Life Advice



Adult's student debt has dad working overtime

By Amy Dickinson, Tribune Content Agency on

Dear Dreams: I think you should stick with it for another year -- AND go screaming into the woods whenever possible.

Keep in mind that as more women and people of color are finally joining the ranks at all levels of the film business, the overall atmosphere in this very challenging industry might also start to change. You could also take your skill set and qualifications into an ancillary business that wouldn't require you and your husband to move. But the storytelling industry does create much meaningful content that matters. You just need to find the right people and projects to work on.

You are overburdened and burned out right now. Find some non-industry-related things to do for fun (granted, a challenge in an industry town), stretch creatively outside of work and definitely spend as much time as possible in nature. There is no better way to clear your head.

Dear Amy: In your sensitive answer to "Upset Citizen" you remarked that people sometimes ask foreign-born Americans, "WHAT are you?"

One way to respond is by answering this question with a question: "Well, what are you?"


-- Been There

Dear Been There: It's certainly worth a try.


(You can contact Amy Dickinson via email: Readers may send postal mail to Ask Amy, P.O. Box 194, Freeville, NY 13068. You can also follow her on Twitter @askingamy or "like" her on Facebook.)




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