Life Advice



Ask Amy: In-law is riled over handicap parking permit

Amy Dickinson, Tribune Content Agency on

This is from the New York State Department of Motor Vehicles website: “The plates and permits may be used to park in reserved parking spaces only when the person with the disability rides in or drives the vehicle.”

Dear Amy: Several years ago, my husband joined an all-male book club. This has been a good experience for him, and I believe all the guys enjoy it.

Recently, my husband hosted the group in our home. I was in and out of the house during the meeting, not wanting to intrude.

Unfortunately, I overheard at least some of their discussion, and I was appalled!

These guys were being really sexist as they discussed the book (and other things).

I’m not sure how to respond to this, and now I’m really wondering how and why my husband continues to participate.


Your thoughts?

— Appalled Wife

Dear Appalled: Have you ever belonged to an all-woman book group — or been a guest at one?

I ask because, if you want to witness some rampaging wine-fueled sexism, pop into a group of women speaking without restraint.


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