Life Advice





Asking Eric: Step-grandmother neglected by grandkids

Life Advice / Asking Eric /

Dear Eric: My grandchildren are 23 and 18. I married their grandfather before they were born. I always felt like they were my grandchildren and not step-grandchildren. They have lived with their grandmother (my husband’s ex) because their mother was unable to care for them.

We lived three hours away, but we would take them for weekends as ...Read more

Friend's Visit Strains Budget, Tests Patience

Life Advice / Sense & Sensitivity /

DEAR HARRIETTE: I moved to New York City this summer, and a friend of mine wanted to stay with me for a weekend. However, the weekend didn't go as well as I had hoped. My friend seemed to expect me to know everything about the city, even though I've only lived here for three weeks. She relied entirely on me for directions, and when we inevitably...Read more

Tactfully 'breaking Up' With Friends

Life Advice / Miss Manners /

DEAR MISS MANNERS: I have always made friends easily, even throughout moving several times for my husband's career. I'm so thankful for that. Some have become lifelong friends, and some were just close during similar ages/stages of raising our children. This is all fine and expected in life!

But what about the friends I just don't enjoy ...Read more

Family Ties and Tough Love

Life Advice / Dear Annie /

Dear Annie: My sister is eight years younger than I am. She was homeless, so my older sister took her and her grown son to live with them. "Laura" works at a plant-related business and makes minimum wage. Her grown son is an alcoholic and does not work anywhere. He forces Laura to buy him cigarettes and alcohol. When he is not drinking, he is ...Read more

Readers Respond About 'hosted Out' Wife's Dilemma

Life Advice / Dear Abby /

DEAR ABBY: I was shocked at your response to "Hosted Out" (March 28), who was frustrated at having to host, feed and entertain her husband's hunting buddy and his wife several times a year. I agreed with your suggestion that she stay elsewhere while these friends stay at her home so her husband will (hopefully) see the light when he's the one ...Read more

Millennial Life: Blocked but Not Beaten

Ah, writer's block -- the invisible brick wall that every writer inevitably faceplants into. As a millennial, I've waded through all the unprecedented events, but trying to parse them to share weekly is hard. The cursor is tapping its little pixelated foot, impatiently waiting for me to birth a sentence worthy of the digital page. I've never ...Read more

Supporting Sobriety

Life Advice / Dear Annie /

Dear Annie: I joined a dating site and receive so many responses that it overwhelms me. The problem is that I'm an older woman who looks completely different from the picture I sent. Let me explain: I put on my makeup and hairpiece (I have thinning hair due to a thyroid gland).

When all this is done, I look like a totally different person. It...Read more

Son Feels Like The Only Adult When Mom's Around

Life Advice / Dear Abby /

DEAR ABBY: I've been having an issue lately involving my mother. It feels like she isn't really my "mother" but someone who thinks we're best friends. It's like she never really grew out of her high school days -- and I'm almost 30.

I'll have days at work where she texts to tell me about her day or her recent struggles, or she asks me to find ...Read more

Neighbor Seeks Balance In Helping Elderly Friend

Life Advice / Sense & Sensitivity /

DEAR HARRIETTE: I'm reaching out for your advice regarding my elderly neighbor, "Mrs. Thompson." Over the years, we've developed a good connection, and I've gladly assisted her with tasks like fetching her mail and running occasional errands. However, Mrs. Thompson has been increasingly dependent on me for these tasks. While I genuinely want to ...Read more

Grandparent Feels More Like Ride-Share Driver

Life Advice / Miss Manners /

DEAR MISS MANNERS: Is there ever a polite way to teach other people's kids to be a little more mannerly or considerate?

For years, I have been driving my grandson's carpool once or twice a week. The three involved are good kids, and I have no problem providing this much-needed service. I know how hard it is for parents who work full-time to ...Read more

Deciding How to Deal With Dad's Wedding Drama

Life Advice / Dear Annie /

Dear Annie: In a couple of weeks, I will attend my dad's wedding. He is 77 years old and this is his fourth wedding. That isn't the biggest issue, though. My sister and I (both in our 50s) were surprised to find out about five months ago that his fiancee is none other than the woman he had an affair with 30 years ago, while married to our mom....Read more

Boyfriend Is Punished For An Imagined Event

Life Advice / Dear Abby /

DEAR ABBY: My girlfriend, "Jessica," thinks I've cheated on her because I didn't come home right away after being given the day off. My grandparents were away on vacation. When they go away, they want me to check on the house and bring in the mail and newspaper.

On this particular day, I decided to drive by, did what needed to be done and spent...Read more

Mother Of Nine Faces Divorce, Financial Uncertainty

Life Advice / Sense & Sensitivity /

DEAR HARRIETTE: I am a housewife and mother of nine children, ranging from toddlers to teenagers. Yesterday, my husband told me he wants a divorce. He says he no longer loves me and believes we should part ways. I have to face the reality of supporting our large family on my own. He proposes splitting custody of the children, but I have no clue ...Read more

Sleepy Surgeon Spoils Symphony For Seatmate

Life Advice / Miss Manners /

DEAR MISS MANNERS: I'm a surgeon who loves the symphony. Unfortunately, I work long hours, and sometimes show up at a performance after working 32 hours straight.

I recently went to the symphony ... and kept falling asleep. At intermission, the woman next to me said, "How dare you come to the symphony and just fall asleep! That is so rude!"

...Read more

Text Message Brings Trust Issues

Life Advice / Dear Annie /

Dear Annie: My husband and I have been married for 21 years. Our sex life has been very active, but other than that, he's never shown me public affection.

Whenever we go out, whether it's to the store, kids' concerts, open house at school, or sports tournaments, he never walks with me. In fact, he usually walks far in front of me and never ...Read more

Overeaters Anonymous Is Still Doing The Hard Work

Life Advice / Dear Abby /

DEAR ABBY: I recently watched a video of the founder of Overeaters Anonymous, Rozanne S., telling the story of founding the program and her own struggles with food. In it, she mentioned that your mother had been instrumental in getting OA information out to the public and was responsible for its growth.

Abby, OA saved my life, and I'm grateful ...Read more


Ask Anna: Cheating technicalities and when a boyfriend crashes friend time

Life Advice / Dating Advice /

Dear Anna,

I recently discovered that my girlfriend has been using a dating app. Not to make friends. Not even for hookups, but to find a new partner. We're not in an open relationship, and I made it clear from the start that I wouldn't tolerate cheating. When I confronted her, she admitted to having the profile but argued she wasn't cheating ...Read more

Group Frustrated By Friend's Boyfriend's Freeloading

Life Advice / Sense & Sensitivity /

DEAR HARRIETTE: I have a close group of six friends. "Jane" has always been tight on money, and we've often covered her expenses without much fuss, since the other five chip in. Whether it's going to movies, restaurants or clubs, it's been fine. However, things changed when she started bringing her boyfriend along; now he freeloads off of us, ...Read more

My Beer Needs To Breathe, Brenda

Life Advice / Miss Manners /

DEAR MISS MANNERS: My wife and I were at an informal outdoor party for a child's birthday. Right when we arrived, the hosts offered cold bottles of good beer.

If I'm drinking good beer, I like to let it breathe in a glass or even a plastic cup. I accepted a beer from the host, and then -- thinking there might be cups available that I just didn'...Read more

Major Advice Misstep

Life Advice / Dear Annie /

Dear Readers: Did you ever offer advice that you regretted because you were focused on one issue but failed to see the big picture? I did that recently, and my mistake was a doozy. A reader wrote to me telling how she had escaped an abusive marriage and found a new partner and had been happily married for many years. I chose to congratulate ...Read more