Life Advice
Should Vegan Relatives Serve Guests Meat?
DEAR MISS MANNERS: I have vegan relatives, and when we go to their home, they prepare only vegan foods. If it is a three-day visit, we eat the same boring foods for breakfast, lunch and dinner.
When they come to my home, I always provide vegan dishes. Shouldn't they provide non-vegan dishes for me, too? Or do I have to bring my own?
GENTLE ...Read more
To Spoon Or Not To Spoon?
DEAR MISS MANNERS: My spouse and I frequently host meals for 10 to 20 guests, both personally and professionally. We have a debate over whether to put out spoons for meals when we are not serving soup.
My spouse contends that spoons may be used for things other than soup (e.g. spreads, or the last bits of thin sauces). I prefer not to set out ...Read more
Backseat Drivers Become Backseat Parkers
DEAR MISS MANNERS: What is the proper response to someone who is very vocal when you are driving, and not in a way that is helpful? For example, when I am driving us to a restaurant and we pull into the parking lot, they will tell me I could have used a closer entrance. (I may or may not have seen the other entrance, but either way, it really ...Read more
Taking Phone Calls During Family Events
DEAR MISS MANNERS: Fifteen minutes after arriving at an informal family get-together at someone's home, a relative took a phone call. She stepped out of the room where everyone was gathered and could be heard down the hall talking for the next 45 minutes.
This kind of thing seems to happen rather often. Am I alone in viewing it as inconsiderate...Read more
Issue A Specific Invitation To Generous Neighbors
DEAR MISS MANNERS: We live in a small beach community. Five years ago, we met a lovely couple who have a vacation home across the street. We are all semi-retired. They are both gourmet chefs and entertainers, and invite us over about eight times a year.
It's always fun. They also invite other couples for dinner throughout the year on other ...Read more