Life Advice





Handling Elderly Relative's Constant Interruptions

Life Advice / Dear Annie /

Dear Annie: I have an elderly family member who constantly interrupts me. Not only does she interrupt when I'm talking to her, but she eavesdrops on my conversations with others and interrupts those, too. She has been doing this for decades, so I highly doubt it's related to age. It's extremely rude, and I've tried to kindly tell her many ...Read more

Ask Amy: Volunteer feels cornered by unwanted friend

Life Advice / Ask Amy /

Dear Amy: I am a 45-year-old married woman with three children.

I volunteer for a nonprofit organization and through this work I met a nice older woman (58) in this group. “Carol” was very nice, but over the past two years, she's become very attached to me. This makes me uncomfortable.

She messages me over Facebook every morning and every ...Read more

Single File: Wired for Games?

Life Advice / Single File /

DEAR SUSAN: My fiance and I are separated but still see each other occasionally. I saw he was losing interest, so I separated to work on our issues, and that experience fits into your recent questions. I began seeing a therapist to deal with the stress of the situation and discovered I was being too nice and needed to be more "unavailable."

The...Read more


There's no substitute for time

Life Advice / Dating Advice /

In a world of instant gratification and constantly wondering “What’s next?” I’m not surprised someone sent this question to me the other day.

In fact, most days I get questions from people asking why a relationship ended when it did and wondering if they could have prevented the time and the heartbreak. Often, the answer is no.

...Read more

Hulton Archive/Hulton Archive/TNS

California settled no-fault divorce decades ago. Why is it back in the news?

Life Advice / Dating Advice /

Ugly? You have no idea.

Every nasty little private thing a marriage could churn up, every infidelity, every insult and threat, every drunken episode and squandered paycheck, every crying child — there they all were, spilled out from a witness stand in a courtroom.

Then and only then, after wife or husband had exhausted the litany of the ...Read more

In Praise of Mothers-in-Law

Life Advice / Dear Annie /

Dear Readers: So many of you were relieved that I printed a positive letter about mothers-in-law. Please find some more letters in praise of MIL. I'm sure any mother of a son appreciates these letters.

Dear Annie: I share "Change's" feelings about my mothers-in-law. I, too, won the mother-in-law lottery, twice! My first husband's mother was ...Read more

Ask Amy: Revenge plot may end with a bloody stump

Life Advice / Ask Amy /

Dear Readers: As I announced last week, my final “Ask Amy” column in this space will run on June 30. (Readers will be able to find me through my newsletter and on

Until then, I’ll occasionally open my files and rerun some previously published Q&A. Here are two:

Dear Amy: I learned that my boyfriend might have cheated ...Read more

Ask Amy: A reader offers a delightful ‘update’

Life Advice / Ask Amy /

Dear Readers: I appreciate it when people give me “updates” on previously published advice.

This update follows the Q&A, which was originally published in 2016.

Dear Amy: I’m hoping for a career in art, specifically as an illustrator.

Three years ago I graduated with an art degree and have been working to make that happen, doing a lot ...Read more

Ask Amy: Retired woman isn’t leaving her day jobs

Life Advice / Ask Amy /

Dear Amy: I am a very active 66-year-old woman. I hate being idle.

My mostly amazing husband doesn’t mind idle time.

This would be OK, except he resents my constant coming and going.

After retiring from a stressful corporate job, I have two part-time jobs; one that takes about eight hours during the week and the other four hours on the ...Read more

Millennial Life: Recognizing the Deep Magic

I've taken to repeating a modified phrase from Aslan in C.S. Lewis' "Chronicles of Narnia." Usually, it's just in my mind, but sometimes, it slips under my breath. "Do not cite the deep magic to me, witch; I was there when it was written," I'll mutter. "Of course, I know what a butterfly hair clip is."

