Life Advice





Left Out of Family Wedding

Life Advice / Dear Annie /

Dear Annie: Our son married into a large family. His wife's sister was recently married. We did not receive an invitation, and no explanation was given. We were disappointed not to be included. However, it wasn't until we saw post-wedding pictures of our 2-year-old granddaughter -- who served as the flower girl -- that we realized that we are ...Read more

Troubling Memories About Dad Haunt His Daughter

Life Advice / Dear Abby /

DEAR ABBY: When I was young and even as I grew older, my father touched me inappropriately. It made me uncomfortable even as an adult. I feel like when I was very small, something more may have happened. I may have been drugged to keep me from remembering. I know a few weird things that went on, and my mother knew about it. I always felt ...Read more

Asking Eric: Destination wedding leaves old friends adrift

Life Advice / Asking Eric /

Dear Eric: My husband and I recently attended a destination wedding 1,500 miles away for the daughter of friends we have known for more than 50 years. We gave a very generous cash gift, despite the fact that we are retired and on a fixed income. We received a perfunctory thank you note a month or so later.

We paid all of our other expenses for ...Read more

Husband Quits Job After Spouse Inherits Wealth

Life Advice / Sense & Sensitivity /

DEAR HARRIETTE: Six months ago, my grandmother passed away and left me a significant inheritance. I'm 24, and my 25-year-old husband unexpectedly quit his job without consulting me, believing the inheritance meant he would no longer need to work. I had made it clear that we needed to save the money for our future and continue living as we were. ...Read more

Let's All Stop Saying 'i Guess It's Free, Then!'

Life Advice / Miss Manners /

DEAR MISS MANNERS: I have worked retail and customer service jobs for about 20 years. Whenever an item is not scanning, out comes the old joke that if it doesn't scan, it's free.

I just looked at a customer and informed him that even on my very first day of retail, that joke has never been funny. He then told me I do not have a sense of humor. ...Read more

Stuck on the Sidelines

Life Advice / Dear Annie /

Dear Annie: I've been dating this woman on and off for the past six years. In all this time, she has never officially introduced me to her family or friends. We've never spent a holiday together, and she has never invited me to her home. Not even once! She says it's because of past relationship trauma, so I haven't pushed the issue.

She's met...Read more

Husband's Unexplained Disinterest May Signal End Of Marriage

Life Advice / Dear Abby /

DEAR ABBY: My husband and I have been together for 15 years and share a 14-year-old son. We no longer have a physical relationship. I'm trying to decide if it's worth getting a divorce. Our marital relations were what I would consider normal, at least once a week, before and during my pregnancy. However, once my son was born, it became less and ...Read more

Single File: Expectations

Life Advice / Single File /

DEAR SUSAN: Recently, I reconnected with a man I knew four years ago during college days. We spent a whole day in wine country, and it became clear that money is a major issue for him. He griped the whole day about spending money to taste wine and made a fuss about having dinner at the end of the day, sore at having to treat me. Keep in mind ...Read more


How much time should you spend on dating apps? You might be surprised

Life Advice / Dating Advice /

If you have screen time alerts on your phone, you already know that you probably spend more time than you are really willing to admit looking at that device. And if you’re anything like the rest of the population (or just me? Can’t be just me), much more of that time is spent browsing Instagram or playing sudoku than making phone calls or ...Read more


Ask Anna: How do I address my disability on dating apps?

Life Advice / Dating Advice /

Dear Anna,

I'm a 28-year-old straight man living with an invisible disability — I have epilepsy. I've recently started using dating apps again after taking a break, and I'm unsure how to address my disability in my profile and conversations. I want to be open, but I'm worried about being judged or overlooked because of my condition. How ...Read more

Asking Eric: Father hid son’s affair from Mom

Life Advice / Asking Eric /

Dear Eric: My son recently announced that he and his wife are divorcing. Shortly after that, I found out my son had an affair with the daughter of my ex-husband's wife. Technically, the other woman is his step-sister but they only all met as adults, so it's not cringe-inducing incestuous.

Apparently, my ex-husband knew about the affair while it...Read more

Fiance Resists Caring For Ailing Grandmother

Life Advice / Sense & Sensitivity /

DEAR HARRIETTE: I'm facing an absolutely disheartening situation involving my fiance and my grandmother, who raised me single-handedly due to my parents' struggles with addiction. My grandmother has always been my rock, and now, with her health declining, there's pressure from my fiance to move her into a nursing home. He's adamant about not ...Read more

Remote Worker Deals With Envy From The In-Office Crew

Life Advice / Miss Manners /

DEAR MISS MANNERS: I am a longtime employee of a company that has offered additional work-from-home days to IT workers willing to exchange their spacious and private offices for a desk in a shared room when working on-site. To skip the commute for an additional two days per week, I took advantage of this offer and gave up my office.

What do I ...Read more

Facing Trauma

Life Advice / Dear Annie /

Dear Annie: I am a 72-year-old retired psychologist who suffered from embarrassing sweat attacks for many years -- in fact, since adolescence. It is only recently that I have found a reason for these episodes where I would get totally drenched. In my case, it appears to be due to the "fight or flight" adrenaline rush caused by a subconsciously...Read more

Co-Worker Weighs The Wisdom Of Being A Side Piece

Life Advice / Dear Abby /

DEAR ABBY: I met this guy at work. He was everything I'm looking for in a guy. During a lunch walk, he told me about his breakup with his ex and how he moved out and bought a house. He lives with his son and his nephews and their family. The entire two months we dated were amazing. There may have been a couple of red flags my co-worker and ...Read more

Asking Eric: Filmmaker may be scamming friends

Life Advice / Asking Eric /

Dear Eric: We have a friend who fancies himself a filmmaker and has made several no-budget films. We have helped him out as performers and crew, and my husband, a professional film editor, spent several years working for no pay cutting and finishing two of them.

In the beginning, our friend started a GoFundMe to help with expenses, for filming ...Read more

Woman Struggling With Infertility Amid Sister's Joy

Life Advice / Sense & Sensitivity /

DEAR HARRIETTE: My sister recently had a baby, and while I am happy for her, I can't help but feel a deep sense of jealousy. My husband and I have been trying for a child for 10 years, and this is a milestone we've been dreaming of reaching. Seeing my sister achieve it so effortlessly -- especially since she is five years younger than me -- has ...Read more

Post-Show Small Talk Awkward For Critic

Life Advice / Miss Manners /

DEAR MISS MANNERS: I am a theater professional. My job involves giving honest (but hopefully never brutal) critiques of actors during the rehearsal process. My reputation for results and professionalism is very valuable to me -- monetarily, professionally and personally.

Even though I try to avoid it, I am frequently introduced to an actor's ...Read more

Friends and Finances Collide

Life Advice / Dear Annie /

Dear Annie: I'm in a tough spot. A close friend of mine, who I've been urging for years to save for a rainy day, is now facing a very real storm. She was diagnosed with breast cancer and is undergoing treatment. Knowing her financial situation -- living paycheck to paycheck despite her and her husband's high-paying jobs -- I felt compelled to ...Read more

Freeloading Dad Wants To Add A Freeloading Wife

Life Advice / Dear Abby /

DEAR ABBY: My father has depended on my mother (and me) for money for as long as I can remember. It wasn't because he was unable to work, but because he was lazy and had a drinking and gambling problem. My parents eventually divorced, and my father moved in with his sister (my aunt). She died in 2016, which would have made my father homeless, so...Read more