Life Advice



Ask Amy: Pup’s passing will bring on sister-drama

Amy Dickinson, Tribune Content Agency on

But there will be a no-win situation, because she will flip out if I tell her after the fact.

How should I handle this?

Broken-Hearted Pet Parent

– Dear Broken-Hearted: I’m very sorry you are going through this. But please keep in mind that euthanizing your pet at the end of a long illness should not be viewed as “an awful deed.”

It is a final act of loving your animal – all the way to the end.

Compared to the importance of that tender mercy – your sister’s flip-out is small potatoes.


I say, do exactly what is best for your pet, your family, and you.

Dear Amy: I am a 60-year-old full-time musician. I have performed and taught for many years.

My much younger second cousin reached out by text and asked me to play for his upcoming wedding.

I told him I was available. He has never mentioned an honorarium of any kind, and I haven't, either.


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