Health Advice




On Nutrition: Regarding processed meats

Health Advice / Nutrition /

LS from Richmond, Virginia writes: “I know that processed lunch meat is not a good choice. Is freshly sliced meat bought in the deli section of the store a better choice, or does that have a lot of the same additives as packaged lunch meat? Thank you!”

Dear LS: It depends on what type of freshly sliced meat you choose. Items like roast beef...Read more

Marilyn Gould/Dreamstime/TNS

On Nutrition: Tips from readers

Health Advice / Nutrition /

In response to recent columns about counting calories, a few readers responded with their own suggestions:

Karen K. in Dallas (who notes she’s the daughter of a dietitian) writes: "As an alternative approach for those who don’t enjoy counting calories, simply cutting portion sizes does essentially the same thing. Portion sizes in the U.S. ...Read more


On Nutrition: Sugar in wine?

Health Advice / Nutrition /

I recently had the opportunity to sample a new brand of white wine. It was excellent. As good, in fact, as any nice sauvignon blanc I’ve enjoyed.

What caught my attention, however, was the bottle. It touted a nutrition facts label. We don’t often see nutrition labels on alcoholic beverages because alcohol is not regulated by the Food and ...Read more


On Nutrition: Land of dining enchantment

Health Advice / Nutrition /

Note: Soon after finishing this piece, I was shocked and saddened to learn of the devastating fire that destroyed thousands of acres in and around the picturesque mountain town of Ruidoso, New Mexico. My prayers are with all the people involved in this disaster.


Each time I visit my home state of New Mexico, I know why it’s called “...Read more

Grondin Franck Olivier/Dreamstime/TNS

On Nutrition: More on sugar alcohols

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After hearing from a reader with diabetes and dry mouth who was searching for hard sugar-free candy with no sugar alcohols, I replied that if there are any products without these types of sweeteners, they did not come up on my radar.

I soon received a note from Mary O. in Richmond, Virginia: “It took me a few seconds to find candy free of ...Read more


On Nutrition: Quotes to ponder

Health Advice / Nutrition /

Over the years, in numerous circumstances, I’ve treasured the wisdom of others, especially when it comes to living a healthful life. Some has come from personal friends, others from those in the public eye…some serious, others witty.

Hippocrates, for example, was an ancient Greek physician who is often referred to as the “father of ...Read more


On Nutrition: Counting calories, Round 3

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Seems we are still not finished with comments regarding two recent columns on counting calories. Interestingly, these two letters arrived in my inbox on the same day.

Dee V. from Santa Cruz wrote: “I too have found that plain old fashioned counting calories is the easiest and most reliable way to achieve a goal and stay there. I don’t do ...Read more


On Nutrition: Do we need more sodium?

Health Advice / Nutrition /

A well-meaning friend encouraged me to add an electrolyte powder into my daily water bottle.

“It’s got a lot of sodium,” she explained. “But you need extra sodium when you’re active and sweating.”

This particular product contains potassium, magnesium and sodium — essential minerals that can be lost in sweat and urine. It was the ...Read more

Denise P. Lett/Dreamstime/TNS

On Nutrition: Hunt for sugar-free candy

Health Advice / Nutrition /

Elaine L., who reads this column in the St. Louis Post-Dispatch writes, “I am diabetic and also get a very dry mouth frequently. Sucking on a hard candy helps my mouth, but I really don't need the sugar. I have searched for sugar-free hard candies, but every one I have found contains sugar alcohols, which greatly upset my stomach. Are there ...Read more


On Nutrition: Dear Graduate

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Graduation celebrations abound this time of year. Even our 4-year-old granddaughter got into it. With a miniature square cap proudly balanced on her head, she excitedly waved at us the entire time she and her classmates were recognized for completing preschool.

Amid the flurry of high school announcements were two we received from our nephews ...Read more

Andrey Popov/Dreamstime/TNS

On Nutrition: Do calories really count?

Health Advice / Nutrition /

A recent column about my husband and I trying to shed a few vacation pounds brought these responses:

“I read your article about counting calories after a trip to Texas. I can totally relate. In 2016, I started an Excel spread sheet and kept track of each calorie. I dropped from 275 to 231 (pounds)," said Red in York, Nebraska.

"Four ...Read more

Stephen Mcsweeny/Dreamstime/TNS

On Nutrition: Food for horse camping

Health Advice / Nutrition /

Anne in St. Louis writes: "Hi Barbara, I read with great interest (in a previous column) that you were horse camping in Texas. I am a newbie horse camper! I'm still trying to figure out what is nutritious to bring that needs no refrigeration (aside from a cooler) and no way to heat it up/cook it. Do you have recipes for a portable snack (besides...Read more


On Nutrition: Weight loss gummies a sticky situation

Health Advice / Nutrition /

Corryne P. writes: “I am inquiring about the fat busting products such as keto gummies, GOLO release, Nutrisystem shakes and others. Do they really work? I know people who have tried them but when they stop, the weight returns. How do they work on the body?”

Another reader asks: “Could you please explain the craze going on with Apple ...Read more



Meaning of Lila David Horsey Bart van Leeuwen Adam Zyglis John Cole 9 Chickweed Lane