death of California's Spanish-language newspapers leaves a void. 'It gets filled with trash'

Politics / Op Eds /

When Laura Pantoja immigrated to Santa Ana from Mexico City in the early 1990s, she could choose from about a dozen local newspapers in her native language.

A literature major, she favored Unión Hispana because it was "the political paper," sometimes printing unflattering photos of local elected officials who, editors thought, didn't stand up ...Read more

Nathan Howard/Getty Images North America/TNS

Commentary: The CrowdStrike outage shows the danger of depending on Big Tech overlords

Politics / Op Eds /

Starting on Thursday of last week with ripple effects for days afterward, a routine software update caused a record-breaking freeze across much of the world.

CrowdStrike, a cybersecurity vendor deployed by Microsoft systems, installed an update that analysts say probably skipped quality testing. The result disabled an estimated 8.5 million ...Read more

Jim Vondruska/Getty Images North America/TNS

Editorial: Biden's 'unmatched' record of failure is all Kamala Harris has to run on

Politics / Op Eds /

On Monday, Vice President Kamala Harris offered her first public remarks since President Joe Biden’s decision to step aside in the upcoming election.

In those remarks, Harris claimed, “Joe Biden’s legacy of accomplishment over the past three years is unmatched in modern history,” continuing later, “In one term, he has already ...Read more

Jim Vondruska/Getty Images North America/TNS

LZ Granderson: President Harris would be a 'first' in many ways. She can handle it

Politics / Op Eds /

The more America sees Vice President Kamala Harris and gets to know her, the more America will see what President Joe Biden saw when he selected her as his running mate: She can handle it.

And I'm not just talking about the campaign schedule, earning the nomination or doing the job. I'm talking about what she'll have to endure as a "first." ...Read more

Brian Cassella/Chicago Tribune/TNS

Commentary: Illinois should be an economic powerhouse. Why isn't it?

Politics / Op Eds /

In each of the six R’s critical to economic development — roads, rails, rivers, runways, routers (technology) and research — Illinois is among the top states in the nation. And it’s smack dab in the middle of the world’s largest economy. Illinois should be an economic powerhouse. Why isn’t it?

As to the state’s strengths, take a ...Read more

Al Bello/Getty Images North America/TNS

Commentary: It's time to buck the rodeo

Politics / Op Eds /

There’s a certain nostalgia for the Wild West, but horses and cows do not deserve to pay with their lives just to satisfy some humans’ desire to play “cowboy." Rodeos are nothing but a show of force and domination that belongs firmly in history books.

This month at the Calgary Stampede in Alberta, Canada, three horses were euthanized ...Read more

Andrew Harnik/Getty Images North America/TNS

Editorial: No, Kamala Harris is not going to 'steal' the Democratic Party nomination

Politics / Op Eds /

In a startlingly swift sequence of events, Vice President Kamala Harris has won the support of party leaders, donors and — most important — delegates who had been expected to support President Joe Biden before he abandoned his quest for a second term.

It’s a remarkable show of solidarity, but Republicans are mischaracterizing it as ...Read more

Smiley N. Pool/The Dallas Morning News/TNS

Editorial: Harris can't run from Biden's many messes

Politics / Op Eds /

Vice President Kamala Harris secured more key endorsements on Monday as she moves toward becoming President Joe Biden’s replacement on the Democratic ticket. Nancy Pelosi bestowed her support on the vice president. Chuck Schumer soon followed.

Harris has raked in oodles of cash since Biden dropped his decision Sunday with a posting on X. The ...Read more

Timothy A. Clary/AFP/Getty Images North America/TNS

Commentary: 6 reasons Kamala Harris has better odds than Clinton against Trump

Politics / Op Eds /

Almost as quickly as Democrats took a sigh of relief after President Joe Biden ended his reelection campaign, many also started holding their breath.

There was relief because a diminished, doubted 81-year-old candidate stepped aside and endorsed his 59-year-old Vice President Kamala Harris as the Democratic presidential nominee. After weeks of ...Read more

Chris Kleponis/AFP/Getty Images North America/TNS

Commentary: Bouncing Biden for Harris is a bad look for Democrats and a betrayal of voters

Politics / Op Eds /

Three weeks. That’s all it took to overthrow a president.

Joe Biden’s weekend announcement that he would not accept his party’s nomination for another term followed what will go down in history as the single worst presidential debate performance ever.

Bad enough, in this case, to knock Biden out of a race he had already won — the ...Read more

Sean Rayford/Getty Images North America/TNS

Commentary: Can Kamala Harris change a presidential race barely affected by a series of seismic events?

Politics / Op Eds /

Donald Trump famously said in 2016 that he “could stand in the middle of Fifth Avenue and shoot somebody and wouldn’t lose any voters.” What sounded like an extraordinary exaggeration at the time has essentially been proven correct: Despite a cascade of disasters, defeats, impeachments, indictments and other events that would have derailed...Read more

Michael DeMocker/Getty Images North America/TNS

Francis Wilkinson: When Harris calls Trump a predator, voters will listen

Politics / Op Eds /

Kamala Harris visited her campaign headquarters on Monday and delivered a key message.

Before becoming a U.S. senator and then vice president, Harris reminded the crowd, she was California’s attorney general and a courtroom prosecutor. “In those roles,” she said, “I took on perpetrators of all kinds: predators who abused women; ...Read more


Editorial: Heavy balance -- Student loan forgiveness suffers another court defeat

Politics / Op Eds /

A federal appeals court last week issued a one-sentence order granting an effort by Missouri and several other states to block the Biden administration’s Saving on a Valuable Education (SAVE) student loan forgiveness program, dealing yet another blow to the president’s push to help millions of Americans crushed by the burden of high-interest...Read more

Sean Gallup/Getty Images North America/TNS

Lara Williams: Our days are getting longer as the polar ice caps melt

Politics / Op Eds /

What would you do with extra time in the day? Squeeze in that workout? Finally dust your living room? Maybe, like me, you’d simply opt to get some more sleep. Turns out our days are getting longer — but only by milliseconds. Not enough time for a nap, but long enough to wreak havoc with our computer systems.

Researchers at Swiss university...Read more

Chris duMond/Getty Images North America/TNS

Editorial: Pitted against Kamala Harris, can Trump tone down the racism and misogyny?

Politics / Op Eds /

Vice President Kamala Harris is the highest-ranking female in U.S. political history and the first Black woman and Asian American to hold her post. The 59-year-old lawyer is a former U.S. senator and served as California attorney general and San Francisco’s district attorney.

Yet when former President Donald Trump, the Republican Party’s ...Read more

Jay Ambrose: Making America sane again

Politics / Op Eds /

American politics these days almost makes you want to hide out in your basement, avoiding, for instance, a televised debate in which President Joe Biden took on former President Donald Trump with an indecipherable jumble of words making just one point, namely that he had no idea what he was talking about.

Soon enough, a mighty gang of fellow ...Read more

MIGUEL MEDINA/AFP/Getty Images North America/TNS

Editorial: After Joe -- Biden's withdrawal decision shifts the election again

Politics / Op Eds /

President Joe Biden has withdrawn from the 2024 presidential election, stepping aside in the race to best Donald Trump in a contest over the basic identity of this country.

Whatever one might think of the decision — whether you believe Biden was railroaded out by skittish Dems or stepped aside for the good of the country or something in ...Read more



Randy Enos Jeff Danziger A.F. Branco Adam Zyglis Gary McCoy Al Goodwyn