


90-year-old Michigan man receives honorary high school diploma


Published in Weird News

(UPI) A Michigan man who left school to fight in the Korean War finally received his high school diploma at age 90.

Portage Public Schools said in a news release that Bob Bonhomme was issued an honorary high school diploma from Portage Central High School, where he attended classes before being drafted into the military in 1951.

Bonhomme said he had often considered returning to school, but over the years his attentions were focused on his 40-year career at a paper mill and raising his four children.

"Life just always got in the way," Bonhomme said.

Bonhomme was having breakfast with his daughter-in-law, Diane Bonhomme, when she asked him about his bucket list.

"I wish I had graduated and gone to prom," Bonhomme answered.


His daughter-in-law soon contacted Portage Public Schools in the hopes of making his wish for a diploma come true.

"I saw the desire in his eyes when he talked about it," she said. Before his life was over, I wanted to make sure he got to enjoy and do those things.

She spoke with Portage Public Schools Superintendent Mark Bielang, and soon the elder Bonhomme was being presented with his diploma Monday at a meeting of the local Board of Education.

"We are honored to give Bob his diploma, something he sacrificed years ago to serve his family and country," Bielang said. Thank you for your service to our country.

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