


Results for Blondie & the Family

Quiz Summary:
Score: 0 of 10 = 0.0%
Total times taken: 843
Average user score: 62.7%
Top Score: 10 of 10 = 100.0%

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Answers correct: 0


Blondie, the Comic Strip, is about which family member?

  • ☐ A) the father (37.7% of respondents)
  • ☐ B) the daughter (5.9% of respondents)
  • ☐ C) the mother (46.3% of respondents) (the correct answer)

What is the husband's name?

  • ☐ A) Dogwood (6.8% of respondents)
  • ☐ B) Dagwood (83.4% of respondents) (the correct answer)
  • ☐ C) Doshwood (1.2% of respondents)

What was Alexander's pet name as a child?

  • ☐ A) Baby Turnip (14.5% of respondents)
  • ☐ B) Baby Carrot (7.5% of respondents)
  • ☐ C) Baby Dumpling (65.1% of respondents) (the correct answer)

What is the wife's maiden name?

  • ☐ A) Dooaboop (20.2% of respondents)
  • ☐ B) Boop (21.1% of respondents)
  • ☐ C) Boopadoop (46.6% of respondents) (the correct answer)

What is the name of the Bumstead's younger child?

  • ☐ A) Hanky (12.0% of respondents)
  • ☐ B) Cookie (72.5% of respondents) (the correct answer)
  • ☐ C) Patty (7.5% of respondents)

If Dithers is the boss of Dagwood, then who is the boss of Dithers?

  • ☐ A) Cora (75.0% of respondents) (the correct answer)
  • ☐ B) Sara (5.8% of respondents)
  • ☐ C) Hanna (8.5% of respondents)

What is Dithers known for doing?

  • ☐ A) Giving his employees raises (11.0% of respondents)
  • ☐ B) Verbally and physically abusing his employees (70.8% of respondents) (the correct answer)
  • ☐ C) Not showing up for work because "He's the boss!" (7.6% of respondents)

What is the name of their mailman?

  • ☐ A) Mr. Beasley (51.1% of respondents) (the correct answer)
  • ☐ B) Mr. Weasley (14.7% of respondents)
  • ☐ C) Mr. Woodley (22.1% of respondents)

True or False. As a result of Dagwood marrying Blondie, his parents disinherited him.

  • ☐ A) True (51.8% of respondents) (the correct answer)
  • ☐ B) False (37.0% of respondents)

How many puppies does the Bumstead's dog, Daisy, have?

  • ☐ A) two (36.3% of respondents)
  • ☐ B) four (30.2% of respondents)
  • ☐ C) five (23.0% of respondents) (the correct answer)