Life Advice



Halloween in the office shouldn't offend others

By Amy Dickinson, Tribune Content Agency on

I am very close with my family and my husband's family, so I invited all of them to attend and watch me receive my award.

My family members are well-off, so even though $100 is a lot of money, all of them could easily afford it.

My mother-in-law told me that, "One hundred dollars is nothing to see you be recognized for your work." That made me feel really good.

My parents, however, hemmed and hawed about going and told me they would get back to me, as did my sister.

The next day, my sister called me and told me that she had spoken with my parents and they had decided not to go to the brunch. "One hundred dollars is a lot to pay just to see you get an award," she told me. She then recounted some recent unexpected expenses she'd had.

The evening after the brunch, I called my parents. Inside I was feeling really sad that they had not been there for my important moment earlier that day.


Without prompting, my father immediately told me that he had made a big mistake and that they should have been at the brunch. I thanked him, but in fact, that made me feel worse.

If he had known he was wrong, then he should have bought tickets to the brunch a day or two earlier, instead of simply apologizing when it was over. I am so sad that my family wouldn't come watch me be honored simply because of a slightly large price tag that they could easily afford.

And, had they come to me and said they couldn't afford it, I would have bought their tickets. Instead, they just refused to go.

I love my family and don't want this to get in the way of our relationship. But, I'm having trouble letting go of my sadness about them not coming. Any thoughts?


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