Life Advice





Adult Daughter Has Cut Off Contact With Family Members

Life Advice / Dear Abby /

DEAR ABBY: My older daughter, "Brianna," age 42, does not want anything to do with me or her brother and sister-in-law. She keeps me from my granddaughter, who is 17. I have been divorced since the '90s and remarried for 25 years. My first husband was a cheater. I tried very hard to save my first marriage. We got back together six months later, ...Read more

Colleague Makes Work More Difficult For Bartender

Life Advice / Sense & Sensitivity /

DEAR HARRIETTE: I am a bartender, and I have a colleague I work with about four times a week. He is a nice guy, and we generally get along well, but there are some aspects of his behavior and work ethic that are becoming increasingly difficult for me to handle. While he is friendly and personable with customers, he often lacks the ...Read more

Please Pass The Rolls -- And Keep Holding Them

Life Advice / Miss Manners /

DEAR MISS MANNERS: Can you please advise me on the proper way for individuals to serve themselves when passing dishes at a family-style dinner?

My mother emphasized that when one says, "Please pass the rolls," and the breadbasket is passed around the table, the requester should accept the breadbasket in their hands with polite thanks and then ...Read more

Should I Attend My Ex's Funeral for Our Kids' Sake?

Life Advice / Dear Annie /

Dear Annie: My ex-husband is in bad health, and I expect he might pass away soon. We divorced over 20 years ago and ended on bad terms, so we haven't communicated since. But we share two adult children who have maintained a relationship with him.

I'm struggling with whether or not I should attend his funeral when the time comes. Part of me ...Read more

Ask Amy: A reader ‘updates’ advice on her dilemma

Life Advice / Ask Amy /

Dear Readers: To mark my final week writing this column, I’m rerunning some of my most memorable questions and answers. Today I’m sharing a thoughtful update from a reader whose question was first published in 2019. Her update follows the original Q&A.

Dear Amy: About five years ago, I completed a Ph.D. under the guidance of an amazing ...Read more

Kind Gesture By Couple Turns Flat Into Friend's Love Nest

Life Advice / Dear Abby /

DEAR ABBY: My boyfriend and I rented an apartment six weeks ago. A friend of his needed a place to stay due to some marital problems, so we decided she could stay with us. At the beginning, she offered us $500, and we agreed to that. Abby, she hasn't paid us a dime. She has chipped in maybe $30 for food.

She sleeps all day and sits in her room ...Read more

Single File: Augmenters and Diminishers

Life Advice / Single File /

Yes, I realize there are plenty of ways to judge your lover -- the amount of hair on his head, the sexy pout of her lips, the way just being with the person puts you on top of the world. But right here, I'm suggesting a different criterion. It's one that may not be as thrilling, but it comes with a lifetime of durable joy. For a moment, then, ...Read more


Are your dating profile acronyms saving space or scaring away?

Life Advice / Dating Advice /

It won’t take much time swiping on any dating app or website to realize that online dating often comes with a whole new language to learn. In addition to phrases like “ghosting” and “cuffing season” that may inspire a Google search when you first come across them, many singles looking for love have adopted acronyms to use in their ...Read more


Ask Anna: How to handle friends who make hurtful LGBTQ+ comments

Life Advice / Dating Advice /

Dear Anna,

I’m a 29-year-old queer, nonbinary femme. I’m a pretty quiet and introverted person, so making friends has never been easy for me. Right now, I only have two close friends, and although that might sound sad, I value these friendships deeply because they’re all I have.

Here’s my dilemma: My friends misgender me and ...Read more

Staying Away From Social Media

Life Advice / Dear Annie /

Dear Annie: I used to complain about not receiving thank-you notes, but how many times have you been to a shower where, at the end, the gift receiver graciously gives a heartfelt "thank you"?

