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Jay Maidment/20th Century Studios and Marvel Studios/TNS/TNS

Family guide to new movie releases

Parents / Parenting News /


Rated R for strong bloody violence and language throughout, gore and sexual references.

What it’s about: Irascible potty-mouthed superhero Deadpool teams up with stoic Wolverine in a farewell salute to 20th Century Fox's Marvel era (as produced by Disney).

The kid attractor factor: Teens will definitely be drawn to ...Read more


Ex-etiquette: Is he cheating?

Parents / Family Living /

Q. I think my boyfriend is cheating. We dated for about three months and then he moved in. We’ve been together for about 6 months now. Here’s the problem: A few months ago, he stopped coming home every night. When I ask him where he has been, he says he was drinking with friends and stayed at one of their homes. I think he should call me and...Read more


Lori Borgman: The weather is always a hot topic

Parents / Mom's Advice /

Some people are drawn to social media apps -- I'm drawn to weather apps.

I check weather apps more frequently than I check news apps. Weather apps tend to be less alarming than the news apps. Even in tornado season.

I don't mean to brag, but I know the predicted highs, lows and percentage possibilities for rain for the next five days in three ...Read more

Handout/EG&A Publishing/TNS

Marine’s account of battle in Philippines exposes war’s realities

Parents / Mom's Advice /

I wrote in a 2020 review that "The Remains of the Corps Volume I: Ivy and the Crossing" was one of the most unique and innovative books I had read in a long time. It was the military history of a family of Marines, the Remains, taking place during World War I and told by author Will Remain, family historian and Vietnam veteran.

The author ...Read more

Stillwater Press/TNS

Near-death experiences provide author a new lease on life

Parents / Mom's Advice /

“Life isn’t tied with a bow, but it’s still a gift.”

That nugget was the last item in a list of 45 life lessons offered by Regina Brett, legendary newspaper writer for the Cleveland Plain Dealer.

It’s also the last sentence in Donald G. Denihan’s new book "Hard Bargain" (Stillwater Press), best described as part gripping true ...Read more


Because she gave her husband CPR, their daughters had time to say goodbye

Parents / Mom's Advice /

Dori Monson sat on the couch cheering on the Washington Huskies in the Alamo Bowl. His wife, Suzanne, was in the next room working on a jigsaw puzzle, a Christmas gift from one of their three daughters.

A week earlier, Dori and Suzanne had hosted an early holiday family gathering at their home just outside Seattle. In the days since, one ...Read more


What to know about water safety and CPR this summer

Parents / Mom's Advice /

As people flock to pool parties, sandy beaches and other water adventures to cool off this summer, experts say learning CPR and some water safety basics also should be at the top of the to-do list.

"In general, I'm an advocate for everyone getting CPR training," said Dr. Katherine Berg, associate director at the Center for Resuscitation Science...Read more

It's Never Too Late To Learn Something New

Parents / Focus on the Family /

Q: I won't give my exact age, but I'm somewhere "mid-life." My struggle is that I fear I've wasted too much time and won't ever achieve anything worthwhile. Do you have any thoughts or encouragement?

Jim: You might be in your thirties or forties, maybe even into your fifties. Regardless of your age, or what you have (or have not) done yet, keep...Read more

The Battle Against Aging Can Only Be Fought So Long

Parents / Georgia Garvey /

The pressure for President Joe Biden to step aside in the upcoming campaign, allowing a younger (it is presumed) and healthier (it is hoped) candidate to take over for the Democrats, has intensified.

Every day -- every hour, lately -- more Democratic representatives and senators entreat him to pass the torch. The New Yorker recently published...Read more

Don't Kiss Every Boo-Boo

Parents / Lenore Skenazy /

Yesterday I watched as two kids -- about 4 and 6 -- were trying to swing from the rings at the playground.

The older one, a girl, kept jumping to try to reach the rings. When that didn't work, she tried climbing up the structure to get to them. That didn't work either. She just could not reach.

Her brother, meanwhile, climbed up the other side...Read more

Antonio Perez/Chicago Tribune/TNS

Forget upgrading the family car. These parents bought cargo bikes instead

Parents / Parenting News /

CHICAGO -- Kevin Dekkinga’s son was going to elementary school and the family faced a decision: buy a second car, or buy a new cargo bike.

