From the Right



Trump's Right About Seth Meyers Tilting 'Comedy' Left for Democrats!

Tim Graham on

If you're a late-night host with an affinity for Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and Bernie Sanders, you're probably going to love being the target of a Donald Trump Truth Social tirade, uncorked in the middle of the night.

Seth Meyers is a millionaire socialist who preaches on TV about how Trump won with a "fake woke boogeyman," so "anyone suggesting Democrats can win elections by throwing trans people under the bus, let me just say '(bleep) off.'" The preaching is more important than anybody laughing.

This was Trump's hot take: "How bad is Seth Meyers on NBC, a 'network' run by a truly bad group of people -- Remember, they also run MSDNC. I got stuck watching Marble Mouth Meyers the other night, the first time in months, and every time I watch this moron I feel an obligation to say how dumb and untalented he is, merely a slot filler for the Scum that runs Comcast."

I don't know about the "marble mouth," but Meyers could easily put his show on MSNBC and no one would be able to tell much difference between his show and Lawrence O'Donnell's. I wouldn't call Meyers "untalented," but most of these late-night hosts strive to be "relevant" in their anti-Republican messaging. Sadly for them, it didn't keep Trump from winning again.

Trump also announced, "These guys should be paying a lot of money for the right to give these 'in kind' contributions to the Radical Left Democrat Party. These are not shows or entertainment, they are simply political hits, 100% of the time, to me and the Republican Party. Comcast should pay a BIG price for this!"

Comcast has a right to use its "public" airwaves for narrow-minded leftist advocacy. But Trump is absolutely right that the Meyers shows qualify as "in-kind contributions" to the DNC.

Alex Christy at NewsBusters analyzed a total of 3,230 jokes on the Meyers hootenanny in 2024. Like other late-night lefties, the tilt was dramatic. Meyers mocked Trump with 2,736 jokes to just 292 for Joe Biden, and 13 for Kamala Harris. Thirteen! J.D. Vance drew 84 jokes, compared to 19 for Tim Walz and Harris' pittance.

Harris drew less "humorous" attention than Rudy Giuliani (92 jokes), Robert F. Kennedy Jr. (57), Matt Gaetz (47), Elon Musk (45), Marjorie Taylor Greene (37) and Kristi Noem (also 37).


Meyers offered 16 jokes on Supreme Court justices, all of them about conservatives.

Republican leaders in Congress drew 10 times as many jokes as Democrat leaders: 33, versus three about Chuck Schumer. Meyers softly joked that Schumer's walkout dance at the DNC looked like he was trying out for Australia's much-ridiculed Olympics breakdance team.

Then there's this eye-opener. Compare the jokes for Trump's Cabinet picks to jokes about Biden's Cabinet secretaries: it's 155 to two. We've noted how RFK and Gaetz and Noem jokes were common last year. Meyers skipped the entire Biden Cabinet except for two jokes about Attorney General Merrick Garland. Meyers ripped Garland from the left in November for failing to stop Trump: "But is that what a Justice Department is even for, results? Or is it about the journey?"

But the most shameless DNC hackery was hosting President Biden last February. Meyers tiptoed into concerns on Biden's age and then allowed Biden to give a long campaign speech. Meyers asked Biden if he enjoys the DNC's "Dark Brandon" memes, and Biden joked, "No, I resent the hell out of it." He put on his aviator sunglasses and the audience went wild.

Meyers hid the decline. He pushed the MSNBC Kool-Aid that Biden was fine.


Tim Graham is director of media analysis at the Media Research Center and executive editor of the blog To find out more about Tim Graham and read features by other Creators Syndicate writers and cartoonists, visit the Creators Syndicate website at




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