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Exotic Egg Salad

Zola on

Our cats have this all figured out.

At first it was pretty clear that by being around all the time we had interrupted our cats’ usual routines. They were accustomed to us checking on their whereabouts, turning off the lights and heading off to work each morning. You never know what your cats do while you’re gone but evidence showed they took naps. Long naps.

They still take naps but some of their behavior has changed in light of our being locked down and staying home...

Read the full article at

Exotic Egg Salad

This is great as a light lunch time meal and a great holiday recipe. The juxtaposition of the sweeter apricots with the curry has the exotic taste I was looking for.


Servings: Yields 2-3 cups


6 eggs, hardboiled and peeled
¾ cup of mayonnaise
½ cup of diced English cucumber. I peel mine before dicing. English cucumbers are seedless and very convenient.
½ cup of diced dried apricots
½ tsp of curry powder (or to taste)
¼ tsp of grated sea salt
¼ tsp of black pepper



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