From the Right



America Needs a Congress That Will Stop Borrowing Money

With the November election approaching, much attention is focused on the presidential contest -- but at least as significant are the contests that will determine who controls Congress.

That is because Congress controls federal taxing and spending.

"The Congress shall have power to lay and collect taxes, duties, imposts and excises, to pay ...Read more

When the Four Horsemen Went to Princeton

The great sportswriter Grantland Rice would eventually call them the "team of destiny."

But when that 1922 Princeton University football team headed West to play Coach Amos Alonzo Stagg's University of Chicago team, Rice had predicted they would lose.

"The Tiger will give Chicago a first class battle, but the heavier attacking Maroon team ...Read more

Government Employees Exceed Population of Florida

The state of Florida had a population of 22,610,726 as of July 2023, according to the U.S. Census Bureau. That ranked third among all states -- exceeded only by Texas, which had a population of 30,503,301; and California, which had a population of 38,965,193.

As of this September, federal, state and local governments in this country employed ...Read more

Justice Served -- After 41 Years

It was seven-story building that sat along the Mediterranean and looked out over the sea.

That was the U.S. Embassy in Beirut, Lebanon, in 1983. On April 18 of that year, it was targeted by a recently formed Iranian-backed terrorist group.

"Lebanese police and witnesses said the front of the embassy was blown out by 500 pounds of explosives ...Read more

Kamala Harris and the Catholic Vote

When Brian Buescher, whom then-President Donald Trump had nominated to the U.S. District Court for the District of Nebraska, appeared at his confirmation hearing in the Senate Judiciary Committee on Nov. 28, 2018, then-Sen. Kamala Harris did not ask him any questions.

A week later, however, she did submit written questions she wanted him to ...Read more

It Is Time to Deal With the Debt

The median age in the United States in 2023 was 39.1 years, according to the Census Bureau. That means that approximately half the people in this country were born in 1984 or later.

What was happening four decades ago when about half America's current population started coming into the world?

In 1984, then-President Ronald Reagan was ...Read more

The Roots of American Prosperity

Do native-born Americans have higher household incomes than naturalized citizens? It is a simple question the Census Bureau answered this week. The answer? No.

Do they have higher household incomes than noncitizens? Yes.

In fact, when it comes to ranking household incomes by the nativity of the householder, according to the Census Bureau, ...Read more

Would Harris Secure the Border That Biden Did Not?

East Blake Lane Park in Oakton, Virginia, sits about 16 miles down the road from the White House, where President Joe Biden lives, and about 17 1/2 miles from the Naval Observatory, where Vice President Kamala Harris resides.

Shortly after 3 p.m. on July 20, according to a statement published on July 22 by the Fairfax County Police Department...Read more

The Message Biden Should Have Sent to China

When an unnamed "senior administration official" briefed reporters last Friday about National Security Adviser Jake Sullivan's trip to the People's Republic of China -- to meet with Foreign Minister Wang Yi -- there was one significant word he never used: genocide.

"I expect these meetings will cover roughly the same format as we have in ...Read more

Democrats Are Hiding Biden -- But Harris Can't Hide From His Record

Voters in the key swing states of Georgia and Pennsylvania -- which were crucial in determining the outcome of the 2020 presidential election in Joe Biden's favor -- would have needed to stay up until 12:18 on Tuesday morning to watch the entirety of the speech that President Biden began delivering late Monday night at the Democratic National ...Read more

Kamala Harris on Snob Hill

Vice President Kamala Harris visited San Francisco on Sunday to hold a fundraising event at an elitist venue in one of its richest neighborhoods.

Her event was at the Fairmont Hotel on Nob Hill.

If you visit that hotel's website, you will see that its cheapest room on a weeknight this time of year is $264. However, it also offers a three-...Read more

How Kamala Harris Defines 'Extreme'

Republican Rep. Ann Wagner of Missouri went to the House floor on Jan. 11, 2023, to promote a bill she was sponsoring.

It focused on newborn babies.

"All children should be welcomed with joy and wonder, no matter the circumstances of their birth," she said. "Yet, too many of these sweet little ones are denied the medical care they need to ...Read more

When San Francisco Was Not Liberal

"She is a San Francisco liberal."

That is how Republican Sen. Tom Cotton of Arkansas -- who graduated from Harvard and Harvard Law School -- described Vice President Kamala Harris in an interview on CNN last week.

That description of San Francisco may make sense now, but there was a time when it did not.

When President Dwight D. Eisenhower ...Read more


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