Life Advice



Ask Amy: Boundary-building feels like control

Amy Dickinson, Tribune Content Agency on

My parents are going to a support group and I have used my EAP for therapy, but this boundary/control/communication piece is hard.

I feel like my sister is trying to control us, but maybe I am wrong and just don't like that someone is dictating the boundaries and how the boundaries are respected, and then changes them when she wants to.

I keep wondering why she doesn’t just cut us off, but a therapist says this is how she is choosing to communicate.

Any other ideas?

– Bewildered by Boundaries

Dear Bewildered: I agree that erecting and enforcing boundaries is a form of control. Healthy boundaries help all of us to establish our autonomy, essentially keeping others from encroaching and overwhelming us.


Yes, your sister is controlling all of you. Given what she has been through, the kindest response would be for you to assume that this is simply the best she can do right now.

I wonder if her choice to switch to postal mail is an attempt to simply slow things down. Texts and calls might seem startling to her right now, pressuring her to rise to contact that she can’t manage.

You don’t say if your sister is receiving therapeutic help, or if she is communicating with you and your folks at all – after dictating these terms.

Be supportive, gentle, and reassuring with your parents. Send your sister some newsy notes and postcards. Don’t pressure her, but do your best to keep the door open – even if you don’t like the current parameters. I hope for her sake that she chooses to walk through and reconnect with all of you.


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