Health Advice





Stroke survivors may be saddled with an invisible disability known as spatial neglect – but a simple treatment offers significant improvement

Health Advice / Health & Fitness /

More than half of stroke survivors do not receive rehabilitation after the first days of advanced stroke care. Instead of living for months or years with visible or hidden disabilities, stroke survivors can take advantage of new techniques of advanced rehabilitation to improve their function and freedom.

One condition, called spatial ...Read more

Virojt Changyencham/Dreamstime/TNS

Night owls challenge early birds for cognitive edge, study suggests

Health Advice / Health & Fitness /

The early bird may not always get the worm, at least when it comes to cognitive performance. A study from Imperial College London suggests night owls — those who feel more alert and productive in the evening — tend to outperform their early rising counterparts on brain tests.

Researchers analyzed data from more than 26,000 participants and ...Read more

Bloody Hot

Health Advice / Scott LaFee /

New research indicates that when temperatures climb above 100 F, heat can cause restricted blood flow and boost heart attack risk.

In a study, volunteers wore special suits that slowly raised the surrounding temperature. All the participants experienced increased blood flow with more heat, a sign that their hearts were working harder, in part...Read more

Statin Causes Muscle Pain In Patient With High Blood Pressure

Health Advice / Keith Roach /

DEAR DR. ROACH: I had a CT calcium scan, and my score was 530. My doctor said that this was high, so he put me on a statin (Lipitor). But it debilitated me with so much muscle pain that I had to stop. I am wondering if there is something other than a statin to help lower cholesterol. My doctor told me to go on the Mediterranean-style diet, ...Read more

Fish tales -- and tails

What do whole anchovies, sardines, smelt and herring offer you that you can't get from a filet of sole? Bones, head, organs and other inside treasures that contain micronutrients like zinc, selenium, and magnesium and a good dose of calcium, and vitamins B12, D and niacin. Sardines, for example, also deliver almost 25 grams of protein in every 3...Read more

Don't just sit there -- drink coffee!

Between work, commuting, running errands (the car is running, not you) and watching screens, a quarter of Americans are sitting down eight or more hours a day, according to a Centers for Disease Control and Prevention survey. The good news is that recent research shows "activity snacks" of moderate to high-intensity motion for one to five ...Read more

Accutane Isn't To Blame For Affecting Woman's Fertility

Health Advice / Keith Roach /

DEAR DR. ROACH: My daughter is in her 30s and has been experiencing infertility for several years. She and her husband have been tested, and the issue is her egg quality. She has had several rounds of in vitro fertilization with no success.

At age 19, she was prescribed Accutane for her acne. She had to take a monthly pregnancy test in order ...Read more

Become a non-meat protein pro

Feel like you get contradictory advice on protein? On one hand, "they" say "Eat more protein as you age to protect your muscle mass." Some evidence shows an older 185-pound adult needs 84 to 101 grams or more of protein a day! And you're told that at any age to make sure you get enough to build and repair muscle and bones and produce the ...Read more

X-Ray Done For Lower Back Pain Results In The Finding Of A Tumor

Health Advice / Keith Roach /

DEAR DR. ROACH: My husband is 81 and in good health. He doesn't have any blood in his urine or any other abnormal symptoms. He recently had an X-ray done for lower back pain, and the radiologist observed abnormalities that resulted in a CT scan with contrast (oral and IV). The major finding is as follows: "There is an ill-defined soft tissue ...Read more


On Nutrition: Sugar in wine?

Health Advice / Nutrition /

I recently had the opportunity to sample a new brand of white wine. It was excellent. As good, in fact, as any nice sauvignon blanc I’ve enjoyed.

What caught my attention, however, was the bottle. It touted a nutrition facts label. We don’t often see nutrition labels on alcoholic beverages because alcohol is not regulated by the Food and ...Read more

Insomnia And Increased Urination Occur After Stopping Alcohol

Health Advice / Keith Roach /

DEAR DR. ROACH: I switched to nonalcoholic beer a week ago due to an upcoming fibroscan on my liver later next month. I was diagnosed with a mild fatty liver this past August. I'm experiencing insomnia, plus I get up to urinate five to six times a night. Previously, it was only two to three times a night. Any thoughts or recommendations? -- A....Read more

Tattoo risks

Tattoos are no longer an act of outrageous rebellion. Fully 32% of U.S. adults have one, and that number rises to 40% of folks 18-34 years old. But it turns out all that ink is lighting up more than folks' appearance.

It can trigger an increased risk of heart failure, as well as allergic dermatitis, according to a study in the Journal of the ...Read more

Eliquis Still Being Absorbed Properly Amid Removal Of Stomach

Health Advice / Keith Roach /

DEAR DR. ROACH: I take Eliquis. I have no stomach; it was totally removed as a preventative measure due to the risk of stomach cancer. So, I have been trying to find out how much of this expensive drug is actually being absorbed. So far, my cardiologist, my primary care physician, nor my pharmacist can answer this question. I sent an email to ...Read more

Protecting yourself from wildfire pollution's health risks

Last year's wildfire season was truly wild -- there were more than 6,500 fires in Canada from May to October. Air quality in Alberta, Canada, was nine times worse than usual, and it had far-reaching effects on air quality in the lower 48 states and parts of Alaska. The more than 7,000 wildfires in California just added to the dangerous air ...Read more

Weighting No Longer

Health Advice / Scott LaFee /

Legislators in nine states, from California to Massachusetts, are considering bans on the sale of unregulated diet pills and supplements to minors. Only New York currently has a ban in place.

Nearly 1 in 10 adolescents reportedly uses some type of poorly regulated, nonprescription weight loss product. The products, which broadly behave like ...Read more

Lesion On Lung Could Be Scar Tissue, Infection, Cancer, Etc.

Health Advice / Keith Roach /

DEAR DR. ROACH: My childhood friend just emailed me that she has a 1.1-cm lesion on her lung. It was found on a CT scan. She's having another CT scan today. She is a former smoker and has COPD. Is the lesion something that's part of COPD? What's the difference between a lesion and something else? -- J.B.

ANSWER: A "lesion" is simply a term ...Read more

Taking a bite out of poor nutrition

Don't you hate it when good news is also bad news? Take the latest findings about Americans' nutritional quality. Analysis of info on over 51,000 adults shows that since 2000, the number of folks who have a very lousy diet has decreased from 49% to around 38% of the population. But almost four of every 10 folks still have poor nutrition -- and ...Read more

Analyzing The Different Causes Behind A Stroke

Health Advice / Keith Roach /

DEAR DR. ROACH: In February, I had a stroke. I received no warning, and the stroke affected my left side. My doctor put me on blood pressure medication, but not a blood thinner. The stroke has left me with numbness in my left side, but I can use my limbs OK. What I want to know is: What causes people to have a stroke? Once you have had one, ...Read more

Straining to understand new flu strain?

"No strain, no gain" may be the mantra of fitness buffs (better than "no pain, no gain"), but when it comes to understanding what happens to the flu virus year to year -- there's a lot of strain to gain solid data, even for researchers. Relax. We (and the flu vaccine) have got you covered!

Fact 1: There are new mutant strains of the H1N1 flu ...Read more

Longing for a definition of long COVID-19? We may have one now

Despite the dramatic reduction in the number of COVID-19 cases, the number of folks in the U.S. contending with long COVID-19 remains steady, at around 17 million people in March 2024. And overall, it affects about 30% of folks who contract COVID-19, whether it's mild or severe.

According to the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering and ...Read more