Health Advice





Yuri Gripas/Abaca Press/TNS

Oregon senator proposes criminal charges and fines for rogue Obamacare agents

Health Advice / Health & Fitness /

Health insurance agents who fraudulently enroll consumers in Affordable Care Act health plans could be subject to criminal charges — and civil penalties of $10,000 to $200,000 — under legislation introduced Wednesday by Sen. Ron Wyden, D-Ore., chairman of the powerful Senate Finance Committee.

Wyden first promised the bill in May, when he ...Read more

Cancer costs for Americans with private health insurance rose after the ACA rollout and fell for those with Medicaid

Health Advice / Health & Fitness /

Low-income Americans ages 18 to 64 with cancer saved about US$1,250 per year on treatment within seven years of the 2014 rollout of the Affordable Care Act, according to my recent study.

Those patients either personally earned or were in families that made $17,609 or less per year and therefore were eligible for Medicaid, the ...Read more

Xylazine wounds are a growing crisis among drug users in Philly − a nurse explains potential causes and proper treatment

Health Advice / Health & Fitness /

Warning: This article contains graphic images.

Xylazine or “tranq” wounds – characterized by deep pockets of dead tissue – have become increasingly visible in Philadelphia among people who use drugs.

That’s because xylazine, an animal tranquilizer with no FDA-approved use in humans, is now pervasive in Philadelphia�...Read more

Environmental Nutrition: High fiber diet and CVD

Health Advice / Health & Fitness /

Q: Can eating a diet high in fiber reduce my risk of developing cardiovascular disease?

A: Yes, several studies have linked high-fiber diets to a reduced risk of developing cardiovascular disease (CVD).

Current fiber recommendations are for women to consume 25 grams/day and for men to consume 38 grams/day. However, surveys show that a meager 5...Read more

These 6 veggies are as hydrating as they are healthy

Health Advice / Health & Fitness /

Drinking plenty of fluids throughout the day is key to staying properly hydrated, but it’s not the only way to replenish your body’s water stores. In addition to keeping a filled water bottle on hand, there’s a variety of hydrating foods you can eat — especially fruits and vegetables — that are naturally full of water to help you meet ...Read more

Make virtual mental health care visits work for you

Health Advice / Health & Fitness /

Before the pandemic, talking to a therapist or psychiatrist on a video call was novel. Now it’s fairly common. One recent analysis, for example, found that video appointments within the massive Veterans Affairs Health Care System jumped from about 2% of all mental health care encounters in January 2019 to 35% of these encounters in August 2023...Read more

Mayo Clinic Q&A: Breast density reporting and supplemental testing

Health Advice / Health & Fitness /

DEAR MAYO CLINIC: I recently had my annual screening mammogram and was told everything was normal. However, I just read an article that said health care professionals must inform patients if they have dense breasts. My clinician did not share anything. Why is this information important? How do I know if I have dense breasts? What additional ...Read more

Body of Knowledge

Health Advice / Scott LaFee /

The average person ingests approximately 100 milligrams (0.003 ounces) of dust and dirt each day. Doesn't sound like much, but in an average lifetime, it adds up to six pounds. It gets worse: Scientists have estimated that the average person inhales around 50 billion dust particles an hour. Over a lifetime, that works out to 45 pounds.

...Read more

Allen J. Schaben/Los Angeles Times/TNS

Long COVID risk has decreased but remains significant, study finds

Health Advice / Health & Fitness /

LOS ANGELES — The risk of developing long COVID — enduring, sometimes punishing symptoms that linger well after a coronavirus infection — has decreased since the start of the pandemic, a new study found, with the drop particularly evident among those who are vaccinated.

But the dip does not mean the risk of developing long COVID has ...Read more

Daniel Mears, The Detroit News/The Detroit News/TNS

Why these doctors are taking a new approach to primary care

Health Advice / Health & Fitness /

DEARBORN, Mich. — Dr. Ali Rida said he became a primary care doctor because he wanted to care for his patients at the most fundamental level. But a year and a half later, he left.

