Life Advice

Asking Eric: Happy marriage disrupted by differing views on hoarding
Dear Eric: I am a happily married gay man. My husband and I are retired, and we both love to spend our time shopping at thrift stores and antique shops. We each believe the other has a hoarding problem. I believe that we both do, but to varying degrees.
Our home has become so full that we only have paths to go from one room to another. Stacks ...Read more
Navigating Family Disappointments and Toxic Relationships
Dear Annie: My daughter took in some kittens that a mama cat delivered on her property. She was very selective about who she would give them to and wound up only finding a home for one of them. She decided to keep two of the kittens, along with her existing two cats, which left three without homes. She kept them for seven months and then ...Read more

Asking Eric: After an inheritance, couple disagree about retirement plans
Dear Eric: I am a 60-something man who struggled for decades, working multiple jobs at a time. Many of those jobs were physically brutal, but thanks to a generous family inheritance late last year I'm finally able to rest my beaten and broken body and retire with my arthritis meds and pending joint replacements.
My wife of eight months, who is ...Read more
Thoughts for Martin Luther King Jr. Day and Election Day
Dear Readers: Wishing you all a very happy Martin Luther King Jr. Day and Inauguration Day!
I thought it would be a good time to find some impactful quotes from presidential inaugural speeches and from King's "I Have a Dream" speech. I found quotes that inspire, unify and motivate audiences toward a shared vision for the nation. Comparing ...Read more
Millennial Life: So Close to Being a Classic
I'm the wifely stereotype in one aspect: I'm the one in the relationship who lets their car decay and slightly hides it from their spouse for as long as they can. Just until we have to swap cars because his gets better gas mileage for a trip. That's when I have to spill the beans: My heater stopped working, the brakes have gotten squeakier, and ...Read more

Asking Eric: Friend still speaking to her ex, despite his mistreatment
Dear Eric: Several months ago, a friend's boyfriend broke up with her. She is devastated over this as she loves him very much. Even though he treated her very poorly by saying she is stupid and is an embarrassment, she still loves him.
She continues to speak to him, even helping him out. She calls me to tell of the latest hurtful situation he ...Read more
When Is It OK for a Woman to Propose?
Dear Annie: After nine years of waiting for him to propose, I finally decided to take matters into my own hands and popped the question myself. His response? He said he'd need to "see what his finances look like" -- and then a week later, he broke up with me via text.
Looking back, it's painfully clear: If he doesn't ask, he doesn't want to. ...Read more

Asking Eric: Vegan housemate constantly criticizes friend’s food choices
Dear Eric: I took a job in DC at the behest of my close friend, who also invited me to live with her. She said she was retiring and moving back to her Midwest hometown. She offered to rent her townhouse to me for a really reduced rate while she's in transition.
Well, not only is she not making any attempts to move, but she also comments on my ...Read more
Reacting to Mother's Dementia
Dear Annie: I just wanted to say thank you for keeping an open mind.
I've noticed that, on different occasions, readers sometimes challenge you or want to "add to" some of your answers based on their education or personal experiences.
You are willing to keep an open mind and welcome the input. For that, I say, BRAVO!
Of course, not all of the...Read more

Asking Eric: Mother resentful after daughter moves back in with ex
Dear Eric: I've always had a close relationship with my mom and, for much of my adult life, I didn't really have a life of my own away from her. In the last few years, I entered into my first serious relationship. We moved in together and had an on-again-off-again thing for a while and are now living separately.
We are now considering moving ...Read more
Friend or Thief?
Dear Annie: I have a very dear friend who is like family. I am 20 years older than she is, and at times I feel more like a surrogate mother than a big sister.
I know she has mental health problems, including anger management, trust issues, obsessive-compulsive disorder and, at times, I think, narcissistic tendencies. But she truly is a good ...Read more

Asking Eric: After negative paternity test, ex still wants to maintain contact
Dear Eric: I took a DNA test with an ex. The child is five. My ex gave me issues about it for years but finally caved in. We remained friends. Now that it's verified that I'm not the child's father, what do I do?
The mother didn't even show up in court for the results. Do I reach out?
She has four other kids I've built a great bond with over ...Read more
Infidelity From Both Sides
Dear Annie: I just finished reading the letter from "Caged Bird," and my heart broke for her. The reason is because I lived that same life, and her letter could have been my own.
What was done to her by her mother and to me by my mother were not the products of "motherly love" or "misguided motherly concern." These were the actions of a ...Read more
Single File: The Sexual Bill of Rights
Realizing that sex is an integral dimension of well-being, I will incorporate sexual fulfillment into my singleness in ways that mesh with my personal morality.
Being of adult age and with a reasonable amount of life experience, I will aim toward being both sexual and autonomous, assuming full responsibility for my decisions.
I will adopt a ...Read more

How do I tell the person I'm dating to change?
As a dating coach, I sometimes have mixed feelings about what I learn in my job: On the one hand, I’m glad people feel comfortable enough with me to ask the questions they may not want to share broadly or ask their friends/family. And, on the other hand, well, sometimes I wish I didn’t know what goes on in the darkest depths of someone’s ...Read more

Ask Anna: Dating someone polyamorous? Here's what to consider before making the switch
Dear Anna,
I recently started dating someone who's polyamorous. I've always been monogamous but I find myself intrigued by the possibility of exploring this with her. However, I'm worried about jealousy and whether I'm considering this for the right reasons. How do I know if I'm genuinely open to polyamory or just afraid of losing her? — Mono...Read more

Asking Eric: Mother torn about giving daughter deceased father’s letters
Dear Eric: "Jim" and I had a daughter, "Helena," who was 12 years old when her father died of cancer. Jim and Helena were very close, and she knew that she would receive a letter from her father on every birthday until she turned 18.
When she graduated college, I surprised her with another letter. In it, Jim talked about his own college ...Read more
Can I Cut Out My Brother?
Dear Annie: I spent my early childhood years with a loving foster family, and today, at age 75, I have a great relationship with my foster brother.
I lived with my biological family from age 7 until I left for college. I have one biological brother, and long story short, we are not close.
Today, I can hardly stand him or his family. He brags ...Read more

Asking Eric: ‘Helicopter’ mom keeps grandkids from grandparents
Dear Eric: For the past 10 years we have always "been there" for our grandchildren (now 18 and 16) and my son and daughter-in-law.
In the past two years, things have changed. We have sent the grandkids cards, asked them to various events, and sent weekly texts. Most go unanswered, as if they are entitled. So, I recently sent them a text and ...Read more
Drive While High, Get a DUI
Dear Annie: I had a high school boyfriend 47 years ago but left him. He came to my house the day before I was marrying someone else and begged me not to marry him, but I did. Long story short, after getting divorced, I tried to find him, but I couldn't. I married again and got divorced again. I then focused on trying to find him again only to ...Read more