I suppose turnabout is fair play, and the ...Read more

Ask Amy: Widower finds new life – right across the street

Life Advice / Ask Amy /

Dear Amy: After my spouse of over 40 years died last year. I have moved forward in my life in a positive manner.

I am having a relationship with a married woman (“Brenda”). As a widower, I have found this to be very helpful.

Brenda’s adult son and daughter have supported her in allowing this relationship to continue and grow.

Brenda's ...Read more

Ask Amy: Parents worry that girlfriend isn’t worthy

Life Advice / Ask Amy /

Dear Amy: My son "Jeramiah" has been dating "Anabel" for over a year.

Anabel has never brought my husband or me a card or gift for our birthdays or Christmas. She has never offered to help clean up after a meal, even when my son is helping.

I had surgery, and she never asked how it went or how I was feeling.

My biggest concern is her lack of ...Read more

Ask Amy: Amy says, ‘I’ll see myself out’

Life Advice / Ask Amy /

Dear Readers: After 21 years writing the “Ask Amy” column, I’m announcing that I’m leaving this space. My final column will run at the end of June.

I’m healthy, happy, and 64 years old. This is a decision I’ve been wrestling with for more than a year.

When I was first hired by the Chicago Tribune to write an advice column after Ann...Read more


Ask Anna: Does uncircumcised sex affect female pleasure?

Life Advice / Dating Advice /

Dear Anna,

I've been in a relationship with my boyfriend for a few months now, and our sex life is generally fantastic. He’s uncircumcised, however, and sometimes sex can be a bit painful. Is it possible his uncircumcised status has anything to do with it? — Puzzled

Dear Puzzled,

Pain and discomfort during sex are never fun, so it’s ...Read more

Ask Amy: Husband’s ‘proposal’ might be indecent

Life Advice / Ask Amy /

Dear Amy: My husband of 45 years recently came to me with a proposal. He wants to deepen a friendship with a single woman 20 years younger.

He says she lifts his spirits, is creative, and is a great mom to her children.

Their conversations are lively and interesting, and he finds that he wants to be around her more often.

I was flabbergasted...Read more

Single File: Quiz Whiz

Life Advice / Single File /

It's fun time -- tickle time for the brain. Yep, this is another chance to peer inside and come up with the truth. Your truth! The questions -- and the responses to them -- are for your eyes only; there's no editor on the case, no second chance to revise your answer, no eraser in sight. First response, best response!

Mark whether you agree or ...Read more


Hive mind: Still the place to find your honey? Bumble bungles ad campaign

Life Advice / Dating Advice /

In case you don’t know, Bumble is a dating app founded in 2014 by Whitney Wolfe Herd, who was also a co-founder of Tinder. Over the years, it’s been known for its unique approach to online dating, especially with regards to how women interact with potential matches. One of the most distinct features of Bumble is that it requires women to ...Read more

Ask Amy: Skeptical mom longs for female friendship

Life Advice / Ask Amy /

Dear Amy: I'm in my 40s. I have grandchildren, and also my own toddler at home.

I feel very blessed to have had a baby at my age, but something that has eluded me is female friendships.

I live in a rural area, but I know that's not really the problem.

I long to have a trustworthy friend.

My only friend died over two years ago, and since then...Read more

Ask Amy: Estranged sister longs to reconnect

Life Advice / Ask Amy /

Dear Amy: I am a 67-year-old woman. I have one sibling, my brother “Charles,” who is 60. We live very near each other in a rural area.

Over the years Charles has cut ties with nearly all family members, including his three children. Still, he maintained a cordial relationship with my daughter and me – and especially with my son. They ...Read more

Ask Amy: Family members crowd in too close

Life Advice / Ask Amy /

Dear Amy: I was adopted as an infant and found my birth mom when I was in my 30s. She had gotten pregnant in high school and gave birth to me at 17.

We lived in different parts of the country and after I found her, we saw each other once a year for over a decade until she died suddenly last year.

After her death, her brothers and sisters, who...Read more