From the Right



Hell Yes, This Is 'the Great Replacement!' That's Why Social Media and the Entire Mainstream Media are So Scared of My Speech That It's Been Banned, Censored and Demonized Everywhere! Here It Is!

Wayne Allyn Root on

Result? Democrats are stealing not only elections but the whole country. If Democrats can bring in enough new illegal aliens, no Republican president will ever win again. Soon Democrats will control the Senate and House forever more. And then ... America is finished.

Need further proof? While this nation is on fire; while millions illegally cross the border; while hundreds of thousands more are flown straight from the Darien Gap in Panama into the USA with $20,000 loans by Uncle Sam (forgiven the moment they land on U.S. soil); while we spend a half TRILLION dollars a year on illegal aliens (which means the national debt will soon overwhelm the economy and collapse the country); while America is experiencing a crime wave like no other in our history; while our schools and health care system are being overwhelmed ...

Worst of all, while our colleges are invaded and occupied by vile, violent Jew-haters from Muslim terrorist-controlled nations flying Palestinian flags, burning U.S. flags and chanting "Death to America"; while Jewish students' lives are threatened; while Jews feel persecuted like never before in our country's history ...

In the middle of all this, President Joe Biden is telling us he wants to import Palestinians from Gaza.

What? Palestinians? People so poverty stricken for generations, so addicted to welfare, so dependent on government, so filled with rage and hate for Jews, Christians and Americans, taught from childhood to murder Jews, and their ranks so filled with criminals and terrorists that no Muslim nation in the world will take them.

In the middle of the anarchy going on at our colleges, Biden wants to pour fuel on the fire? He wants to import the most serious Jew-haters, America-haters and Islamic terrorists in the world? Because we don't have enough trouble already?


He's willing to further endanger the lives of every Jew in America?

What this tells you is Biden (and his boss Barack Obama, who is directing all of this) must be hell-bent on the intentional destruction of America.

Or perhaps Biden simply wants to import more bodies into America to vote Democrat. Any bodies at all, as long as they're warm and willing to vote Democrat for life.

Even the Palestinians, who no Muslim country in the world wants to touch because of the violence and terrorism they bring.


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