Health Advice





Botox Injections Used For Treating An Overactive Bladder

Health Advice / Keith Roach /

DEAR DR. ROACH: In two weeks, I am supposed to get Botox injections in my bladder for an overactive bladder (OAB) and my frequent need to urinate at nighttime. Are these injections safe? Are there any bad side effects? How long do they work? -- D.J.

ANSWER: The initial treatment for OAB symptoms usually consists of lifestyle changes (i.e., ...Read more

Births in a Nation

Health Advice / Scott LaFee /

Remarkably and somewhat appallingly, pregnancy and childbirth remain more dangerous for mother and child in the United States than in any other high-income nation.

Some numbers, reported by STAT:

The U.S. maternal mortality rate is 22 deaths per 100,000 live births -- triple what some other high-income countries see. For Black women in the U...Read more


On Nutrition: Land of dining enchantment

Health Advice / Nutrition /

Note: Soon after finishing this piece, I was shocked and saddened to learn of the devastating fire that destroyed thousands of acres in and around the picturesque mountain town of Ruidoso, New Mexico. My prayers are with all the people involved in this disaster.


Each time I visit my home state of New Mexico, I know why it’s called “...Read more

Grondin Franck Olivier/Dreamstime/TNS

On Nutrition: More on sugar alcohols

Health Advice / Nutrition /

After hearing from a reader with diabetes and dry mouth who was searching for hard sugar-free candy with no sugar alcohols, I replied that if there are any products without these types of sweeteners, they did not come up on my radar.

I soon received a note from Mary O. in Richmond, Virginia: “It took me a few seconds to find candy free of ...Read more

It's a Dog's Strife

Health Advice / Scott LaFee /

The mental health crisis that seems to be afflicting many of us has found a new target: our best friends. Veterinarians across the country report rising prescriptions of Prozac for dogs, along with various mood stabilizers for separation anxiety, socialization fears, biting habits or other problematic behaviors.

The phenomenon reflects the ...Read more


On Nutrition: Quotes to ponder

Health Advice / Nutrition /

Over the years, in numerous circumstances, I’ve treasured the wisdom of others, especially when it comes to living a healthful life. Some has come from personal friends, others from those in the public eye…some serious, others witty.

Hippocrates, for example, was an ancient Greek physician who is often referred to as the “father of ...Read more

They Feel Your Pain

Health Advice / Scott LaFee /

A new study suggests that patients whose doctors are more empathetic to their suffering tend to feel less lower back pain than patients whose doctors don't create much of an emotional connection.

Levels of improvement among patients reporting the most empathetic care were higher than for such treatments as exercise therapy, yoga, massage, ...Read more

Gale Verhague/Dreamstime/TNS

Diabetes Quick Fix: Jamaican Jerk Chicken and Quinoa with Coconut and Spinach

Health Advice / Health Advice /

Bring a taste of Jamaica to your kitchen. Jerking is an ancient Jamaican method for preserving and cooking meat. The meat is marinated and slowly cooked over allspice wood. This recipe uses a dry-rub marinade to create the flavors of jerk cooking without spending hours cooking on a barbecue.

Use the jerk seasoning recipe here or buy one at the ...Read more


On Nutrition: Counting calories, Round 3

Health Advice / Nutrition /

Seems we are still not finished with comments regarding two recent columns on counting calories. Interestingly, these two letters arrived in my inbox on the same day.

Dee V. from Santa Cruz wrote: “I too have found that plain old fashioned counting calories is the easiest and most reliable way to achieve a goal and stay there. I don’t do ...Read more

The End in Sight

Health Advice / Scott LaFee /

Rising rates of colorectal cancer in younger people have prompted calls for screening at an earlier age. A new study looked at the question of when people are old enough to no longer require follow-up colonoscopies, when the procedure no longer makes long-term health sense.

In a cross-sectional study of 10,000 patients aged 70 to 85 who had ...Read more


On Nutrition: Do we need more sodium?