After late nights filing administrative notes to insurance companies and feeling lost in the health care industry "machine," Rida decided the modern-day primary ...Read more

Appearance Of Seborrheic Keratoses Calls For A CT Scan

Health Advice / Keith Roach /

DEAR DR. ROACH: I am a 70-year-old woman who has led a healthy, active life. There is a history of cancer on both sides of my family. I've been seeing my dermatologist for seborrheic keratoses for many years. The "seb Ks" that have been biopsied were all been benign. In the past several months, they have grown to be very large or small warts ...Read more

Are you at risk of getting sick from flying this summer?

This summer, around 271 million folks will fly on U.S. airlines. That's a lot of opportunity to contract a summer cold -- or a case of COVID-19. Fortunately, planes use highly effective HEPA filter systems that pump cleaned air throughout the cabin rapidly -- the air can be completely changed every three minutes. And in many planes, about 40% of...Read more

Homeopathy for Sports Injuries: A List of Effective Remedies

Homeopathy is a safe and natural alternative to conventional medicine for treating sports injuries. These remedies work to stimulate the body's natural healing processes and reduce inflammation, pain, and swelling. Here are some homeopathic remedies that are useful for sports injuries:• Arnica: This remedy is the most popular for sports ...Read more

Worried about the health effects of the sugar in your breakfast cereal? Little has changed since the days of ‘Unfrosted,’ the Pop-Tarts movie

Health Advice / Health & Fitness /

While Jerry Seinfeld, Melissa McCarthy, Amy Schumer and Hugh Grant got top billing, sweet breakfast foods from the 1960s are arguably the real stars of the recent movie “Unfrosted,” a comedy loosely based on the invention of Pop-Tarts.

What’s more, many of those breakfast products from the movie are still household names. When I...Read more

Hyoung Chang/The Denver Post/TNS

Could Colorado communities not friendly to medicinal mushrooms put up roadblocks to stymie the industry?

Health Advice / Health & Fitness /

DENVER — No city or town in Colorado is allowed to prohibit natural medicine healing centers from opening and offering supervised consumption of mushrooms and other psychedelics to adults — that much was plain in an initiative passed by the state’s voters two years ago.

But local governments have enough tools in their regulatory toolbox ...Read more


In the 10 states that didn't expand Medicaid, 1.6M can't afford health insurance

Health Advice / Health & Fitness /

Nearly 1 of every 5 uninsured working-age adults across the 10 states that have not expanded Medicaid under the Affordable Care Act are, according to a new analysis, stuck in a health care limbo known as a “coverage gap.” That means they earn too much money to receive Medicaid but not enough to qualify for financial help to purchase their ...Read more

(Angela Hart/KFF Health News)/KFF Health News/TNS

A California medical group treats only homeless patients -- and makes money doing it

Health Advice / Health & Fitness /

LOS ANGELES — They distribute GPS devices so they can track their homeless patients. They stock their street kits with glass pipes used to smoke meth, crack, or fentanyl. They keep company credit cards on hand in case a patient needs emergency food or water, or an Uber ride to the doctor.

These doctors, nurses, and social workers are fanning ...Read more

Nick Oxford/Kaiser Health News/TNS

Bill of the Month: Her hearing implant was preapproved. Nonetheless, she got $139,000 bills for months

Health Advice / Health & Fitness /

Caitlyn Mai woke up one morning in middle school so dizzy she couldn’t stand and deaf in one ear, the result of an infection that affected one of her cranial nerves. Though her balance recovered, the hearing never came back.

Growing up, she learned to cope — but it wasn’t easy. With only one functioning ear, she couldn’t tell where ...Read more


Mayo Clinic Minute: Role of the larynx and how to protect it

Health Advice / Health & Fitness /

A medical milestone at Mayo Clinic, a total larynx transplant performed on a patient with active cancer, has generated headlines recently in the medical world. But what is the larynx and what does it do?

When you talk, many parts of your body work together to make a sound. The larynx, also called the voice box, plays an important part in the ...Read more


Dental therapists, who can fill cavities and check teeth, get the OK in more states

Health Advice / Health & Fitness /

During a game of Red Rover when she was 16 years old, Rochelle “Roz” Siuvuq Ferry lost a front tooth.

Ferry, who is Inupiaq, remembers having to get on a plane to get from her remote Alaskan village to the city of Nome to start the tooth replacement process.

Traveling to Nome for dental care is what everyone in her community had to do — ...Read more