




What is the famous passage in John that contains Jesus' declaration "I am the bread of life"?

Religion / Bible Trivia /

A) John 1:1-18
B) John 3:1-21
C) John 6:22-59
D) John 10:1-18

What is the famous event in Jonah that involves the Ninevites?

Religion / Bible Trivia /

A) Jonah running away from God
B) Jonah preaching to the Ninevites
C) Jonah building a boat
D) Jonah's death and resurrection

What is the famous passage in Matthew that contains the parables of the kingdom of heaven?

Religion / Bible Trivia /

A) Matthew 5:1-16
B) Matthew 6:1-15
C) Matthew 7:1-12
D) Matthew 13:1-52

How the 'God gap' is shaping Washington State votes in presidential election

Religion / Religious News /

WHITE CENTER, Wash. — An outdoor Spanish-language Mass and festival might not seem the best place to look for supporters of Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump. Democrats have traditionally enjoyed a strong advantage among Hispanic voters, including those of faith.

But Democrats' hold on Hispanic Catholics, as well as other religious...Read more

Is this really a church, and are the people there truly Christians?

Religion / Billy Graham /

From the writings of the Rev. Billy Graham

Q: After attending the same church for 40 years, the greatest challenge in moving to a different state has been finding a home church. When I ask about a certain church people tell me all about the music, sports and educational programs, but little about the Bible. Is this really a church, and are the ...Read more

What is the main theme of the First Corinthians?

Religion / Bible Trivia /

A) Repentance and forgiveness
B) God's justice and righteousness
C) Unity, holiness, and spiritual maturity in the church
D) The establishment of the kingdom of God

Christy Thompson/DREAMSTIME/TNS

Do US Catholics agree with the church's stance on birth control? What poll found

Religion / Religious News /

Most U.S. Catholics disagree with the church’s stance on a number of issues, including the use of contraceptives, according to a new poll.

The latest Pew Research Center poll, released Thursday, finds that 83% of U.S. Catholics say the church should allow the use of birth control, while 15% say it should not.

The poll surveyed 2,021 U.S. ...Read more

Does the Bible really teach that animals will not be in Heaven, specifically people’s beloved pets?

Religion / Billy Graham /

From the writings of the Rev. Billy Graham

Q: Does the Bible really teach that animals will not be in Heaven, specifically people’s beloved pets? – B.P.

A: While the Bible does not specifically answer the question of animals in Heaven, no one can miss God’s creative work in the animal kingdom. God’s creation story is the first ...Read more

What is the primary author of the Book of Isaiah?

Religion / Bible Trivia /

A) Isaiah
B) Jeremiah
C) Ezekiel
D) Daniel

Who were the two sons of Adam and Eve?

Religion / Bible Trivia /

A) Cain and Abel
B) Jacob and Esau
C) Isaac and Ishmael
D) David and Solomon

Clarence Tabb Jr./The Detroit News/TNS

Detroit pastor urges other Black faith leaders to support Trump for president

Religion / Religious News /

DETROIT — A prominent pastor in Detroit has called for other Black faith leaders to support Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump, saying any concerns about the former president's character should not deter them.

"God uses people who we may question their character," said Pastor Lorenzo Sewell of 180 Church at a Trump campaign-...Read more

The God Squad: An angry God wink

Religion / God Squad /

We assume that all God winks are positive loving supportive messages from our dearly departed. That is not true. If our loved ones were not happy with our behavior while they were alive, why would we assume that they are all of a sudden warm and fuzzy and supportive after they die? F makes the point…

Q: Rev 21:4 says, “…there shall be...Read more

Is storing up treasures in Heaven, as the Bible says, more important than preparing a will?

Religion / Billy Graham /

From the writings of the Rev. Billy Graham

Q: Is storing up treasures in Heaven, as the Bible says, more important than preparing a will? – S.T.

A: Few people like to dwell on death, and more people never prepare for it, but the Bible emphasizes these matters. Life is uncertain, but our future doesn’t have to be. Since death is an ...Read more

What is the famous passage in First Corinthians that addresses the proper use of spiritual gifts in the church?

Religion / Bible Trivia /

A) 1 Corinthians 3:1-9
B) 1 Corinthians 11:17-34
C) 1 Corinthians 12:1-31
D) 1 Corinthians 15:1-11

Stacey Wescott/Chicago Tribune/TNS

From Project 2025 to Evangelicals for Harris: How Wheaton College grads are involved in presidential politics

Religion / Religious News /

CHICAGO — As a chief architect of Project 2025, Russell Vought has risen into the national spotlight for co-authoring the controversial conservative blueprint designed to radically overhaul the federal government under the next Republican president.

But years ago, the Wheaton College graduate made headlines for another written work — one ...Read more

What is the difference between “professing Christ” and “possessing Christ”?

Religion / Billy Graham /

From the writings of the Rev. Billy Graham

Q: What is the difference between “professing Christ” and “possessing Christ”? – P.C.

A: Professing faith in Jesus Christ is clearly not the same as possessing Christ, who is the source of faith. People can have religion but not know Christ. It’s having Christ that counts.

USA Today...Read more

What is the famous passage in Lamentations that describes the Lord's mercy?

Religion / Bible Trivia /

A) Lamentations 1:1-5
B) Lamentations 3:22-23
C) Lamentations 4:1-2
D) Lamentations 5:1-7