In this day and age, it really doesn't mean that a person isn't grateful. It has been drilled into their heads to text and to send an answer right away....Read more

Ask Amy: Amy re-runs most infuriating questions

Life Advice / Ask Amy /

Dear Readers: Today I hope you will enjoy a rerun of two of the most infuriating questions I have ever published (slightly edited for space).

Dear Amy: I recently discovered that my son, who is 17, is a homosexual. We are part of a church group and I fear that if people in that group find out they will make fun of me for having a gay child.

He...Read more

Tips for Dust Mites

Life Advice / Dear Annie /

Dear Readers: One of the more interesting letters we received recently concerned dust mites, which are always a problem but especially during summer months when temperatures and humidity rise. I thought you would find these tips, offered by David Chapman of Ultimate Mats, helpful for keeping your home free of dust mites this summer.

"Increase...Read more

Ask Amy: Woman wanting to marry carries tough secret

Life Advice / Ask Amy /

Dear Readers: To mark my final week writing this column, I’m re-running some memorable Q&As.

Dear Amy: I am in the most loving relationship with the man I want to marry. We talk about marriage often.

He knows nearly everything about me. The last thing – the thing he doesn’t know – is my protected secret.

Seven years ago, I was raped...Read more

Silence After Tragedy Comes Off As Carelessness

Life Advice / Dear Annie /

Dear Annie: We would like to respond to your answer to "Retired and Busy," the grandparent who complained about overscheduled grandkids. To us, your answer was spot-on. We never felt "gaslit." At 80 and 76, we are still traveling to see our young adult grandchildren doing what they love, from five-hour trips to see a play to driving to another...Read more

Ask Amy: Bridezilla threatens to stomp over children

Life Advice / Ask Amy /

Dear Readers: To mark my last week of publishing “Ask Amy,” I’ve fired up the Ask Amy Wayback machine, and will run some favorite previously published Q&As.

Following is my very first column, published in July 2003.

Dear Amy: I have a major problem that has come up just before my Wedding in Chicago. Children. Don’t want them at the ...Read more

Millennial Life: Seeing Clearly Is the Start

There is now a regular in the parking lot of my local grocery store who asks to clean my windshield. Unfortunately, I rarely carry cash, so I request that he ask me again another time. I try to look him in the eye, but sometimes he won't meet mine.

There's been a shift locally, with more people eager to do small jobs to earn a dollar or two. ...Read more

Navigating Family Dynamics in the Aftermath of a Narcissistic Parent's Death

Life Advice / Dear Annie /

Dear Annie: Very late in my life, I realized I was raised and influenced in a narcissistic family. My late father was a (mostly angry) narcissist, and my late mother was a patient, long-suffering enabler. My father had a governmental position where he was "in charge." At home, he was also large and in charge, which suited his narcissism.

...Read more

Ask Amy: Anti-social son-in-law taxes family’s patience

Life Advice / Ask Amy /

Dear Amy: I have a thoughtful, successful 38-year-old stepdaughter. We have a good relationship and enjoy each other’s company. I live abroad, so I only see her and her family once or twice a year.

The issue I am having is with her husband, my son-in-law.

He is completely anti-social and barely acknowledges my presence.

He has never ...Read more

My Friend's Addiction Is Hurting Us Both

Life Advice / Dear Annie /

Dear Annie: I have a friend whose father recently died. They were incredibly close, and my heart hurts for her. She and I had met at her father's house 20-plus years ago and became super close for many years.

Life happened, and we're not as close as we once were even though I still consider her to be one of my best friends. I lost my own ...Read more

Ask Amy: Gender transition highlights host’s rudeness

Life Advice / Ask Amy /

Dear Readers: The following Q&A first ran in 2020.

Dear Amy: A couple of years ago, an acquaintance of ours hosted a dinner party. I was only acquainted with half the people there. The hostess didn’t make introductions.

One person present was someone I had met a few times. (I’ll call her “Jane.”)

I knew that Jane had a partner, “...Read more