/Home & Leisure
Love Needs To Be Renewed Every Day
Q: My wife and I have been married for about four years. We're both a bit concerned that our relationship is already starting to seem a little stale. Is that normal? What can we do about it?
Jim: I get it. When Jean and I first started dating, she lived in Orange County and I lived in San Diego. During those courting days I was willing to go ...Read more
Couple Wants To Set Realistic Financial Goals
Q: My wife and I just got married. We're working on setting realistic financial goals and sorting out our budget, but we're a little stuck on knowing how much to save (especially for emergencies). Do you have any suggestions?
Jim: Most married couples find out quickly that money can (and often does) set the tone for your entire relationship. It...Read more
Most Boys Are Wired To Compete
Q: I'm a mom in a house of boys (three young sons, one husband). I grew up with two sisters myself -- i.e., "just us girls" -- so the constant competition between my little guys has been a real shock. Should I encourage or discourage my sons' competitive nature?
Jim: I've heard this same lament from many outnumbered mothers. There are ...Read more
Worker Feels Overlooked And Underappreciated
Q: I struggle at my job with feeling overlooked and unappreciated. I'm surrounded by people with more experience, skill, and/or education who get the attention. It's pretty discouraging; how can I keep my attitude up?
Jim: I'd say don't look down on yourself; your role may be much more important than you think. Let me give you an illustration. ...Read more