Life Advice





Ask Amy: Distant sibling longs to connect

Life Advice / Ask Amy /

Dear Amy: After our teen years, my brother and I became close.

After my mother abruptly left town to be with another man, my brother and I were left to clean up the mess, literally and figuratively.

We worked well together. A year or two later he and his family moved far away. I did my best to keep in touch, but with schedule differences it ...Read more

Ask Amy: A 50-year lie needs to be corrected

Life Advice / Ask Amy /

Dear Amy: For the past 50 years, I have lied that I was in the military and served in Vietnam.

I'm now 71. I want to come clean with my son/family.

I ran away from a bad home life at 13 and lived on the streets. It was horrible. I was beaten up and sexually attacked. I tried to commit suicide twice.

My self-esteem was so low for many years. ...Read more


Yikes! You're stuck in a situationship. When to stick around or get out

Life Advice / Dating Advice /

LOS ANGELES — Meagan Culberson, 32, was on a third date with a guy she met on Hinge when she decided it was time to ask him a make-or-break question: What are you looking for?

They'd gone on fun dates and she was interested in getting to know him better, but only if they were on the same page. She wanted a long-term relationship.

When she ...Read more

Ask Amy: Divorcing dad needs to put son first

Life Advice / Ask Amy /

Dear Amy: My wife and I are divorcing after 23 years of marriage. I am moving out soon.

We have a 21-year-old son.

I talked with him about it, and while he’s angry, he says he understands.

The problem, however, is that my marriage was bad for a very long time, and I fell in love with another woman.

My wife refers to me as an adulterer. ...Read more

Ask Amy: A crowded house needs fewer residents

Life Advice / Ask Amy /

Dear Amy: I've been dating my boyfriend for the past year. I brought my pets and we moved in with him this past December. He's an amazing guy – the absolute best!

The issue arises with his house. He owns a three-bedroom house.

Last July his sister and her family moved in with him.

This took the total number of people from two adults, three ...Read more

Ask Amy: Divorced mom is debt-averse

Life Advice / Ask Amy /

Dear Amy: I am a divorced mom in my early-30’s, with primary custody of my 8-year-old child.

I have been dating “Ben” for the past two years. He is a great guy and he is very good with my son.

We have been talking about getting married. He has never been married before (no kids) and I am gun-shy, to say the least.

I own my home, my son ...Read more

Single File: Short and Pithy Bites

Life Advice / Single File /

Take it from me, ladies: Men don't want to be our saviors. In this wildly changing world, where the unpredictable is a daily occurrence, no man -- not even a big hunk with a bigger ego -- has time (or energy) for a cloying, clinging femme. Let's face it. To be a needy female is to be a relic, out of step with today's love-style. And the few ...Read more


Ask Anna: Navigating friend flakiness: Is she just not into me?

Life Advice / Dating Advice /

Dear Anna,

This isn’t about dating or sex so hopefully it’s OK! I’ve been having an issue with a friend who often agrees to plans but becomes unresponsive when it’s time to finalize the details. It’s left me feeling quite confused and a bit hurt. We’ll start discussing meeting up, and she seems enthusiastic, but then she suddenly ...Read more


8 mistakes you're making on dating apps … and what to do instead

Life Advice / Dating Advice /

Online dating is a tool, but like all tools, it has to be used correctly to get the results you want. You might have a fancy, expensive screwdriver, but it still won’t help you chop wood.

If dating apps and websites aren’t quite working for you, make sure you’re utilizing every item in your toolbox correctly.

Mistake #1: Messaging “...Read more

Wally Skalij/Los Angeles Times/TNS

She told TikTok she was lonely in LA. What happened next changed her life

Life Advice / Dating Advice /

LOS ANGELES — In the sprawling metropolis of Los Angeles, home to nearly 4 million people, making friends is no easy feat. Especially if you're an adult. Research shows that people over 21 are more likely to face extra hurdles in forming friendships. The building blocks — time, proximity and scheduled opportunities to socialize — are ...Read more

Millennial Life: The Transitional State of Women

I can't remember how I got suckered into going to Girls State. I didn't run for student council and was certainly not a high school activist. I was an editor for the yearbook, part of the supercomputing club, and watched too much anime.

Girls State was a well-meant attempt by one of my teachers to develop a fire I didn't see in myself. This is ...Read more