Life Advice



It may be time for battling couple to break

By Amy Dickinson, Tribune Content Agency on

I was going to school and working to try and better our financial problems!

I can't even look at him without thinking about his disgusting behavior.

What do I do? I don't want to throw away 19 years!

Our kids have been staying with their grandparents to spare them this drama, but they obviously know that things are not good. Please help!

-- R, from Colorado

Dear R: Sigh. You don't say how old your children are, but within the last five years, their mother has been "kicked out" of the home for an extended period, and their dad went on an out-of-town sex bender.


Since then, the drama has been near-constant. (And can I just mention that a guy who posts an online review of a paid escort is a guy who is begging to get caught?)

I could lecture you about putting your children first, and I hope you are capable of that. For now, the kids have been put out of the home so that their parents can continue to play out their relationship drama.

I have to assume that their lives are more stable with their grandparents, but you must imagine the longer-term impact on them. Your behavior now is literally scripting their future.

You say you two are in therapy, but it is hard to imagine that a competent therapist would counsel you to stay together.


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