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Tipsy Plums with Sweet Cream

Zola on

A simple, tasty summer desert.

Servings: Serves 2


For The Plums

3 ripe plums sliced thinly (no need to peel them)
1/3 cup of vodka. I use orange or vanilla-flavored vodka. If you do not cook with alcohol, use sparkling water.
1 tsp of Truvia (or to taste)

For the Sweet Cream


1/3 cup of crème fraiche (find this in tubs in the cheese section or near the cream cheese)
1 tsp of organic vanilla
½ tsp of Truvia


Heat plums vodka and one teaspoon of Truvia on medium and cook until the plum slices are softened. Remove from heat and set aside so you can make your sweet cream topping.

In a small bowl, mix the creme fraiche, vanilla and a half teaspoon of Truvia well with a spoon. Serve over the warm plums.

BIG YUM! Enjoy!




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