Life Advice



Hulton Archive/Hulton Archive/TNS

California settled no-fault divorce decades ago. Why is it back in the news?

Life Advice / Dating Advice /

Ugly? You have no idea.

Every nasty little private thing a marriage could churn up, every infidelity, every insult and threat, every drunken episode and squandered paycheck, every crying child — there they all were, spilled out from a witness stand in a courtroom.

Then and only then, after wife or husband had exhausted the litany of the ...Read more


Ask Anna: Does uncircumcised sex affect female pleasure?

Life Advice / Dating Advice /

Dear Anna,

I've been in a relationship with my boyfriend for a few months now, and our sex life is generally fantastic. He’s uncircumcised, however, and sometimes sex can be a bit painful. Is it possible his uncircumcised status has anything to do with it? — Puzzled

Dear Puzzled,

Pain and discomfort during sex are never fun, so it’s ...Read more


Hive mind: Still the place to find your honey? Bumble bungles ad campaign

Life Advice / Dating Advice /

In case you don’t know, Bumble is a dating app founded in 2014 by Whitney Wolfe Herd, who was also a co-founder of Tinder. Over the years, it’s been known for its unique approach to online dating, especially with regards to how women interact with potential matches. One of the most distinct features of Bumble is that it requires women to ...Read more

Hrecheniuk Oleksii/Dreamstime/TNS

5 ways to combat online dating fatigue (because it happens to everyone)

Life Advice / Dating Advice /

Burnout. We’ve all experienced it, whether at work, from school, over family obligations, or even due to a too-packed social schedule. We can also apply it to relationships — because it’s actually completely normal. Sometimes it stems from being overwhelmed (so many apps, so little time), and other times you find yourself feeling like you�...Read more


Ask Anna: Tips for when your poly partner dates someone you don't like

Life Advice / Dating Advice /

Dear Anna,

I’m a bisexual woman currently in my first significant relationship with another bisexual woman. Throughout my life, I’ve always identified as bi, but my past romantic involvements were primarily with straight men. I've been married twice and have three daughters. Despite my attraction to women, I’ve never dated one until now. ...Read more

Patrick Hruby/Los Angeles Times/Patrick Hruby

Can straight married men and women be friends? I went on a quest to find out

Life Advice / Dating Advice /

Last fall I met a guy.

He had a thick mustache and was, by my estimate, at least 10 years my junior. We happened to sit next to each other at a dinner event at my social club. I'd recently watched "Wild Wild Country," a documentary series on a religious cult, and it was all I wanted to talk about. It turned out that he loved documentaries on ...Read more

Vitezslav Sispera/Dreamstime/TNS

Ask Anna: Navigating the ripple effects of a poly breakup

Life Advice / Dating Advice /

Dear Anna,

My primary partner, who I’ll call Alex, and I have been in a loving, committed relationship for five years, and for three of those years, we've been in a closed triad with Sam. Our relationship with Sam grew organically and became a significant part of our lives, deeply intertwining with our daily routines and social circles.

...Read more


8 places to meet people IRL that aren't dating apps or bars

Life Advice / Dating Advice /

When there’s a new couple around, it’s natural to ask, “So, how did you meet?” Most of the time, it’s one of these answers: through friends, at work, or on a dating app. Gone are the days when connecting through Tinder or Bumble came with an elaborate lie about a meet-cute that stemmed from sitting together on a plane … it’s so ...Read more


Hi, Karen. I mean, Emily. Mixing up names more common than you think

Life Advice / Dating Advice /

As a parent, you’ve likely experienced the frustration and embarrassment of calling your child by their sibling’s or your pet’s name. You’re not alone, and you’re not losing your mind. In fact, a recent TikTok video has brought a 2016 Duke University study back into the spotlight, revealing this phenomenon is extremely common.

The ...Read more


Yikes! You're stuck in a situationship. When to stick around or get out

Life Advice / Dating Advice /

LOS ANGELES — Meagan Culberson, 32, was on a third date with a guy she met on Hinge when she decided it was time to ask him a make-or-break question: What are you looking for?

They'd gone on fun dates and she was interested in getting to know him better, but only if they were on the same page. She wanted a long-term relationship.

When she ...Read more


Ask Anna: Navigating friend flakiness: Is she just not into me?

Life Advice / Dating Advice /

Dear Anna,

This isn’t about dating or sex so hopefully it’s OK! I’ve been having an issue with a friend who often agrees to plans but becomes unresponsive when it’s time to finalize the details. It’s left me feeling quite confused and a bit hurt. We’ll start discussing meeting up, and she seems enthusiastic, but then she suddenly ...Read more


8 mistakes you're making on dating apps … and what to do instead

Life Advice / Dating Advice /

Online dating is a tool, but like all tools, it has to be used correctly to get the results you want. You might have a fancy, expensive screwdriver, but it still won’t help you chop wood.

If dating apps and websites aren’t quite working for you, make sure you’re utilizing every item in your toolbox correctly.

Mistake #1: Messaging “...Read more

Wally Skalij/Los Angeles Times/TNS

She told TikTok she was lonely in LA. What happened next changed her life

Life Advice / Dating Advice /

LOS ANGELES — In the sprawling metropolis of Los Angeles, home to nearly 4 million people, making friends is no easy feat. Especially if you're an adult. Research shows that people over 21 are more likely to face extra hurdles in forming friendships. The building blocks — time, proximity and scheduled opportunities to socialize — are ...Read more