


4-foot snake found in box of donated books at Virginia thrift store


Published in Weird News

(UPI) An animal control officer in Virginia was summoned to a Goodwill thrift store after an employee sorting through a box of donated books found something they couldn't read -- a 4-foot snake.

The Stafford County Sheriff's Office said on social media that Animal Control Capt. J.A. Bice was called to the Goodwill store on Doc Stone Road in Stafford to get rid of the unwanted donation.

"Using his powers of persuasion, and a bit of Parseltongue, Captain Bice was able to safely remove the snake and release it back into the wild," the post said.


The sheriff's office did not reveal the species of the "Slytherin suspect seized" at the store, but explained it was likely a local snake in search of shade.

"With the rise in temperatures recently everyone is trying to beat the heat, even the local wildlife," the post said.

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