




Is gentleness something people can learn, or is it simply imparted by God to some and not others?

Religion / Billy Graham /

From the writings of the Rev. Billy Graham

Q: There’s so much hostility today. I’ve been a Christian a long time but admit that I fail greatly in having a meek and gentle spirit, particularly in response to so much hatefulness and contempt. My aunt was a strong but gentle woman. When debates got heated and stirred people up, her presence ...Read more

Alyssa Pointer/The Atlanta Journal-Constitution/TNS

Warnock in Sunday sermon warns of kings in wake of U.S. Supreme Court ruling

Religion / Religious News /

During his Sunday sermon at Ebenezer Baptist Church, U.S. Sen. Raphael Warnock spoke out against the U.S. Supreme Court ruling about presidential immunity, saying the court is “mired in corruption” and encouraged his flock to pray, organize and vote.

“I came to warn you we are in dangerous territory,” Warnock said. “If ever we needed ...Read more

If those who are saved cannot be judged for their sins at the end of time, why do we have to appear before the judgment seat of Christ?

Religion / Billy Graham /

From the writings of the Rev. Billy Graham

Q: There are a lot of judgments in the Bible and it is very confusing. If those who are saved cannot be judged for their sins at the end of time, why do we have to appear before the judgment seat of Christ? – C.J.

A: Christians are admonished throughout Scripture to be faithful in their walk [...Read more

What is the famous passage in First Thessalonians that encourages believers to encourage one another and build each other up?

Religion / Bible Trivia /

A) 1 Thessalonians 2:1-16
B) 1 Thessalonians 4:1-12
C) 1 Thessalonians 5:1-11
D) 1 Thessalonians 5:12-28

What was the name of Ruth's second husband?

Religion / Bible Trivia /

A) Elimelech
B) Boaz
C) Obed
D) Mahlon

What are the 'works of the flesh?'

Religion / Billy Graham /

From the writings of the Rev. Billy Graham

Q: Preachers talk a lot about the “works of the flesh.” Is that really in the Bible, and if so, what exactly is that? – W.F.

A: The Bible speaks of “works of the flesh” meaning human nature in all of its weaknesses. The flesh is the lower side of people’s nature. It is all that we are ...Read more

The God Squad: ‘We hold these truths to be sacred’

Religion / God Squad /

I believe this Independence Day that the way to bring America together now is to remember what brought America together then.

What is not widely known is that the preamble to the Declaration of Independence we think Jefferson wrote is not in fact the preamble he actually wrote. This is what we think he wrote:

“We hold ...Read more

Can God restore our freedom as we chase after more power, more materialism, and more selfishness?

Religion / Billy Graham /

From the writings of the Rev. Billy Graham

Q: Our nation is in serious trouble and doesn’t know why. There is moral debasement as never seen before in my lifetime, and we as a people are losing our freedom as we chase after more power, more materialism, and more selfishness. Can we recover? – F.T.

A: People are seeking various kinds of ...Read more

What was the name of the man who advised Job to curse God and die?

Religion / Bible Trivia /

A) Elihu
B) Bildad
C) Zophar
D) Satan

What was the name of the captain of the Assyrian army who threatened Hezekiah and the people of Jerusalem?

Religion / Bible Trivia /

A) Sennacherib
B) Ashurbanipal
C) Tiglath-pileser
D) Shalmaneser

Is there something more I should do ti become a Christian?

Religion / Billy Graham /

From the writings of the Rev. Billy Graham

Q: I’m dating a guy and I believe we will be married one of these days. He has a wonderful Christian family and comes from a solid home. I’ve never known the happiness of a loving family but I want to fit in. I think they are wanting me to become a Christian but, in a sense, I believe I have ...Read more

What is the famous passage in Lamentations that describes the suffering of Jerusalem?

Religion / Bible Trivia /

A) Lamentations 1:1-5
B) Lamentations 2:1-10
C) Lamentations 3:1-9
D) Lamentations 4:1-2

What is the famous passage in Isaiah that describes the suffering servant?

Religion / Bible Trivia /

A) Isaiah 53
B) Isaiah 42
C) Isaiah 7
D) Isaiah 11

Should I look for a church that trusts me when I say, “He knows my name?”

Religion / Billy Graham /

From the writings of the Rev. Billy Graham

Q: I became a Christian as a young girl when I went with a neighbor friend to vacation Bible school. I had never heard the Bible stories and had never really experienced the love of Christian parents or the security of a Christian home. While my mother and stepfather did not permit me to go to church ...Read more