Life Advice



Lonely woman gets catfished on social media

By Amy Dickinson, Tribune Content Agency on

If there is a nonprofit recipient you have a personal connection with which seems to be particularly or universally remiss (your daughter's school, for instance), then I think it would be wise to make a call and/or email the school's development office to convey the overall frustration of this group of donors. If you have a stake in the future of this organization, you will want to advocate for them to acknowledge gifts appropriately.

If someone asks you outright to handle this for them with an organization you don't have a particular connection to, you should respond, "It was so thoughtful of you to do this; I'm sorry this has become a frustration. Unfortunately, I don't have any more insight into this than you do. I hope you can get it sorted out."

Dear Amy: "Responsible or Not?" asked the important question of whether she is responsible for taking care of her alcoholic mother.

Amy, alcoholism is a disease. I thought you were very harsh.

-- Upset


Dear Upset: Before she was an alcoholic, this mother was reportedly a toxic, terrible parent.

I supported this adult child's choice to let her mother continue to make unhealthy choices without trying to rescue or bail her out.

(You can email Amy Dickinson at or send a letter to Ask Amy, P.O. Box 194, Freeville, NY 13068. You can also follow her on Twitter @askingamy or Facebook.)




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