His son would attend a Chicago Public Schools magnet school in a different neighborhood. His wife worked in the suburbs. And with CPS facing a bus driver shortage after the pandemic that left school bus ...Read more

Dania Maxwell/Los Angeles Times/TNS

Pricey camps. Family favors. Early dashes from work. How do parents survive summer?

Parents / Parenting News /

LOS ANGELES — Kristen Dang’s tenuously planned child-care schedule is in full summer swing — a costly, worry-inducing logistical feat that has tested her maternal prowess. And she considers herself among the fortunate.

She nabbed a coveted six weeks of camp for her soon-to-be 9-year-old son, Brady, at the Reseda Recreation Center. Back in...Read more

Universal Pictures, Warner Bros. Pictures, & Amblin Entertainment/TNS

Family guide to new movie releases

Parents / Parenting News /


Rated PG-13 for intense action and peril, some language and injury images.

What it’s about: A group of scientists and storm chasers tangle with tornadoes in Oklahoma during a busy outbreak of storms.

The kid attractor factor: Kids and teens might be drawn to the action/action and thrills.

Good lessons/bad lessons: You can't lets...Read more


Ex-etiquette: Three's a crowd?

Parents / Family Living /

Q. Six months ago, I married a man who shares equal custody of his three children with their mother. I get along great with the kids, and they have often asked me to join them at their recitals, open house and parent teacher conferences. Their dad and I are always careful to tell their mother in advance when I will be attending. It doesn’t ...Read more

Tina Rencelj/Dreamstime/TNS

Lori Borgman: Old SUV loaded with miles and memories

Parents / Mom's Advice /

We've been trying to sell our nearly 20-year-old SUV. Like most sellers, there are things we say about a used vehicle and things we don't say.

When an interested buyer asked about mileage, I said, "It has 221,500 miles on it."

What I didn't say was that I helped put a lot of those early miles on it with my dad when he bought the Ford Explorer,...Read more

Pratchaya Leelapatchayanont/Dreamstime/TNS

How stroke is different for women

Parents / Mom's Advice /

Stroke can be devastating for anyone. But the risks and symptoms of a stroke are not always the same in women and men.

American Heart Association News asked experts to explain a few of the most significant differences – and what women can do to protect themselves.

Women have more risk from high blood pressure

Women and men share many ...Read more

Vira Degtiarova/Dreamstime/TNS

Why dads should practice skin-to-skin contact with their babies

Parents / Mom's Advice /

As a new dad, you may feel overwhelmed and unsure of how to bond with your newborn baby. One simple way to establish a strong connection is through skin-to-skin contact, also known as “kangaroo care.” This practice involves holding your baby against your bare chest and has been shown to provide numerous benefits for both the infant and ...Read more


He went from a stroke to a heart transplant to an Ironman finish line

Parents / Mom's Advice /

Two months before his wedding, Vang Her had a cough he couldn't shake.

For weeks he'd hacked incessantly. How could he walk down the aisle or enjoy his honeymoon in New Zealand that way?

But his doctor couldn't find anything wrong.

With rest, Vang improved. His wedding went off without a hitch. In New Zealand while cave exploring, Vang couldn...Read more

Oceanview Publishing/TNS

Bonds of sisterhood tested in thrilling amateur sleuth mystery

Parents / Mom's Advice /

The shocking murder of her boss — and the sudden disappearance of her sister — sends Portland paralegal Beth Ralston on a dangerous, dizzying quest to find answers that she may not be able to manage in Mary Keliikoa’s smart thriller, "Don’t Ask, Don’t Follow."

At a holiday office party for her father’s prestigious law firm, Ralston,...Read more

Advice On Moving Forward After Divorce

Parents / Focus on the Family /

Q: I never thought I'd get divorced. I tried hard to save my marriage, but ... well, it's over now. Family and friends are telling me to move on with my children and start fresh. Do you have any thoughts?

Jim: Research shows that the stress and heartache of a broken marriage can be as significant as losing someone to death, especially for ...Read more