From the Left



America Needs More Schools Like De La Salle Academy

From the Left / Froma Harrop /

Here we are in Times Square. Maniac lights flash across all horizons. Minnie Mouse and Spider-Man are making the rounds. Packed tour buses inch below the scary headlines orbiting the ABC News building.

And it's only 9:30 on a Monday morning.

But on West 43rd Street, about a block from the heart of chaos, the school day has started on an ...Read more

We Are Entering a New World of Caregiving

From the Left / Froma Harrop /

Is it fair to ask teenagers to give up sports and parties to care for parents or other older relatives? That's an important question these days, because so many now do.

The Wall Street Journal reported on a 15-year-old high school kid, Leo Remis, who is helping his disabled mother. Leo flexes her muscles to prevent blood clots. When her hands...Read more

Children in Charge on College Campuses

From the Left / Froma Harrop /

A favorite quote from the recent campus conflicts comes from Adam Young, a freshman at the New School in New York. After student trespassers were arrested and hauled to police headquarters, he complained, "This is not OK ... We're 18 years old."

Adam, there are 17-year-old Marines.

The pro-Palestinian protestors have every right to rail ...Read more

Banning Menthol Cigarettes Was Always a Bad Idea

From the Left / Froma Harrop /

The Biden administration recently stopped a plan to ban the sale of menthol cigarettes. The excellent arguments for why they are dangerous were overcome by good arguments for why making them illegal didn't make sense.

In a world of optimal health, no one would be smoking menthol cigarettes or any cigarettes. The Food and Drug Administration ...Read more

Protests, Privilege and Hypocrisy

From the Left / Froma Harrop /

This is not directly about the issues animating the "pro-Palestinian" demonstrations at many colleges. Rather it's about the air of privilege filling the sails of hypocrisy on which many ride.

Start with the masks that protestors use to hide their identities. And from whom? In many cases from future employers who may object to their singling ...Read more



Darrin Bell Andy Marlette Lee Judge Joey Weatherford Peter Kuper A.F. Branco