Health Advice / Nutrition /

A well-meaning friend encouraged me to add an electrolyte powder into my daily water bottle.

“It’s got a lot of sodium,” she explained. “But you need extra sodium when you’re active and sweating.”

This particular product contains potassium, magnesium and sodium — essential minerals that can be lost in sweat and urine. It was the ...Read more

The Wizzard of Cause

Health Advice / Scott LaFee /

"Latchkey incontinence" refers to the repeated, sudden need to use the bathroom when you arrive home. It's believed to be a form of brain conditioning. According to Dr. Joseph Salhab, a Florida-based gastroenterologist known as "The Stomach Doc" on TikTok, that urge to purge also occurs when one is shopping.

He suggests two reasons.

No. 1: ...Read more


Diabetes Quick Fix: Bronzed Tilapia with Rice and Spinach Pilaf

Health Advice / Health Advice /

The coat of this bronzed tilapia is golden and caramelized from the cooking method. The secret to bronzing is to keep the skillet at a medium temperature. The tilapia should take 4 to 5 minutes to cook. Bring the fish to room temperature before cooking. This creates more even cooking.

The Spinach Rice Pilaf recipe is easy to make and takes ...Read more

Denise P. Lett/Dreamstime/TNS

On Nutrition: Hunt for sugar-free candy

Health Advice / Nutrition /

Elaine L., who reads this column in the St. Louis Post-Dispatch writes, “I am diabetic and also get a very dry mouth frequently. Sucking on a hard candy helps my mouth, but I really don't need the sugar. I have searched for sugar-free hard candies, but every one I have found contains sugar alcohols, which greatly upset my stomach. Are there ...Read more

The Dark Side of Light

Health Advice / Scott LaFee /

Air pollution exposure is a known risk factor for strokes because inhaled particulates can cause pulmonary blood vessel inflammation. A new study suggests outdoor light pollution at night may also boost stroke risk.

The theory is that too much light at night may interfere with melatonin production and the sound sleep it induces.

Body of ...Read more


On Nutrition: Dear Graduate

Health Advice / Nutrition /

Graduation celebrations abound this time of year. Even our 4-year-old granddaughter got into it. With a miniature square cap proudly balanced on her head, she excitedly waved at us the entire time she and her classmates were recognized for completing preschool.

Amid the flurry of high school announcements were two we received from our nephews ...Read more

This Will Hurt You More Than Me

Health Advice / Scott LaFee /

Is the idiomatic suggestion that it's best to "rip off a Band-Aid" actually good advice?

Is one quick OUCH! better than a series of smaller ows?

Researchers in Australia recruited 65 students to determine which bandage removal approach was less painful: quick or slow. Using an 11-point pain scale (0 for no pain, 10 for extreme pain), the ...Read more


Diabetes Quick Fix: Southwestern Chicken Burgers with Tortilla Salad

Health Advice / Health Advice /

Spicy tomato salsa gives these light, juicy chicken burgers a hint of the Southwest.

Look for ground chicken made from chicken breast meat only. If it says ground chicken, then skin, fat and dark meat may have been added.

Helpful Hints:

Be sure to drain the salsa to keep the hamburgers from being too wet to retain their shape.

Any type of ...Read more

Andrey Popov/Dreamstime/TNS

On Nutrition: Do calories really count?

Health Advice / Nutrition /

A recent column about my husband and I trying to shed a few vacation pounds brought these responses:

“I read your article about counting calories after a trip to Texas. I can totally relate. In 2016, I started an Excel spread sheet and kept track of each calorie. I dropped from 275 to 231 (pounds)," said Red in York, Nebraska.

"Four ...Read more

Harmed to the Teeth

Health Advice / Scott LaFee /

More than 11% of American households use tooth-whitening products, according to U.S. Census data and the Simmons National Consumer Survey. In nearly all commercial products, from at-home strips to mouthwashes, the key ingredient is hydrogen peroxide, which is generally safe but should be used with a few caveats.

First, hydrogen peroxide's ...Read more