


Meats, cheeses left dangling from greased pole for nearly a month in Philly


Published in Weird News

(UPI) Organizers of a Philadelphia festival that ended nearly a month ago said they are working on a plan to remove meats and cheeses that were accidentally left dangling from a greased pole.

The annual Italian Market Festival has a tradition of dangling Italian meats and cheeses from a greased pole for visitors to attempt to climb and claim the prizes, but this year's event left the dangling foods unclaimed.

Organizers said a crane was brought in on the last day of the festival to remove the leftover prizes, but weather conditions led to a surge of visitors late in the day that prevented the removal from going forward as planned.


The sacks of meat and cheese have been dangling from the pole for nearly a month amid hot and humid temperatures, leading to fears the food items will rot, but visitors to the site said they have not yet detected any noxious odors.

Festival organizers said they are working on plans to get another crane to visit the Italian Market to remove the meats and cheeses, but they said it will be a difficult process as the market is often extremely crowded.

Copyright 2024 by United Press International



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