Life Advice



Ex needs to break-up a second time

By Amy Dickinson, Tribune Content Agency on

Dear Amy: I was in a two-year relationship with "Tiffany" that ended over a year ago. I created a dishonest situation with her. I take full responsibility for my actions and continue to feel horrible about it.

After the breakup, we didn't talk for a month. When we did meet up to talk, she asked me to help her and her children from a previous marriage move 1,500 miles away.

I obliged and did the favor. Since the move, I have kept my distance and tried to move on, continuing to feel horrible that I messed up the good thing we had.

Over the last year, Tiffany has texted me from time to time.

On a recent trip she made back to my home state, I let her borrow my car/apartment (while I was away).

Tiffany has often asked why I don't talk to her much and why I've kept our conversations short. I usually reply that I'm busy (most of the time, I am).


Am I obligated to keep this friendship going? I don't want to hurt her again. I feel like if I don't respond to her contacts she will become upset and depressed.

At some point I want to move on to get past my own mistakes without hurting her in the process. How do I get past this?

-- Obligated Ex-boyfriend

Dear Obligated: So, you take responsibility for being dishonest toward "Tiffany," and for causing the breakup of your relationship.


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